I was one of those anxious guys, stuck up in my shell, afraid to talk to people. What did it for me was marijuana. I didn't get high to go out, instead I got high at home, alone, for introspection, meditation, and just plain thinking. Then I got into nnDMT, that's the stuff your brain produces when you go into deep rem sleep. It's cooked from same ingredients as one of those methoamerican brews shamans use to enter the spirit world.
I know what you thinking, drugs, bad. But face it my friends, the anti anxiety drug suggested here probably has more side effects than marijuana and DMT have combined. You certainly don't want to off yourself after using either one. Nor are they addictive, nor your mind gets ****ed up as reported with lsd. For all practical purposes it's all natural herbal treatment, shamans use it in the jungle to this day.
Anyway, DMT, and especially the visual drug called nnDMT is some cool stuff. You don't just trip, you enter a world, in your head of course, which is like God's control room. There are intelligent creatures there. You can enter and fix your problems, discover new things, etc.
My word of advice if you want to use either marijuana or nnDMT, don't abuse them. Because just like with any other drug you get immune to effects, and begin chasing the dragon, using drug more and more often. That's dangerous, because you withdraw from the world and focus entirely on chasing the dragon. It happened to me with marijuana. The proper way to use weed is to buy half oz of crippi, and one hitter pipe. Smoke it once or twice a week, no more than that. And while at it do something useful, meditate, read book, watch a movie. Use your high time to better yourself. DMT should be used once a week at most. The idea is not to get high and go out, but to use the extra insight you gain from modified state of mind for introspection.
In other words, these natural drugs are used to help you discover yourself.
The prescription anti anxiety drug you described, just like any other pharmaceutical, is what's really bad for your mind body and soul. If you don't end up killing yourself, most likely you'll kill your organs, and get addicted to prescription drugs. I stay away from anything but aspirin and prefer herbal treatment instead. I suggest all do herbal medicine. There is nothing but money, sales people, competition, and evil at the pharmacy. They don't care about you as much as they care about their profits.