Marriage = No More DJ?

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
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Wherever I am.
Hmm Fingz what do you mean by that?
It simply means I have OD'd on the single lifestyle. I'm much happier being married and having other priorities. The thought of being in a smokey club (usually with crap music) does not appeal to me in the least.

And yeah I don't see why they moved this here either.
It looks like I am just not welcome in the Mature Man's forum.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
A little story . . .

One of my good friends and I needed to get away from our respective companions and just go away to the beach and hang out, smoke cigars, drink, philosophize and look forward to the next few years in our lives.

We decided to go grab some drinks and some music at one of the local hot spots. We get there and the place is fairly jumping, so we get a table and get going on our cigars. The waitress comes (the absolute hottest girl in the entire place) and takes our order. My buddy gets the gleam in his eye and starts to flirt. It's apparent though she has an eye open for the K-man as her body language is completely tilted towards me and she gets the dog bowl look.
She comes back with our shots and I do my patented Karmic palm reading bit.

Karma: "Let me see your hand."
Ms. Waitress: " For what? (intending to be coy)"
(So I gingerly grab her hand and turn it face up)
Karma: "Hmmmm, that's interesting . . ." I say while tracing around around the lines in her palm.
Ms. Waitress: "What, what do you see!"
Karma: "Whoa! Oh no!" I throw her hand away in feigned disgust.
Ms. Waitress: "What! What! What!"

I give her a couple of seconds to let her mind ponder what it could be, then . . .

Karma: "You know, my Mother always taught to never ask a question unless I really want the answer. Are you ready for the answer? Think hard."
Ms. Waitress: "Oh my god, my heart is beating so fast! What do you see?"
Karma: "In the future I see that you're going to be working the Taco Bell drivethru!"

The levity and tension was immediately lifted and then the kino kicked in full force. Ms. Waitress was on me like white on rice for the remaining time I was there.

This was good for my ego and elevated my status in the place immediately. I had other women buying my buddy and I drinks and made a couple of aquaintences merely by giving the hottest girl in the place a perpetual smile. I wasn't gaming her in any way but illustrating to my buddy what it is to be thoroughly congruent in your own masculity.

Mrs. K got a kick out of that story.


New Member
Dec 24, 2007
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Great post Fingers. I love the way your wife laughed off the experience after you told her, that's awesome. Sounds like you have a great girl.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2007
Reaction score
I'm in almost sthe same position u are in, Fingers. I guess you did not try to get her to bed, but just having fun. And that is the second part of DJ. Your wife sounds really cool. Had I told me girl about the same situation, she would have flipped and thought that I was out trying to get laid.