Married coworker teacher


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Mar 21, 2010
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I have been reading this discussion forum for quite a while and decided to post my first message this morning. I'm 26 and have not had difficulty talking to girls in the past. Until this married coworker shows up.....

We are both elementary teachers. We have known each other for two years now. When I first met her she was really quiet like me. We are also different though. She is shy and goes with the flow. She doesn't like to cause disruptions. I, on the other hand, talk back and don't care much about what people think. In fact, I have gone at it with our principal on several occassions. Maybe its because I'm single and am a little less afraid of losing my job. She says that she likes that I'm confident and smart. Despite our differences we quickly began building a strong friendship. She often tells me that she doesn't understand how that happened since it usually takes her a long time to be friends with someone. We are really good friends now. We trust each other and share lots of things. She knows about all the women I have sex with, including students' parents. When I'm sick, she calls to make sure I'm ok. She has told me intimate things about her family and herself.

However, we don't go out much after work hours. When we do hang out, we talk about silly things. I tease her and she teases back. We are both very sarcastic. I make fun of her hair (she never fixes it!) and she makes fun of a few gray hairs that I have, etc. I have told her (in an indifferent manner) that I have a crush on her and she has told me that she knows. She also said that I wouldn't really be interested cuz I like girls with booty and she doesn't have a big one. Which is true! She too hints that she only likes tall guys but then contradicts herself and says that now looks aren't too important and she looks for other attributes. (she is 31)

During one of our daily conversations three months ago, she expressed interest in going to a soccer game. She knows I love soccer and she told me she wanted to go one day. Last week I invited her to go to the game with me. She agreed to go. The problem is that the game will be at night on a weekday. She never goes out during the week so her husband will become suspicious. She has told me that he is going on vacation soon and that she wants to hang out with me during this time. She just doesn't want to get caught.

Since I have started talking to her I have had sex with at least 5 girls. She knows about each one of them. We talk at least an hour each day. There is really nothing that we don't now about each other. Yet I never feel bored talking to her. There is also another cute teacher at our building who talks to me on the phone. The other day I made several comments about how "pretty" this teacher looked. My friend began interrupting me and saying "yea she is pretty" anytime I brought up her name. It made me think she was a little jealous! lol

I know it is difficult to make judgments based upon a brief summary but what do you guys think. Is she feeling me? Or is she simply a great friend?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 21, 2010
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She sounds like a great friend. I'd keep it that way.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2009
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Don't stick your pen in company ink.

Seems more like she is your friend


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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She is an old used lady, which makes her perfect for American guys.

Lord Sidious

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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I´m also a teacher, so I know what is having relationships with coworkers.

I think she´s nothing more than your friend and she seems to KNOW that you want her. But dude, she´s married! I know that a lot of guys here do not agree with me, but I do everything I can not to get involved with commited women, least of all married (I had my share of adventures in the past and some gave me problems).

If I were you, I would stick in my head that she´s your friend. Nothing more.


Dec 17, 2009
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You are a true professional. Having sex with your students' mothers? Stay classy my friend. You are the definiton of an AFC. You are preying on a married woman, you are having sex with women that you know are easy and available. If you didn't have that job, you would not only have problems getting laid, but probably killed for the shivt you do with a married woman. I hope he finds out what you have been doing to his wife emotionally. The problem these days is that AFC men do not understand the consequences of their actions, they have no respect for another man's wife. Fuvking your student' mothers is one thing, but messing around with a married woman's emotions and trying to fuvk her is another. Like I said, stay classy.


New Member
Mar 21, 2010
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jajaja no wonder you guys dont get laid. What the heck is wrong with sleeping with married women? I don't think that is wrong. For the record they all came up to me. I havent slept with all of them and if I had I would see nothing wrong with it as long as it was concensual. I have slept with over 30 and most have been single. I see no difference. To suggest that one is an AFC simply because one takes advantage of an opportunity is downright dumb. Each one of you would do the same thing under the circumstances provided you knew you were not going to get caught. I simply embrace it and am forthcoming about it.

As for my friend, what if she is my coworker? I don't see that as a problem. I can get another job if I get fired. I'm confident about my abilities. I'm not a slave to a profession, job, or anything else. Its not as if I'm messing around with underage girls. Thanks to those who gave me good feedback. I agree that she probably sees me as a friend since I have already told her too much. She even knows when I got checked for STDs and stuff. At least she knows I don't have any.


Dec 17, 2009
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No, each one of us wouldn't do the same. Some of us have morals, ethics, and believe in Karma. We sleep well at night knowing that we can get a woman who is single and unattached. Fuvking another man's wife may be cool at 19, but not your age. Grow the fuvk up. The fact that you can even suggest that shows insecurity, lack of confidence and lack of morals. You are a man who doesn't charm women by confidence, carisma, or looks. You sleep with them because they are weak, emotionally in the dumps. You are what they call a scavanger. And you have not slept with over 30 women. Take this bullshivt somewhere else.


New Member
Mar 21, 2010
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Jajaja. I have slept with a total of 34 women and yes I do count them. And that is even though I was a total whimp virgin until I was 19. I will concede that some of them have been nutcases (in retrospect) but the vast majority have been ok. I have nothing to prove by that and my post is not to get into a silly argument that cannot be settled over the internet.

I could care less if you believe me or not. I do think that getting girls at work is much better than trying to stalk them on the internet, etc. Like I said before I'm only here because I want to get advice on how to get with my friend. Not how to get women. I can do the latter just fine. By the way Hispanic women are the best in the world! 33 hispanic, 1 white girl. And I only regret the time I got with the white girl lol.


Dec 17, 2009
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I have no problems with who you fuvk man. But this woman is married. Think about that. Think about what you would do if your woman was seduced by another man. This is the path that losers take. Think about that for a minute.


New Member
Mar 21, 2010
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Like I said before....she is married and what! She is the one who suggested that we take advantage of her husband's vacation to go out. She is my friend, and I know that she likes me. Even if she doesn't like me as more than a friend, I'm cool with that. She knows I have *****es. Like I said she KNOWS some of them. Hell I even fxkd the school clerk. Picture on my myspace lol. I'm not taking advantage of her in any way. When she is sick, I give her my lesson plans. She does the same.

My morals go so far as to help those who are dying and in need of help to survive. Other than that.....all fair game.


I'm in a similar situation with a married woman. She wants to come over right now, but I don't think my conscience will let me do it.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!

Karma's a b**ch. Reap what you sow. Keep this as just friends. You don't know how crazy the hubby is. And if she cheats on him for you, have you thought about the fact that she could cheat on your ass?

Think this sh*t over. You're heading into a trap.

Think this sh*t over.