"Maxing Out Looks"


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
looks are very important. Especially if we're talking about short term game: trying to just get laid rather than find a girl to date. You have to make her moist. Of course, i'm a good looking guy so i'm certainly biased. It's especially important if you want to be gaming 9's and 10's. Those primo girls want to be seen with strong, social, intelligent, well-dressed, attractive men.

There is no reason why you shouldnt be putting forth effort to "max out" your looks. Especially if you're already willing to spend hours and hours reading pickup and opening girls. Some things are simple and go a long, long way: having a tan, wearing nice cologne, wearing fresh button ups and sweaters instead of lame graphic tees, eating well and working out, grooming your facial hair, staying hydrated and using moisturizer so you have a good complexion, making sure your teeth and breath are always clean, correcting your postural problems, etc.

The only trap for this is that you may become so obsessed with looking good that it negatively impacts your game. For example... when i first started coming to this site, i started a rigorous workout plan and diet, completely reshaped my physique, started dressing much better, getting a tan, corrected my body language and tonality, etc. I went from like a 6 to a 9/10 and nearly all the girls i knew were astounded at how much i'd changed. The downside of this is that i replaced my shy insecurity with a ****y insecurity for a while, and how "confident" i felt was completely dependent on how buff i felt and whether or not i had nice clothes and cologne, etc. on. Often it was dependent on whether or not i had had intense workouts the few days before. There'd be many nights when i didnt feel attractive or strong unless i had my nice pair of dark jeans recently washed and my hair done just right, blah blah blah.... and i essentially gave up and blew myself out with negative attitudes. It sounds stupid, but insecurity will manifest itself in many ways.

You still need to have the core confidence and security to be able to roll out of bed with a hangover and a sh**y old tee shirt on and pick up girls at the coffee shop. You can't be constantly grooming yourself and relying solely on that to gain confidence.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2014
Reaction score
gravityeyelids said:
The only trap for this is that you may become so obsessed with looking good that it negatively impacts your game. For example... when i first started coming to this site, i started a rigorous workout plan and diet, completely reshaped my physique, started dressing much better, getting a tan, corrected my body language and tonality, etc. I went from like a 6 to a 9/10 and nearly all the girls i knew were astounded at how much i'd changed. The downside of this is that i replaced my shy insecurity with a ****y insecurity for a while, and how "confident" i felt was completely dependent on how buff i felt and whether or not i had nice clothes and cologne, etc. on. Often it was dependent on whether or not i had had intense workouts the few days before. There'd be many nights when i didnt feel attractive or strong unless i had my nice pair of dark jeans recently washed and my hair done just right, blah blah blah.... and i essentially gave up and blew myself out with negative attitudes. It sounds stupid, but insecurity will manifest itself in many ways.
I have fallen into this trap several times already. I'm usually super confident and outgoing but if I'm not happy with how I look it can affect my confidence. I guess that's what a lifetime of being a 5/6 does to a person. I have only been the "new" me for less than a year so it's going to take some time to sink in.

The good news, of course, is that this stuff WORKS. If you're not ugly, having a good physique and dressing well will get you laid.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2014
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
isn't it really the case that someone just wants us to validate wearing makeup haha
It's a touchy subject for sure. It definitely improves your appearance so in one sense it's not much different than anything else that works, like a good haircut or well groomed facial hair.

I doubt that guys like Brad Pitt and George Clooney hit the red carpet without a little touch-up applied so that's all the justification I need. I'm nearly 50 years old and need all of the help I can get.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
No shame in looking your best.

  • If you need to wear makeup to cover blemishes, uneven skin tone, and/or dark circles, then wear makeup.
  • If you need to cover grey hairs, then color your hair.
  • If you need more hair, then shave your head, use Toppik, or get hair transplants.
  • If you need to correct your teeth, then get Invisalign, braces, or dental implants.
  • If you need to fix your complexion, then get facials, chemical peels, and/or laser treatment.
  • If you need to use testosterone or GH to augment your physique, then see a HRT doctor.
  • If you need facial aesthetic symmetry, then see a board-certified plastic surgeon.

If you want 9s and 10s chasing you, then incorporate the foregoing arsenal in your battle plan. You will have so many women swarm to you, you will need a bat to swat them away.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 17, 2013
Reaction score
The Golden State, USA
Looks are what opens the door, game allows you to cross the threshold.

It's an absolute must that you maximize your looks, that you best play the hand that you were dealt. There are so many things, which have already been mentioned in this thread, that you can do to accomplish this. #1 in my book is to get in shape. It's the biggest thing working against some guys, myself in included. When my weight is down I naturally feel and look better. My confidence skyrockets and I feel amazing. The hesitation to approach is greatly diminshed and the results are tenfold better.

After you get your body in shape it's time to start grooming and dressing better. Invest in some new clothes, get that cologne you've been wanting. These things are HUGE!

But.....there is a fine line between being a stylish man and being metro. Women, by and large, are not attracted to metro men, meaning men who are pretty than them, better groomed and take just as long to get ready. So IMO it's important to strike a fine balance. Be stylish, dress well but stay manly and masculine.