Vulpine said:
... you realize that online dating and Facebook are simply video games for women.
You know the best way to avoid being in a car accident?
Don't be around when it happens.
I think I should explain the "not be around the car accident" a little better.
Online dating, texting, and Faceplant are women's video games. It is a "choose-your-own-adventure romance novel", just like Mario Bros. or any first-person-shooter game, it's just a different story-line: the princess in the castle is controlling Mario. "Save me! Save me!" *tweaking joystick, mashing buttons* The irresistible part for women is the DRAMA. The rate-of-play is
so much
slower than a first-person-shooter, so the suspense and the build up feeds their drama need. There are no "save points", so that's DOUBLE the drama! It's REAL TIME combat action! Act now and we'll include, at no extra cost, real-time attention and validation! Also, the online dating video game appeals to a woman's skill set. Women are socially adept in ways men aren't: they don't have brute strength to help them survive, so they develop and rely on social skills instead. The social context of the video game is the woman's natural arena. Everyone likes playing games that they are good at/win, so naturally, online dating is a fun and exciting supplement to a woman's naturally awesome day game (they only need to "be around looking pretty" to get hit on, how awesome is
that?). For a man, to get sucked into that game made and marketed for women consumers, is "feeding the monster". Do men enjoy drama? Going after women online is
chasing them. One would think the pandering element would be clear to a DJ.
Those companies are rich-as-ƒuck simply due to the sheer volume of AFC's and attention whøres. Greed insures that a large chunk of that profit goes to marketing to recruit new subscribers to the video game server. "It's a great game! Everyone is doing it! And, LOOK! These losers got married after they played our game! Be like these losers, and WIN!" I, for one, tend to avoid doing "what everyone else is" purely to stand apart from the average and frustrated. I found that "less is more", so putting the effort into online games is too much bother with no guarantees. It's simply a bad return on the investment: time-wise or financially. But, I've been practicing avoiding "corporate-created needs" for some time now. Just as DeBoers created the need for the engagement ring (look it up) to sell more diamonds, online dating is a created need. They're doing a great job of selling it, and look, everyone assumes you need an engagement ring. Once cultural habits shift to widespread usage, the society perpetuates that usage, despite the products need, function, or proven consequences. Consider coal if you need a slap-in-the-face stupid practice that society perpetuates. Tampons are another good example. They're actually BAD hygiene, but the market is still there.
Initially, I saw how Anti-Dump's methodology could work when applied. I used that method when I deactivated my account: just let the bait sit like a bobber and a worm until the sun went down. However, after some further consideration, I've changed my stance on the matter. With Anti-Dump's method, a woman's signal, or IOI, is a real-life one. She's twirling her hair when looking at you, biting her lip, showing her wrists, etc. Those are
real actions, but not so much deliberate actions, but natural behaviors that we
notice. When you try to apply AD's method to online video games, the woman is making a deliberate move. She's picking you overtly, then we "notice". Just like a "Sadie Hawkins" dance, she is the one who choses, not you. Using AD's method online is exactly like going to a club and standing around until a woman approaches you (the man's actions are the same). Anti-Dump's Machine is NOT "wait for women to approach you", then notice they are interested. Sure, there is a certain amount of qualifying you can do after-the-fact, but you still aren't leading the dance. You participate, yes, but
lead? No, you are a product in a window shelf, and women are the window shoppers. You are a vibrator/wallet combo in a pretty gift box display by the checkout waiting for an impulse-buyer. Granted, that's fantastic if you are the legendary 6'5", athletic, sensitive, funny, doctor/lawyer/accountant unicorn with a Mercedes. You cease to be a unique individual and pattern yourself after "what sells". Clearly, a DJ should be bettering himself, but not "just to get women". When we talk about "online game", we are really talking about how to change into what we think women want. Anti-Dump would be proud of us for sitting around waiting for a ticket to win a chance at a seat in show where you might get a whiff of an almighty golden whøre snatch.
So, when I say, "The best way to avoid a car accident is to not be there when it happens", what I'm saying is: be proactive, not reactive. We don't encourage chasing or pandering, yet, guys go to the arena, suit up, and rush out of the locker room to play a woman's game, on a woman's field, in a woman's arena. You sign up for an account, make a profile, then clickety-click-click... hope. The online dating "car accident" is the bunk date, the flake, the fatty, the crazy BPD/aw/single mommy...
You can avoid them by, instead of getting on "lousy driver highway" and pulling up next to drivers yammering away on their cell phones, putting on lipstick, reading their texty messages - waiting for them to crash into you - you simply don't get on that highway; or at least, don't keep pace with scary drivers. Don't suit up to play that game in that arena. Don't put your nuts in someone else's basket. Don't believe the marketing, and don't make those terrible-for-society companies rich with your clicks.
Surely you've gathered by now that my stance on online dating isn't purely because of the junk to be found there. We, as men, do our fellow men a disservice by supporting this trend. By creating an account, our actions say: "I'm done with clubbing women over the head and dragging them back to my cave. Here, take the club; use it on me. I've grown my hair out long for you to drag me by, but I'll drive right over to your cave if you prefer: what kind of car should I buy to pick you up in?"
I understand, though. Getting laid is top priority for some, damn the ramifications. That mentality is the same as a person who throws trash out the window and says: "ƒuck it. I'm not coming back this way. Besides, it's not like I'll be around long enough to see any cumulative damage." Or the same as someone who leaves every light on in the house and says: "I can afford the bill." They don't have any regard for the coal burning at the power plant, or the future.
I mean, Damn. Step back for a minute and consider reading things like: "I like tinder, it seem like there are far more chicks that are DTF on the first date." Is going to where you find the "whøriest" women really a boon, all things considered? Is encouraging "cøck-carouselling" our best route? If you're thinking "Hell yeah, the sluttier, the better!", then a DJ mindset just might not fit into your head, and you should go with whatever gets your dumb ass laid. Sure, you can meet chicks online. It's still possible. Text away. Go for high score on Facebook, too. Go nuts.
But, I wish the manosphere could unite on some matters to affect change. By saying, "No" to texty games, Facebook, and online dating, we say "You'll have to be agreeable in real life, no more games, or you don't get any." And we can "say" it with our actions. Sure, AFC's will persist, but we'll have a clear answer to that question "Where are all the good men?" They won't be virtually sitting in a window waiting to be bought, they'll be out shopping in real life.
One final point regarding the sterility of texty games, Faceplant, and online dating: feelz. If you consider sound is vibrations, then consider your voice is essentially a vibrator, then you'll understand how ineffectual the virtual game modes are. Instead of your voice ƒucking a woman's ear-hole until she's stimulated to enough to scream "YES!!", she's reading text. Text doesn't make bones in the inner-ear move, it doesn't vibrate, there is nothing to feel. So... indeed... online game is no game at all. It's the anti-game.