Mates Who Need Help

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Well as some of you know I know some very strange people
Anyway, last night I was out with my 'Good' Mates and we seen this one lad in the local Wetherspoons before we went out.
For this one mate who I will call Mate A who just a few years back was always a dependable mate who I kept intouch with regularly, but nowadays since he got into cocaine about 3 years ago hes been on a downward spiral since with drink and drugs.
Anyway last night when I walked into the Pub with my other mates, we see the site of Mate A arguing with his own cousin, and his cousin storming out of the I turn around I see Mate A covered in dirt from head to toe in his work boots, his shirt ripped so bad he was practically half naked and he greeted me in a loud slurred voice...I said to him how long have you been out for, which he unusually replied, 'Oh just a hour' I laughed and replied, 'Bull****...What have you been drinking in a hour then to get in that state? Metholated Spirits?'.
Anyway a short time later he was arguing with the bar staff because they wouldnt serve him because he had enough to drink and he kept on falling asleep at the bar.
He then sat next to a group of people who ****ed off promptly, he then fell asleep by that table before being approached by a bar staff member who asked him yet again to leave, he replied to this by falling asleep at the bar again.
Then he started talking to this girl we knew from High School and he said to her, 'Alright Hayley love, I think your gorgeous, remember the laughs we used to have your the way you havent got 2 Quid to lend your old mate have you?', by then I was cringing with embarrassment for him.
He then went around asking all of the other tables for money, he got to this one table and asked the family if they have money for a pint for him, the man in the family got up and shoved my mate halfway across the room, the man whos eyes were nearly popping out of his head with anger said, 'EH FAT ARSE **** OFF YOU MESS, DONT ****ING BOTHER US WHEN IM HAVING A DRINK WITH MY FAMILY..FORGET IT!! DONT EVER COME NEAR US AGAIN'.
Then my mate was ejected by 2 police officers shortly afterwards who told him not to come back that night or he would be arrested.
Funny but tragic at the same time, I think maybe he needs help and someone should get him help, but I dont think he will listen.
Further and Further hes going more and more downhill and making a arse of himself, what would you do to help a lifelong mate in that situation?


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
People change.....So that "lifelong mate" thing in your last sentance; forget it!!
A person has to want to change.

Sit him down and find out if he is ready. If he isn't and you still want to help, you'll spend next six years involved in his drama trying to make the guy better, who doesn't even want your help, nor does he appreciate it.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Well it looks like a very interesting 48 hours for him.
He went to some dirty slags flat for a all night party thursday night and got completely pissed off cheap ale, then went straight to work on Friday Morning pissed as a fart, had murder with the boss who requested that he sees him in the office after lunch, so before lunch MY MATE TAKES HIMSELF OFF DOWN TO OUR TOWN CENTRE(KIRKBY) GOES TO BARGAIN BOOZE, GETS 8 CANS OF STELLA(BEFORE HIS DINNER AND A UNSCHEDULED BREAK I MUST NOTE), RETURNS TO WORK AND SITS IN THE WORK HUT DRINKING THEM, WITH ALL HIS WORK COLLEAGUES PISSING THEMSELVES LAUGHING BEFORE THE BOSS COMES STORMING OUT OF THE OFFICE AND SUSPENDS HIM INSTANTLY!!
Then off to our Town Centre on a all day bender on the Friday to make a total arse of himself, youve gotta laugh and admire his admiration though.
When I seen him today in his sober state he said, 'You know lad I have a feeling they might sack me'.

D!ck Ramsey

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2004
Reaction score
Paragraphs, please. And take it easy on the caplocks there too, bub..we can hear you just fine.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
This is what we call a chav. Paragraphs and spacing would take away from the whole "chav" style.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
D!ck Ramsey said:
My pals in Manchester would find that quite humorous
That probably explains it.
Im only next door to you mate, Im from Liverpool :rock:
And meitenesrigas from my neck of the woods the word Chav is sooooo old :cheer: