Master file: Seven Laws - Remember these for instant action


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2003
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I've written something on Women that spans 80 pages. I've decided to post two parts of it on this forum.

The other one is here:

It's on John, the guy I learned a lot from.

This one is about memory.

One of the challenges I had when learning to get good was remembering everything. All those articles and books would go out the window as soon as I lay eyes on a beautiful girl, standing next to the bar, ordering a drink.

At best, I remember some of the basics, and overcome my fear long enough to start a conversation. And then I say whatever, and do whatever.


I have found a solution since then. I combined the most important methods I learned in to a mnemonic.

Mnemonics were invented by the ancient Greeks to help themselves remember information. You use the first letter of a sentence, and then combine them with other letters to make a sentence.


In this example, I’ve used DERTAMS. Read the following twice and you’ll have memorised it.

It’s by no means a complete guide, but next time you need to act, imagine this in your head, and you’ll feel more confident and know how to act.

The following are only tactics I've used. I don't believe anything until I see it working. This lot did.

And to begin.

Killer Seven: From the Master File

Devastating compliment – Tell her she’s beautiful, tell her she’s intelligent, flatter her, make her feel good – “you’re actually really intelligent” and “you’re looking as beautiful as ever.”

Eye contact – Hold your eye contact, look deep in to her eyes – give her an intense gaze, hold your eye contact for as long as you can and imagine taking a shower with her to cause your pupils to dilate.

Rapport – Mirror her actions, posture, voice tone. Get her comfortable, and increase your connection – create that spark.

Touch – Wrist and neck manoeuvres, touch her shoulders, tap her on the arms, brush past her and and hold her waist.

Attitude - Hold your shoulders back, hold you head high and act cool, calm and controlled because you are the man, you are the one who can get rejected, only to move on to another girl in seconds.

Make fun of her - ****y and funny, make fun of her insecurities, all that she can change, call her a friend – “this isn’t going to work”, “you’ll make a nice friend” and “tell me something interesting”.

S peak about interesting, emotional conversation topics: childhood, holidays, beliefs, social life - skip from level 1, to level 3 and talk about her – “how do you feel about that” and “ and “what do you do for fun?”.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
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As far as emotional convos go, I seem to have a nack for getting deep into the bad stuff lol. I don't know how it happens but the one of the co-workers was crying her eyes out (ofcourse I hugged her a couple of time) because she felt used and unappreciated. the second one mentioned how she doesn't have a good relationship with her family. Another classmate mentioned that her relations with her family were so rocky that she moved out when she was 17. I don't know if they trust me with the info, are into me, want to vent, or think of me as one of their "girlfriend." Most recently, another class mate mentioned that she just broke up with her boyfriend cuz like the first one she was feeling used... at which point, I gave her my phone to click in her number :p


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2004
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Those are certainly foundational tactics.

Attitude reigns supreme. That's the pillar you build everything else around. You've got to believe, of course she could be my girlfriend.

I never liked making fun of anyone. It seemed contrived to me.

Women don't care about lines, ****y and funny, jerks, a$$holes or anything else. All they care about is how you make them feel.

Stir up their emotions. Make them feel something in the pit of their stomach. Make their heart rate go up a bit faster. Be bold. Show her how big your balls are.

That's all you'll ever need.


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
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Originally posted by JB101
Those are certainly foundational tactics.

Attitude reigns supreme. That's the pillar you build everything else around. You've got to believe, of course she could be my girlfriend.

I never liked making fun of anyone. It seemed contrived to me.

Women don't care about lines, ****y and funny, jerks, a$$holes or anything else. All they care about is how you make them feel.

Stir up their emotions. Make them feel something in the pit of their stomach. Make their heart rate go up a bit faster. Be bold. Show her how big your balls are.

That's all you'll ever need.
So you JB101, you think that the emotions i'm bringing up are good or should they be the happy fun memories/emotions? To me it sounds a little negative when that happens but then I think, she is trusting me with info that she won't tell everybody...


Master Don Juan
Aug 2, 2004
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these emotions that you're bring up bro, i hope you know its most likely b/c your being a good friend. If you've been hitting on her, and she shows interest, she's not going to make herself seem like a piece of sh#t and unworthy of you. She'll try to make herself seem like a princess to you.

Now this doesnt always hold true, but think about it. Be in her shoes. If a girl was hitting on u, would u tell her all bad stuff about yourself ? Of course not


Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
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I was afraid of that... I kinda already knew it but didn't wana admit to it. I have read several books and DYD, now the part were I get confused or get stuck is, the emotional part (good emotions vs. bad emotions). Perhaps examples of good emotions would be helpful. Secondly, when this has happened, and I am guessing it throws me in the "friends" corner; is there a way to fix it and get out of the friend zone in a smoove like way? :)
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Don Juan
Jul 9, 2003
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You can be there for her, but don't become her emotional tampon.

You're there to be a DJ, not an agony aunt.

The more you do it, the closer you two will get (great!). But then, the more you do it, the closer you get to the friendzone (not so great!).

Just make sure you never cross the line.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
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All good except the devastating compliment part.. if this is intended to be the first thing you do, you start off supplicating.

C+F needs to come up sooner. You can wait to give her super compliments when she does something to deserve it besides standing there looking hot.

Do not overdo compliments, you will be just another chump in line.

Dec 23, 2004
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Originally posted by JB101
Those are certainly foundational tactics.

Attitude reigns supreme. That's the pillar you build everything else around. You've got to believe, of course she could be my girlfriend.

I never liked making fun of anyone. It seemed contrived to me.

Women don't care about lines, ****y and funny, jerks, a$$holes or anything else. All they care about is how you make them feel.

Stir up their emotions. Make them feel something in the pit of their stomach. Make their heart rate go up a bit faster. Be bold. Show her how big your balls are.

That's all you'll ever need.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
This is pretty good.

Emotions are it. If you make her feel great you are golden.

In fact women are so much tied to how they are feeling that you really need to pay attention to it.

This is also why dating a healthy chick that works out is so much better for you. They have high energy, better emotional states and the best part GREAT BODIES!