Originally posted by htemorp
I think by starting your conversation with "u want to come to this party" is going absolutely no where. You established no rapport, nothing
MattB, I really have to chatize you on this occasion. I would hope that, if NOBODY ELSE, then at the very least one of the people I have devoted the most INDIVIDUAL attention to in terms of help with their game would understand my ideas. It is clear that you have not grasped them so I will remind you.
She didn't give you her number because she was into you. She gave it to you out of her desire to appear as a nice person. If she didn't give it to you she'd seem like a b1tch, right? That's what you are up against when you now decide to call her even though you have not even BEGUN to establish any kind of rapport. You don't even know each other's NAMES for chrissakes! What basis have you presented for her wanting to spend time with you? All of this goes back to that DeepBlue post I had you read about feelings of obligation versus feelings of desire. I remember you saying that that post will change your life. What's that going to happen, MattB?
Now you are asking us what you should ask her out to do. Well, I have news for you that's not your problem. You need some rapport and if you can manage that then you can ask her to do ANYTHING (well...almost). If you just call her up and ask her to go out to a movie or hang out with your friends or what not and she *MAY* say yes, but how is that any different from getting a phone number with no rapport. Now you have a get-together with STILL no rapport. I am not seeing that finality of this one.
Is this situation winnable? Absolutely. With the right skills almost anything is winnable (within reason), you have just picked a particularly difficult one. What you have to do is build rapport over the phone because none was built when you got her number. THAT should be your concern, not what you should ask her to go do, arranging a meeting is the EASY part! Getting that meeting to be HER idea as well as yours, THAT is where you need to focus your energy. HOW do you do that? Juggler has posted good material on rapport, I have posted what I have learned from him and some of my own stuff and I KNOW that *YOU*, MattB have read all the posts. You've read the material, now go do the exercises and develop the skills. That's the only way this is going to come to you. Which brings me to my next concern...
I think that you are a little out of touch with exactly how much work is required of you if you are going to get good at establishing rapport with people and picking up girls. And I even hesitate to use the word "work" because it's really a lot of fun. It HAS to be fun for you or else you will not enjoy it and will not stick with it as result. But the reality is that anything worth having requires dedication (work) in order to achieve. How badly do you want it? The answer to that question determines how skilled you will become.
The situation you have posted about is a no-brainer. Quick number, little to no rapport, high percentage of not going anywhere. My phone game is better than any guy I have personally met who is not a natural in the game with the possible exceptions of Juggler and David Shade and establishing the kind massive rapport with a girl that I would want over the phone who I barely spoke to when I met her is a tricky situation for ME. Am I saying it's not worth giving it a shot? Absolutely not! Go for it, dude. But you should not be attaching ANYTHING to the outcome of this and the fact that you are POSTING about this no-brainer non-event suggests that you are attaching WAY too much importance to such a simple interaction/situation, which brings me back to my point...
If you are going to post about THIS, then I would venture to guess that this
message board reads about EVERYTHING PU/DJ/seduction related that occurs in your life. If you have time to possibly post about every specific situation (success or failiure) that goes on, then guess what.....NOT ENOUGH IS GOING ON.
So my advice is too attach less outcome to results, think of your experiences as building your skills and remember what I know you have learned.