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Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ice Cold
Hey - smoke that sh1t all you want, more brainless people I can boss around...

About benefits to getting girls:

You get to know the types of people there are
You learn to influence them
If you wanna marry, your chances of getting the wife you want are higher.

These kinds of skills can change your life man.
Spoken like someone who has clearly never tried marijuana. So I suppose there's no benefits to viewing reality from another perspective? You can stick with the caveman theory "weed makes you stupid" or you can take note of how some of the most brilliant people of our time have used marijuana and other psychadelics. People are always afraid of what they don't understand.

elvis aint dead yet

Senior Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
"Spoken like someone who has clearly never tried marijuana. So I suppose there's no benefits to viewing reality from another perspective? You can stick with the caveman theory "weed makes you stupid" or you can take note of how some of the most brilliant people of our time have used marijuana and other psychadelics. People are always afraid of what they don't understand."

I am tired of bs arguments like this.

You hear it from anybody that does something that might be bad for them, legally, physically, emotionally, spirtually, mentally, and on and on.

A person who drinks and drives will tell you, "I DRIVE BETTER WHEN I'm DRUNK anyway."

A person who gets high all the time on whatever drug will tell you, "I concentrate better when I'm doing such and such."

and on and on.

I mean Edgar Allen Poe had an opium addictoin. Are we all going to go and start doing herioin and using opium because this guy did it.

Mickey Mantle and Billy Martin went out every night and got drunk before and after baseball games.

Lawrence Taylor was a 3-4 time known Coke head.

Just because some people who became great did all these things does not mean you should use that in defense for using something.

Do everything in moderation. If you don't like doing something, don't do it. If you do like doing someting, do it in moderation.

I'm not assuming anything, but having been around for quite some time, I've come to realize that somebody who asks a question like this on the internet, usually is not doing it in moderation.

Somebody that drinks once a month or less rarely will ask if DRINKING is good or bad for you.

Somebody that smokes weed once a month or less, rarely will ask if it's good or bad for you.

It's just common sense. If something like drinking or smoking is bothering you, it's not because you do it once a month or less.

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
elvis... don't bother :)

More dumb sheep to boss around...



Don Juan
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
Just find out what's right for you. If a bowl a day doesn't affect your life, it's all good. Personally I get paranoid as sh*t when smoking weed so I do it on my own time, alone. I used to be an addict and it basically took over my life.

Now I do it when I'm chillin and if I have any doubts about whether I should do it before work or not, I don't. Be responsible man, don't be a stupid stoner.

I'm not even going to get into this argument about Marijuana. It's pointless. People are informed in different ways and are stubborn with their information, I'll leave it at that.


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Elvis ain't dead yet,

You make good strong points!! I agree with just about all of what you said.

Just for the record I have used the herb, some might consider heavily at times and some would consider light. At one point for 2 years I did it heavily, for a year and a half. later on down the line I did it once a week to once every other month. Total 4 years.

Now I am completely free from it.

The reason I started:
Major, massive depression from comparing my intelligence to everyone else. Their were other reasons for my depression, but that was the brunt of it. I felt like If I am dumb as **** and my memory is **** anyway, I may as well at least feel happy, then realizing it and acting like a living zombie.

However I noticed significant memory loss from doing it, even in moderation and the effects last for weeks and basically made me act like a sleepy *******. I have always been slow, due to my learning disabilities, but man I noticed that I was even slower on weed.

I will say though that it did make me more introspective, and it made me slow down and realize the message that people, books, etc were trying to convey it in a way enhanced my concentration double fold.

This is going to sound really stupid but it increased my accuracy in house of the dead two from 40% to 75% instantly when I was high and I barely play the game.

To summarize I just found that the negatives far outweighed the positives. Knowledge is power and a good memory is the key so I have devoted my self to improving my brain with supplements and am in the process researching memory techniques. However I have observed people who are total geniuses do it with no ill affects and seem to be as smart as ever despite the habit. So I think some people handle it better then others.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2003
Reaction score
but it increased my accuracy in house of the dead two from 40% to 75% instantly when I was high and I barely play the game.
The numbers don't lie folks. The herb is good!!!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2004
Reaction score
Just wanted to add my toughts on this thread.

I smoked resin from about the age of 14 up until the age of around 17/18 when I started smoking skunk.

Before I went to Uni, I only really smoked marijuana on the weekends, or on school holidays. Yhat moderation meant that I wasn't abusing the drug and I found that it was causing very little, if not any damage to my health or physcological behaviour at all.

However, when i started Uni last year, Skunk was easily available and I would spend around £40 ($65) on weed. I'd have alot of free time on my hands at Uni so I'd usually just sit around watching tv, getting stoned all day. I started having reversed sleeping patterns, staying up until around six in the morning, going to ebd and then getting up at around 5pm.

I never missed any lectures, but I could never concentrate and my health went downhill pretty fast.
It wasn't all the weed's fault, but I ended up quitting Uni after the first year, but it definately had a part to play.

Despite this, I am a strong believer that Cannabis should be legalised outright. It is a pleasant and social drug which could be substituted for alcohol with less dangerous effects.

I was using marijuana at Uni like a drunk would abuse alcohol.


However, marijuana is relatively safe drug and if used properly can not only be pleasant but healthy.
Doctors and scientists know that cannabis should have been the next penacillin, but it remains illegal for numerous stupid laws.

I hear you guys get it bad over in the states, with really awful anti-marijuana propaganda adverts. The majority of these sound like rubbish.

Read-up about the herb. Educate yourself. Don't be influenced by others. Especially people who don't have a clue about it.



Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2003
Reaction score
MY reality
Tweek has it right.

It can lead to some bad habits, which is why I barely ever smoke anymore. But it's not as bad as alcohol. Weed can't kill you, alcohol can.

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score

Did you know why Enstein was such a genius? Cause he smoked that stuff all the time!

Actually, it's been proven that weed improves your health AND makes your smarter at the same time.

It's just that stupid government who doesn't want too many smart healthy people around.

A conspiracy! *Looks around cautiosly*

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by YoungBG
They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you're high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well. You just realize that it's not worth the f*cking effort.
Good job paraphrasing Bill Hicks and not giving him credit :).

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Obnoxious , self-righteous, whining little ****s. My biggest fear is that if I quit smoking, I'll become one of you...Don't take that wrong. I have something to tell you non-smokers that I know for a fact that you don't know, and I feel it's my duty to pass on information at all times. Ready?.......Non-smokers die every day...Enjoy your evening. See, I know that you entertain this eternal life fantasy because you've chosen not to smoke, but let me be the 1st to POP that bubble and bring you hurtling back to reality....You're dead too.
I generally love my job. You know what the great thing about being a comic is? I have no boss. That's a definate lifestyle plus isnt it?..Aren't bosses something?.....They're like gnats at a picnic man....Get the **** out of here buddy, it's just a job, doesn't mean a thing. I smoked a joint this morning, you're lucky I showed...My bed was like a womb man...
My final point about alchohol, about drugs, about Pornography...What business is it of your's what I do, read, buy, see or take into my body as long as I don't harm another human being whilst on this planet? And for those of you having a little moral dilemna on how to answer this, I'll answer for you. NONE OF YOUR ****ING BUSINESS Take that to the bank, cash it and take it on a vacation outta my ****ing life. And stop bringing shotguns to UFO sightings, they might be here to pick me up and take me with 'em.
Another dead hero.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
i've done the 420 for over 20 years--longer than a lot of you guys have been alive. i do about one, maybe two, bowls per week. in high school and college, much more than that.

i am a highly eductated and successful man with a lot of responsibilities. 420 hasn't affected me in any negative ways. in fact, i'd say overall, it's been positive. yes, POSITIVE.

i'm not advocating it, however.

like anything else, moderation is the key. if you smoke too much, you WILL turn into a mush brain and your motivation will be sapped.

plus, it makes me horny as hell, which is good sometimes :)

BTW, all of the government "reports" about how dangerous 420 is, is COMPLETE BVLL****!!! alcohol is 10x more destructive. ask 100 cops, would you rather deal with someone who is drunk or stoned. 100 will prefer the latter.

not to mention domestic violence, car accidents, assualt & battery, etc... in these cases, alcohol accounts for about 70% of all these things.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by TooColdUlrick
I'd expect someone of your seniority not to use silly drug slang like '420'.

Am I missing something?


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ice Cold

Did you know why Enstein was such a genius? Cause he smoked that stuff all the time!

Actually, it's been proven that weed improves your health AND makes your smarter at the same time.

It's just that stupid government who doesn't want too many smart healthy people around.

A conspiracy! *Looks around cautiosly*
Don't be so ignorant and narrow-minded. I understand you're against marijuana. But research HAS proven that marijuana is less addictive and destructive than alcohol.. You don't need to be sarcastic and overexaggerate the points made, it makes you look like a fool who clearly hasn't read what people have said in this thread. I don't think anyone in this thread has actually said that weed is GOOD for you.. no one. I think most of us pot-smokers are just saying that weed is a good thing to help you relaxed and have fun.. it's similar to alcohol. Neither are good for our health but marijuana is in fact safer, yet people condemn cannabis but not alcohol? ironic. Also, nobody said that pot makes you smarter, i think the point mentioned was that many smart people have smoked pot before. I myself don't believe in the weed-makes-you-more-creative crap.. cuz I tried writing an essay while high, and it sucked big time.

like someone else said here, don't blindly assume that weed makes you stupid and all that crap. IF you do some research on it, you will find the marijuana has much less dangerous effects than alcohol. I'll provide a link to a medical website once I find it.

the reason why many people want to legalize marijuana is because it is actually not that dangerous, and it could be fun to do once in a while, not because it makes you smarter and is good for you. Hell, alcohol is legal, is it good for you? tobacco is legal, is it good for you? Most people straight up think that weed is bad because it is considered an illegal drug by the government, but a lot of places are legalizing it, and i think within our lifetimes it will become a legal drug.

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
By tweek:
Doctors and scientists know that cannabis should have been the next penacillin, but it remains illegal for numerous stupid laws.
He compares marihuana to penicilin for god's sake. At the times it was invented, penicillin saved millions of lives and continues to do so today. At the time, it was a miracle cure.

Marihuana can be used as an anestetic only, it doesn't cure anything.

BTW: For some reason all of you mention "moderation". May I ask, just what happens when you don't moderate? :)


Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2003
Reaction score
MY reality
What happens when you don't moderate with alcohol?

It's just as bad as with any drug.

With weed, you tend to become very lazy, you lose a lot of your short-term memory, and you might become fat. But that's about it, if you're not moderating it. It's not like you will end up dying of an overdose...in fact, there are NO reported cases, ever, of somebody overdosing on marijuana. If you smoke too much, you'll usually just pass out before you are able to harm your body. :D

However, alcohol is a drug that you CAN overdose on, and it's legal? :confused:

Tobacco causes at least 100,000 deaths a year in the U.S. alone, and it's legal? :confused:

I'm really curious about the reasoning that our government has as to why marijuana is such an evil drug, when there are two legal drugs out there that are obviously much more harmful to the body than marijuana is.

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Marihuana is a much more powerful halucinogen than alcohol or tobacco.

Plus, when someone's driving you can test for alcohol, but you can't test for marinuana.

Legalizing it will mean tons of stoned idiots driving around.

BTW: Where did I say that alcohol is good for you?

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ice Cold
Marihuana is a much more powerful halucinogen than alcohol or tobacco.

Except for the fact, you know, how marijauna isn't a hallucinogen...

Plus, when someone's driving you can test for alcohol, but you can't test for marinuana.

Driving under the influence of marijuana is of no comparision to driving under the influence of alcohol.

If a police officer is incapable of determining you're high, even with a sobriety test -- then whats the issue?

Legalizing it will mean tons of stoned idiots driving around.

You sir, are either a christian, a republican or both.


Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2003
Reaction score
MY reality
Ice Cold, you must watch a lot of those TRUTH commercials. :rolleyes:

Marijuana is NOT a hallucinogen, neither are alcohol or tobacco. All three fall into the category of drugs known as depressants. Didn't you pay attention in D.A.R.E. class?

Plus, the way you said it, it sounded like the fact that it was a "hallucinogen" made it worse than the other two. It's really sad when people think that a drug that gives you different perspectives and is largely harmless -- is worse than a drug which can lead to fatal auto accidents even in small amounts.

Smooth as Anything is right. Marijuana does not impair motor skills nearly as much as alcohol. I'm not saying it doesn't impair them at all, but you really have to smoke A LOT to have trouble driving a car. And marijuana can be tested for, just not on the spot (if you're pulled over). The signs can be pretty obvious to a cop (the smell, glazed red eyes, etc.). Do you think there is a police officer in the world who doesn't know what weed smells like? I think not.

Just face it, you've been brainwashed. Because you obviously don't know much about weed, yet you think you still have the right to educate us with your propaganda. :rolleyes: