or Yahoo Personal


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score

I have been reading up on some online success stories. I was wondering (for you online folks), which services do you prefer: or Yahoo Personal. As a side note, do anyone use Yahoo Personal and have had success?

Currently (see my other trend): I have yet to get a reply from the honnies on Yahoo Personal.

Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA has many more and much hotter women from my initial searches. I have paid for match.

Online sites are a gold mine. I have had over a dozen dates in two months and I am still seeing 3 of the women regularly. I had to hide my profile because I just don't have the time. Anyone newbies mean an oldie has to go, and I don't need the stress right now.

One advantage with Yahoo is that it seems to be different women, so you might be able to double your pleasure but also your cost. Give both a shot if you can afford it.
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Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Not to sound gay or anything.. but are you good looking? Or you got game?

Originally posted by Mister Big has many more and much hotter women from initial searhes. I have only done match.

Online sites are a gold mine. I have had over a dozen dates in two months and I am still seeing 3 of the women regularly. I had to hide my profile because I just don't have the time. Anyone newbies mean an oldie has to go, and I don't need the stress right now.

One advantage with Yahoo is that it seems to be different women, so you might be able to double your pleasure but also your cost. Give both a shot if you can afford it.

Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by negativefcf
Not to sound gay or anything.. but are you good looking? Or you got game?
Probably a little bit of both. I've got fair game, but not near what I'll have in few more months as I'm improving. I think I have a nice photo and most of the women do comment that I look better in person once they meet me. Once you initially impress a woman, all you have is your game, so I don't think my looks do much more than give me a good opener.

I use all the DJ bible stuff that applies after approaching: eye contact, kino, rapport. I knew much of this before from my own experiences when I was single before I got separated. I have been very successful at getting intimate quickly with the online women. I am weak at cold approaches and the C & F. You get the 9.0s out in the field knowing this stuff.

If you are interested, keep me in mind if you want to start a bootcamp. This is my next step and I would like to read up and have a few others to share it with. I'll be ready in few weeks to start, say around the middle of May.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by negativefcf
I have been reading up on some online success stories.
It is not the best thing you can do: do you realize those folks were paid to write those "success stroies"? How do you feel now about their "success"?
When you watch commmerical on TV, some "success stories" sound like they are just reading them :(

I guess there is no big difference between match and yahoo, but match has more people, ie. more women too and it is cheaper than yahoo.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by Mister Big
I've got fair game, but not near what I'll have in few more months as I'm improving. I think I have a nice photo and most of the women do comment that I look better in person once they meet me. Once you initially impress a woman, all you have is your game, so I don't think my looks do much more than give me a good opener.
I am imressed with your success, honestly. I have read your profile and didn't see anything that would give you some advantage. So either you got a really good game, or you look like a model or earn decent $$.
Did you state what your income is in the profile?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mister Big has many more and much hotter women from initial searhes. I have only done match.

Online sites are a gold mine. I have had over a dozen dates in two months and I am still seeing 3 of the women regularly. I had to hide my profile because I just don't have the time. Anyone newbies mean an oldie has to go, and I don't need the stress right now.

One advantage with Yahoo is that it seems to be different women, so you might be able to double your pleasure but also your cost. Give both a shot if you can afford it.

I've been on match and yahoo. I'd agree match has a better and larger

I joined yahoo for a month and wrote only to the two women who most appealed to became my girlfriend for a few months. So, one out of two on there.

I was lazy with match for the three months I joined recently. Wrote to maybe ten women responses from about a four, and only met one in person.

I had about fifteen dates over the three months I was on there just from women who contacted me. Most all I wouldn't even consider meeting again. There were maybe three who were very attractive but I just didn't want to put any effort into going further.

Any success I've had I'd attribute to a really good picture I had up. My text was somewhat plain, but I threw in emotional and romantic wording here and there. I got off it because it was just taking too much time meeting women who 90% of the time I wasn't going to be attracted to. Plus, there were too many who had old pictures up, described themselves as "athletic" or "slender", but were far, far from it that when we met. I'm going to work more on meeting women in real life for now

One thing yahoo has that I wish match did, is that you can hide your profile and have only the people you contact be able to see it.

Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by insomniac
One thing yahoo has that I wish match did, is that you can hide your profile and have only the people you contact be able to see it.
I agree that could use some improvements to its software especially in privacy.

I have run into conflict with a few of the HBs I've scored with on match. Because you can't hide when you are on the site, some chicks stalk you all the time to find out if and when you are working it. Its creepy. One I hooked up with freaked when she got home after we slept together and found me on match checking my messages from other HBs within a few hours. Woops. I never realized people were this obsessed online but they are. I calmed her down and still give her a slice a week because she's hot. I guess she likes me.

I've hidden my profile due to a lack of time and the hassles with privacy. Online should only be a small portion of your overall target market anyway. It is very addictive and takes a s%$tload of your time away from being in the field. We are human beings and don't need to be plugged into the matrix to get laid.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Let say you send messages to these HBs. Do they need to subscribe or do they get the messages, free?

Originally posted by Mister Big
I agree that could use some improvements to its software especially in privacy.

I have run into conflict with a few of the HBs I've scored with on match. Because you can't hide when you are on the site, some chicks stalk you all the time to find out if and when you are working it. Its creepy. One I hooked up with freaked when she got home after we slept together and found me on match checking my messages from other HBs within a few hours. Woops. I never realized people were this obsessed online but they are. I calmed her down and still give her a slice a week because she's hot. I guess she likes me.

I've hidden my profile due to a lack of time and the hassles with privacy. Online should only be a small portion of your overall target market anyway. It is very addictive and takes a s%$tload of your time away from being in the field. We are human beings and don't need to be plugged into the matrix to get laid.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mister Big
I agree that could use some improvements to its software especially in privacy.

I have run into conflict with a few of the HBs I've scored with on match. Because you can't hide when you are on the site, some chicks stalk you all the time to find out if and when you are working it. Its creepy. One I hooked up with freaked when she got home after we slept together and found me on match checking my messages from other HBs within a few hours. Woops. I never realized people were this obsessed online but they are. I calmed her down and still give her a slice a week because she's hot. I guess she likes me.

I've hidden my profile due to a lack of time and the hassles with privacy. Online should only be a small portion of your overall target market anyway. It is very addictive and takes a s%$tload of your time away from being in the field. We are human beings and don't need to be plugged into the matrix to get laid.
Another thing, is match now lets you know who has looked at your profile and how many times. Don't know what to make of that...seems to take even more of your privacy away.

Sounds like you've had success getting casual sex. Myself, I've just dropped everyone from the beginning because I wasn't that attracted, or if I was, I didn't want to deal with it. Still, how do you personally go about the casual sex with women off match? What's the progression? How do you determine which ones are up for it? I've never tried that route, but have thought about it.

Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by negativefcf
Let say you send messages to these HBs. Do they need to subscribe or do they get the messages, free?
I believe that someone needs to subscribe for any message to be sent or received other than winks. Its how match intices you to pay for the service.

Get it for a month if you're hesitant. Work it hard and you'll see for yourself.

Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by insomniac
Another thing, is match now lets you know who has looked at your profile and how many times. Don't know what to make of that...seems to take even more of your privacy away.

Sounds like you've had success getting casual sex. Myself, I've just dropped everyone from the beginning because I wasn't that attracted, or if I was, I didn't want to deal with it. Still, how do you personally go about the casual sex with women off match? What's the progression? How do you determine which ones are up for it? I've never tried that route, but have thought about it.
I am glad I hid my profile before the newest feature. I might have dumped half of the girls I know from match for being obsessive stalkers. Maybe that's why it was developed.

I don't feel like a total expert, but maybe I am not a bad person to give advice to newbies because I am fairly new and I've been successful. Most of the women I contact from match are 7.0s and probably a bit below my ideal level of attractiveness. I still would think I did well if I picked any of these women up for a ONS, so I think the online thing is great but not perfect for getting some. The 8.0s on match are hard to pull, but I haven't really tried very hard. I am too busy with all the 7.0s. Very few 9.0s on match as these women are probably afraid of meeting a serial killer and I don't blame them.

You should follow the DJ bible word for word and you'll do fine.
Here's a bit of a summary but I recommend you read and follow the bible closely as that's how I kept on track.

1. You'll need a good photo, profile, and a catchy first email to initiate contact with a lot of women. Experiment and work the database hard.
2. After getting winked back, swap a few brief, interesting, and funny emails. Some of this gets a little cut and paste because it does take alot of time and you know when you put together something good. Don't get lazy and try to be real. Women can flush out a form letter a mile away. Pay attention to everything she emails, says, and thinks because all of this information are the clues to allow you to push any sexual tension between you.
3. Get the digits then call her. Don't email yourself to death. 3 is my limit unless she's really hot. Some women complain that I emailed them too much, weird.
4. The phone call is a science in itself. Please see the DJ bible. Short, sweet, and funny then set the date within 15 minutes and hangup because you're busy. This one girl I talked to a few days ago heard my cell vibrate as I was talking. She joked about how good that would feel for a woman. Bingo. I predict a very good first date. Always appear busy. Once you're successful, you will be busy with all the girls that want you.
5. Meet for coffee or something else cheap but fun in case she sucks and you want to bail. I haven't bailed on one yet but I came close last weekend.
6. Learn the bible. I use EC, kino, and many other rapport techniques. I'm part Italian and being handsy and intense is in my blood so this is my talent in escalating sexual interest. Using your eyes and getting to a point where you apply your touch is my best advice to fast seduction. Don't be shy and pay attention to her. When she laughs, give her a little squeeze and see how she responds. When you think she likes your EC, take her hand. Then take it away. Make her miss your game.

Listen real hard to what she says and she will provide you all the invitation you need if she's interested. If she's not, no biggie. There's more where that came from. Next. The rest of tit is just pure "don't screw this up and make her feel good" advice. Read the bible.

Overall, what works for me is pretty complex for the beginner, and I've been doing some of this for so many years its second nature. Give yourself time and build up slowly.

That's how I'm doing it. Pretty classic DJ stuff.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Don't like policies

You get a free profile... as long as you don't use it!



Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mister Big
I believe that someone needs to subscribe for any message to be sent or received other than winks. Its how match intices you to pay for the service.

Get it for a month if you're hesitant. Work it hard and you'll see for yourself.
Well, I have steps 1-5 mastered...even skip the phone entirely. So, that's not really the problem.

My problem, is my whole life I've approached women as 1) making them my girlfriend, or 2) nothing. I have no trouble getting a girlfriend in that manner. I've just never pursued something casual, which has led me to just next women who were attractive but not what I'd consider long term material. So, I'm trying to get out of that mode since right now I don't want a relationship. Another part of it, is if I'm really not into a woman I can't force myself to do all the DJ/bible things. If I am, it comes naturally.

Part of it is my "nice guy" attitude that continually intrudes. I have a subconscious resistance to escalating things with a woman physically who I don't consider long term material. I'm having that problem right now with a girl I've been dating I met in real life who's very into me...but I'm just resisting moving things physically because I don't want a relationship. But, this subject probably belongs in another thread.

I guess I'm looking for more real-life examples. How have you met women off the internet, and either after one or a few times out, moved things along physically *without* the idea of a relationship forming.

Mister Big

Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Originally posted by insomniac
I guess I'm looking for more real-life examples. How have you met women off the internet, and either after one or a few times out, moved things along physically *without* the idea of a relationship forming.
Don't kid yourself. Anytime you see a woman more than once some level of a relationship forms. Because I am seeing many women, none of the women I date push getting serious to avoid scaring me off. They all know that I am dating elsewhere and not ready right now for an LTR. They have a good time. I have a good time. Its not all about sex as I like the women to be interesting and provide good conversation. But they know that having good sex with me is what keeps them on the list.

One tried a few weeks ago to pressure me, so I nexted her. Don't give into their BS and be the man. Good sex usually involves more than one date so you'll have to learn to release your old LTR instincts if casual sex is what you really want. I like playing the field until someone really convinces me that she is LTR material. In the meantime, I spread myself around.

Several recent threads involve online dating field reports. Mine is "Another Online Field Report". One first date I had ended in a ONS (this is an example of what you are looking for) that is detailed on a thread called "Another Online Field Report". Do a search for more.

Here's an idea. Let's do a boot camp together to start at the middle of this month. Because we seem to be at the same level, it should be interesting and maybe a bit competitive and fun. That should snap you out of your LTR ways.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
i tried both just for kicks and giggles

match, i got zero responses

yahoo, i got responses all day and all nite and could not keep up with the folks on who was who


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by penkitten
match, i got zero responses
yahoo, i got responses all day and all nite

Could you tell us your thoughts why yahoo was so much better?
Thats a very interesting observation!

You think yahoo system\profile is better? or men at yahoo are more active?

I tried match, looked at yahoo and found out since it was free to create profile, same women were at match and yahoo.
But it appear men are different there?


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2005
Reaction score
Aurora, IL
Used yahoo...match...eharmony...

I've used i think all of the sights at one point or the most popular...match seems to have a lot of stuck up woman on you get a lot of down to earth woman but just becareful...and well eharmony has the best chance of meeting someone you'll actually click with...just more expensive.. Have had some success on all of them...but eharmony is the best...Met a lot of game players off of becareful...unless your looking for a quick lay...just becareful.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Re: Used yahoo...match...eharmony...

Originally posted by strids97
I've used i think all of the sights at one point or the most popular...match seems to have a lot of stuck up woman on you get a lot of down to earth woman but just becareful.
wow, yahoo gals are more easygoing??? Do you have ANY idea why? I am curious.

I last time I checked same women just set up profiles at yahoo and match.

eharmony: well.. their system is aweful in the sense that they look for similar traits: imagine that: you are shy... and she is shy.
Or You are bubbly and she is bubbly... I dont feel it is a great idea...somebody should nto be shy.. and somebody should listen istead of bubbling...

Anyway, when you met chick from eharmony - were they really similar to your qualities personality wise?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
The number one thing is to have a good pic - if you don't photograph well, then don't even bother.