speed dawg said:
Just my take. History says Trump will probably falter similar to Giuliani and others who had the steam over a year out from the elections. Trump will likely throw his support behind Rubio as well. He'll easily win Florida and coast over any of these current Democrat clowns.
As you know my original plan was to get behind Rand Paul, but Rand Paul has allowed himself to fall totally behind.
This Election Year is one of the weirdest ones I think of my modern voting lifetime (I officially was able to start voting during the Kerry v Bush elections but missed it. I didn't start voting consistently until 2008 and to this day vote for national, state and local).
On the Republican side, Donald Trump, who is a person that I don't know how anybody can take seriously because a big reason he's running is for "show," but he's turned out to be the ONLY Republican Candidate with any type of juice, energy, spunk, and fire that creates that natural EXCITEMENT for a Campaign.
Ben Carson is insanely boring, the guy speaks as if he's about to fall asleep.
Scott Walker and Chris Christie have been totally lost in the shuffle.
Marco Rubio is just playing it safe, as a result, he gets overlooked.
Where in the hell is Mike Huckabee lol? Talk about lost in the shuffle.
Jeb Bush is still right up there and if Trump falls, it's going to Jeb. I'm not sure Trump can maintain the lead going forward though because as someone pointed out yesterday during the Debate Analysis, the LONGER the debate goes on the more Trump is seemingly tired out.
On the Democratic Side, Bernie Sanders (a socialist) is getting all of the energy and excitement but he's no where NEAR beating Hillary in the polls?
It looks like we might end up with a Jeb Bush v.s. Hillary Clinton situation, and Hillary will totally destroy Jeb as all she has to do is tie him to GW Bush.
I'm sorry guys, I hate to say it, Hillary is still going to win