I had a buddy that dated a married girl for few several years. I ended up becoming friends with her and her entire family.
Her husband was Mr. Nice guy, overweight, introverted, and didn't like to party. She was outgoing, good looking, fun. Her husband caught all of us naked at a pool party and she was in my buddy's lap. I think this was the first time he truly accepted the reality of her cheating. He started sleeping on the couch after this, but still stayed with her.
This went on for years along with her lies to her husband and trying to hide what she was up to. This chic wanted more from my buddy but he refused unless she divorced her husband. Finally she divorced him. Her receiving a million dollar inheritance helped convince her to do so.
To this day the ex-husband still does nice things for his exwife.
She has pretty much stayed single the last 5yrs.
This girl was super attractive in her 20's and got lots of attention. Blonde hair, big boobs, good body, and fun. Now days she is old, overweight, drinks too much wine, blew thru all her money, and pretends to work out.
Some women become spoiled and think it will last forever. Eventually it all comes to an end. Never get too greedy, it will ruin you and you'll eventually pay the piper.