Hey guys thanks for the advice. Definitely true to keep doing at least a couple of approaches a day. I have been approaching like mad this past week. Unfortunately it took me far too long to get this update, finally on a Sunday, when nothings really open anyways, I have time to type them out.
There was a St. Patrick’s Day setup thing on campus. Basically there was Rockband setup on stage and they were giving out free energy drinks and such. I saw this as the perfect opener; a lot of people were just standing around watching people play Rockband or whatever.
University Main Building -
My first approach was a girl who was sitting by herself at a table in the food court/lunch area section. This one seemed the least likely to work since she was sitting and I was walking but it turned out to be the best one that day. I just opened with: “hey have you tried one of these energy drinks yet?” (As I was holding one in my hand). We had a nice five-seven minute conversation; she even introduced herself to me. I could have, I swear, I could have gotten her number but I’m just a *****. She was very receptive and was asking me questions, I noticed my hand was trembling when I first started talking to her, might have been the caffeine from the energy drink… yes let’s say that’s what it was
I eventually ejected the set and found my week, very proud but still disappointed on my first approach that day. I’m starting to like the main building on campus for approaching as it’s more social and there is usually an event going on.
University Main Building -
I did two more that day. One, the girl was very quiet but I was just chatting her up about the game she was playing (there were some kiosks setup, guess it came with the whole Rockband/energy drink thing). She asked me if I wanted to play but the other controller didn’t work. Overall she didn’t seem very receptive. I also talked to another girl who was waiting for her friend, our conversation was going okay but I wasn’t really feeling much of a vibe. After about five minutes her friend came and I ejected.
I went out that night for St. Patrick’s Day but oddly enough did no approaches? I have no idea why, I guess there were more guys in the pub than girls plus I was too drunk.
The next day I was really hung over but I managed three approaches somehow, no idea how.
University Main Building -
I had two five minute conversations with two different girls here using the same opener as the day before as it was still setup but sadly after five minutes both kind of walked away from me which is kind of discouraging. The first one was already wearing her coat so I guess she was about to go, the second one was eating a bagel and when she was done she sort of packed it up and left. Both times I didn’t ask for the number. Both conversations went roughly the same with good back and forth. I don’t use sets, routines or opinion openers.
University Coffee Shop
This is the one I’m most proud of even though it’s probably the same five minute length as the other ones. The reason I’m so proud is because it was the hardest set to do. I was having coffee with my two wings and as we were packing up to leave I told them to go ahead without me. There was a girl across the room who was alone and studying on her laptop who I had noticed maybe looking my way, not sure, anyways I had to approach her but I was at a loss for openers so here’s what I said: “Hey, I noticed you have an HP laptop and I was wondering how the battery life on that thing is since I was thinking of buying one from that company” (or something to that extant). I guess that’s an opinion opener? Well either way lol, I tried to move the conversation away from my crappy opener as fast as I possibly could. And I did manage this, she seemed really surprised to be approached but we managed a decent conversation. I think I ejected too early, I usually do at the first sign of discomfort.
The other night I went to the bar and I don’t even really want to talk about it because I’m still pissed off about how much I screwed up. I met this girl who’s number I should have gotten (hmm I think I’m starting to identify my sticking point). I saw her and her three friends at the table
ME: “Hey, is this the texting table? Can I join you? (holding my phone”
HB 8: “blah blah” we talk about phones for a bit, compares phones. We talk about how loud it is.
I can only hear like 50% of the words she’s saying to me. SO I decide to eject because I’m having a damn hard time trying to maintain this fragmented conversation. As I try to leave she says: “No wait, let me come with you.” I said “sure, it’s much quieter over there”. She follows me to the other end of the club and as soon as we get to the quieter side she says to me: “I should really go back, I don’t want to lose track of my friends”. I said “sure that’s fine”. Then she puts her hand on my shoulder and says “I’ll remember what you look like”. I introduced myself and so did she and I just said: “I’ll come find you before I go” (assuming I would get her number then) Of course I come back half an hour later and I can’t find her at all… ugh this is very discouraging, I should have just gotten it then. The bar was packed I don’t know what I was thinking trying to find her later on.
At the same bar I had about a ten minute conversation with another girl who was looking for her friends. I tried to get her number but she ended up just asking for email instead… so giving a girl my email is the supposed success of the night.