This happens often, to me at least. Sometimes I do send them and sometimes Im like Nah, Im good thanks.
What is the best way to handle this. Ive been out of the game for almost 5 years so I guess I dont remember a lot of stuff
Random chick: Can you send me more pictures of yourself?
Me: Haha

and then continue your conversation like that never happened.
Random chick: Can you send me more pictures of yourself?
Me: Wow, you haven't even seen me in person and you want to send your girlfriends pictures of this dreamy guy?
Or, if you're annoyed by this, just next her. I have kinda low interest in entitled chicks that want you to jump around for a date.
I usually just send a few
texts on OLD and then ask for their number. I call them when I have time to set a date and to get a feel of how they're like(because over the phone you can get more insight than in texts). And then we go out, as simple as that.
But again, I don't have much patience with random chicks so that's why I cut the conversation on OLD short.
And the results are great, so try that if it fits your style.