

Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
So there's a girl, we met in August, been going out together until October (lots of kissing and kino), then she began to be more distant, disrespectful, and said that she isn't sure if she still likes me. I went NC, after about three weeks she texted me, I was acting as if nothing has happened, after a week she texted me again, this time it was more friendly. I asked her out the next week, but she was feeling ill so we were together maybe 10 minutes after school then she hugged me, said that we will be longer together next time and went home.

Another week passed and she wrote on my FB wall to wish me happy birthday, nothing big. Next day I bumped to her in town, she came to me and hugged me, we then both went our way sice we both were with friends. This was two days ago.

Today I wanted to go out with her again, I called her and it went like this:

ME: Hi are you in town?

HB: No, I'm at school and will be till tomorrow.

ME: Why?

HB: Bla bla (she is basically a waitress at a prom). Come visit me. (It's about 5km away from where I live)

ME: I most probably won't.

HB: You're such a dummy (a word that's hard to translate, it has playful meaning)

ME: What kind of word is that?

HB: bla bla

ME: So ok then, we'll see eachother some other time.

HB: Maybe.

ME: Yes, maybe. Bye.

HB: Bye.

So is she just trying to play some stupid mind games with me since she called me to go see her and then says that maybe we won't see eachother?


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hate to break it to you, but welcome to the friend zone. Sounds like she's not a whole lot interested and it sounded like a she suggested going to see her as just being nice. You were right to say you wouldn't go see her, but you should have been more playful about it, maybe something like "We'll see, I'm a busy guy you know. I'm not just going to go visit anybody". Your reply to her "Maybe" was the nail in the coffin. You couldn't come up with anything smoother or playful than "Yes. Maybe"? and then she said "Bye" to that dude. She's not into you. Next. move on.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
Well I was sure I was friendzoned up until the point when she just hugged me for no reason, it's got me by surprise I guess. I actually wanted to go out with her today and try to make a move to be 100% sure. But she used to do this stuff when I was going out with her a month ago too, she was doing this "maybe" sh!t back then too (which is why I finally asked here) and she was also doing the thing with asking me to come.

I also have a suspicion that she is interested in some other guy now.

What would you suggest to reply to that maybe then?

Fvck, she has a way how to come around me every time, I was fine with friendzone and then something snapped in my brain again. I have to do something with myself, seriously find some other girl.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
girls always hug their friends

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
She is not interested in you anymore

Girls tend to do this a lot,it sucks but dont blame yourself just keep campaigning


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
Crap, I know you're all right, but this girl messed with my head as no girl has ever before. I got to finally get out there and do the stuff I used to, no more excuses.

And on not blaming myself, I should blame myself a bit, I was too avaliable with her, probably too nice to her, etc.