Gaucho said:
You have mastered meditation in a week? What a load of BS, anybody who has learnt meditation knows its like any other skill, it takes a long time to learn and see vast benefits from.
hey... i have not mastered it... I’m just sharing what i have observed in last few days..
i,m doing in it in really simple way..about 20 mins to 30 mins..but let me tell gives a feeling of bliss...
along with this, I’m trying to control mind throughout the day..
so now i will point of the method of meditation...
Lights off : i don’t really care about lights...
Sitting: i do this one.
Lotus pose
if you can’t get in above pose .. get in this pose
3) music: I’m my own
I close my eyes and chant OM
if you dont know how to chant OM..see below link
I have read it somewhere...before creation of matter .i.e. Universe. There were space and noise...OM is that noise..
I feel its true..just close your eyes and try to listen carefully will hear sound of OM in nature...its it a magic..
4) while
chanting OM [eyes closed].. I try to
concentrate on OM sound and its vibrations..
[I know there are other random thoughts that will come in mind..everytime this happens..dont flow/drift away with that thought. Let the thoughts come..they will flood your mind..but just dont entertain them. bring your mind back to focus on OM sound and its vibrations].
Ideal state : no thoughts at all[i dont think thats possible]
5) after
20 counts of OM..
stop chanting OM.. now just concentrate on inhaling and exhaling process[keep eyes closed].. DONT entertain a single thought[this is most difficult part for me becuase my mind floods me with random thoughts]..try to focus on your breath ..for me this state last's for 2 to 3 mins..[sometimes i feel ..i will fall to ]..after that i get drifted away with random thoughts.. when you get totally drifted away.. start chanting
OM again[eyes closed] 20 counts.then concentrate on inhaling and exhaling process till you get drifted away.
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..repeat this process..i do it for 3 times..
after meditation i practise
Thought control through out a day..[i find it very useful.. but very difficult too]
My thoughts about thought
1) I think we have certain energy.. mind energy.. which we can use throughout the day..
every thought..every single thought[random/useless, negative, positive].. which comes in mind..takes away our mind energy..
3) negative thoughts takes away lot it..
4) positive thoughts take away neutral energy ..but open up mind energy in such a that it is easily available and can be consumed.
5) random/useless thoughts.. main drain of brain energy..[for me this is the major one..]..they draw neutral amount.
6) karma thoughts : they draw neutral amount brain energy
to give an example. I will provide units for energy drain.
Let us consider single unit of brain energy available as "D" at a single point of time
negative thoughts =
-(5 * D) [when ever you get negative thought. Stop it at that point.cant loose energy here...its biggest loss of mind energy] ..[try to be upset for 1 hour..and then try to something creative. You just cant do it.. because you have left with no energy at all]
positive thought =
-1D [but it makes brain energy available at [2*D] rate at a single point of you can work much better and do much more creative things when you get positive thoughts]
useless/random/karma thought =
-1D [how many useless/random thoughts do you get per count is huge..its really a pure waste of brain energy]
when your mind energy gets feel tired. You feel sleepy.
if you can
eliminate useless/random/negative thoughts...there is vast amount of energy which will be saved and can be consumed for karma thoughts[action thoughts].
you can perform much better now.. because you have more energy left
your mind is
more focused.
you can
grasp things quicker.
mind will become
clear.. instead of cluttered. You can use this in your GAME...girls will become more impressed..
![Smile :) :)]()
you don’t feel sleepy…
how to save energy from useless/random thoughts??
keep watch on your mind...try to avoid useless/random/negative thoughts [
third person watching technique]..
when you sleep ..your mental energy is free of [best things in life are for free]
and i think..and when you do meditation you reduce your thought count..and our body has habit of reducing the thought process/counts only during it thinks you are about to you feel you are about fall a sleep while meditating..[i have observed it many times..when i try to concentrate on inhaling process after 3rd OM chanting set..i just can't keep my eyes]..
they say while meditating should keep your eyes half opened and half closed[]..but thats not possible for now...its better to keep eyes
meditation will keep help to keep your mind focused.. and in turn will help you to reduce the though energy drain...
![Smile :) :)]()