Meet AFCforever and why he will never get laid


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2007
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Meet AFCforever and why he will never get laid

This story took place Monday at the bar. Now I am not an alcoholic, I only went to the bar Monday because the this dance team rented it out and if none of you have ever dated dancers most of them have smoking bodies. So I thought it would be a great opportunity to sarge on. My friend, lets call him AFCforever, also wanted to go. So I told him I would meet him over there later on in the night after I finished work.

So both of us met up at the bar later on that night. I see this girl, lets call her HotBrunnet, chat her up for a bit, use my game to get her hooked, and leave to go do a shot with another one of my friends. In the game this is referred to as a set up. But, AFCforever AFCly stays around HotBrunnet like a fly around ****. I got on to chat up other hot dance team girls, by myself, and say hi to my friends that I happen to run into.

I come back to AFCforever only to find that HotBrunnet had left him to go talk with her dance buddies. I ask him if he wants to sarge on with some of the other girls I have set up as I was making my rounds. HE SAYS NO!!! Basically saying it would be out of his comfort zone! Utterly stupified and realizing I want to dance with a HB and possibly take some ass home rather than listen to AFCforever pine and *****, I take a walk looking for my setups. I find HotBrunnet and we get on the dance floor. All I can say is she had an ass that didn't quit and I could see why she is on the good dance team! :yes: At this point AFCforever tries to steal a dance with HotBrunnet, what a good friend huh. I basically push him away thinking to myself 'is he kidding?' Last call comes and HotBrunnet doesn't want to drive home because she has had a few drinks. So I offer to drive her and her friend back to their appartment. I end up staying at her appartment and leaving the next morning.

When I get back to my place I discover the following text messages from AFCforever:

Message 1: "As of right now my alarm is set for 6 am, ask HotBrunnet if she needs a ride back to her car in the morning."

Message 2: "If your staying over her place be a gentleman and do nothing I would do, I'll talk with you tomorrow."

I'd like to recap at this point and bring to your attention some do's and don'ts learned by this story

Never ever get in the way of a friend when he is throwing down good game. Decent friends will pay you back if you help them out with women and vice versa. This type of cooperation raises all of our games and gets each of us more women. But, if we are fighting amounst each other than one women we were after will probably not go home with any of us or only one of us and the others are left with their right hand.
Picking up women is the same as playing a sport. When it is a team sport everyone needs to work together to get a score. For example in football, if the fullback doesn't block for the halfback then the team doesn't get anypoints. The same if for picking up women if your friend doesn't put in a good word for you to the HB it will be harder to get that HB.
Now I succeeded over AFCforever tonight but maybe on another night he would of **** blocked me. This is why I will never go out sarging with him ever again. Good wingmen translate into an easier time getting laid. Therefore on your quest to become a Don Juan it is not only important to improve yourself but to have a good backdrop of friends who can help you learn also.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2005
Reaction score
Seen this theme a lot here, DJ attracts some HB and then after a while his AFC friend comes and

a) tries to capture the HB for himself, or
b) tries to ****block DJ, or
c) is generally annoying whiny little sh1t.

For AFC it is great to have some DJs as friends. DJ is capable of bringing girls into life of AFC. He can learn some things which work. But really, if he doesn't start consciously to think about this stuff he won't get anywhere. It's just sad that these kind of people ruin our game/night/mood, no matter how good friends they are.

Indeed, jealous guys make bad wingmen. Good buddy who is also a DJ is pure gold in the field. The rule every guy should get is "whoever opens the HB first gets the right to game&fvck her and wingman must assist him the best way he can." If I were u I would verbalize this concept to AFC4evr, this would allow much better time sarging out/clubbing.

Ps. Haha, Message 2: "If your staying over her place be a gentleman and do nothing I would do, I'll talk with you tomorrow." :D So, he really believed he had a chance with her. Hope u were a gentleman and didn't do all the nasty things ur AFC friend would have done to her :)


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
LionOne said:
Ps. Haha, Message 2: "If your staying over her place be a gentleman and do nothing I would do, I'll talk with you tomorrow." :D So, he really believed he had a chance with her. Hope u were a gentleman and didn't do all the nasty things ur AFC friend would have done to her :)

Hahahaha...Don't worry LionOne, I was a perfect gentleman. I didn't do anything nasty, I just straight up ****ed her. lol, it makes me laugh that
AFC4evr thinks he has game or that he had a chance Monday. He tries bragging to me all of the time about "all of the women who love him". I only encourage him b/c watching a train wreck can be fun sometimes.:D


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
That guy disgusts me. It's basically like the only thing he is good for is you go to the bar with him, go game a girl because you know he won't. He'll latch on to her for the rest of the night and keep other men from approaching her, then you can go meet other women and go back to her if you want. He wanted to give her a ride back to her car at 6 am???


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
I would of messaged him back and said "dont worry about setting your alarm that early, I'll still be fu*king her at 6am. Talk to you later"


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
I dislike guys like that. I think me and my buddy have a understanding that either I won't get in his way or I will raise his social proof. Maybe not though my friend doesn't know about this stuff.

Dr. Jim

Don Juan
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
LOL I know that guy. But my friend I knew turned into a total clingy-*******-type-****, and disrespected me to my guy friends - turns out nobody liked him because he was doing it to everyone. Anyways, yeah a jealous man with no game is a bad friend to have.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
I have a friend kinda like this.

He used to obsess over a coworker back when him and I were roommates. He wanted her bad but there's no way she was going for him. Well, I meet up with he and his coworkers one fine night and sure enough she was attractive. It took me less than half an hour before I had her flirting with me right in front of him. He was pissed, but took it like a man, which shocked me.

A few months later we were out at a party and he started trying to pick up this hottie. He had no idea what was going on, but he immediately put himself in the LJBF Land. At the end of the night he beamed at our other friend and I with the perfect words, "I could have gone home with her tonight." Cuz you got a hug from a hot girl? Man, we laughed in his face for a few minutes. It was classic.

Maybe someday he'll get a clue.
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
Lets face it. This world is full of AFC's. Believe it or not, I was once "that guy". It all changes once you get that first success though...

Nothing against that guy, but damn, he might as well have stayed home and watched desperate houswives. Good wingmen are hard to find. Any schmuck will go to club or bar with you, but it takes a knowledgable DJ, or maybe even just someone who knows how the game works, to make the night complete.

A toast to all the DJs and aspiring DJs out there...Carry on men, Carry on!
