Manipulating women through their insecurities.

Aug 28, 2015
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What are the best ways/examples that you experts do this that I can use when starting to date a chick?


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
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It isn't about manipulating people. It is about understanding why people do/react the way they do that gives you a better context for the actions and your interactions. If you focus primarily on exploiting insecurities, your **** will get blown up the moment a 3rd party gets involved in your relationship.

If you make her insecure around her, imagine when an actual suave individual comes around and makes her feel special, interesting, and understood? You need to focus on making people feel good about themselves instead of bad about themselves because that is where the real skill and commitment come from. When you focus on making a person feel bad, you also have to deal with shade from everyone else that knows the girl and is interested in her well-being. That is not the case if you are focused on making things positive for her.

The fact that you are trying to manipulate women shows that you have a lot to learn in the game. I recommend you read some articles about confidence et al via the DJ Bible sections.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2015
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@macallik I think your understanding of manipulation is different to the its simplest form, manipulation is any social interaction that you commit for your own benefit. Taking her on a good date so you'll get laid is a form of manipulation. I think you assume the OP means negative manipulation as this is the most commonly spoken about form. A recent example of myself. My ex told me she doesn't see me as a natural leader so when I interact with her now I bare in mind that my frame must represent that of a leader and she's responded by being much more endearing day to day. That's manipulation but we both benefit from it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Hey it's a feel good thread Everyone is correct. In early dating it's all manipulation and tactics and you have to Wade through all the s*** tests.

In an ltr it's about growing together and building your girl up. Of course sometimes when you build them up they walk out the door but then realise you never had a good one anyway


Apr 9, 2010
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Manipulation is a 'nice guy' tactic.

And I don't mean nice guy in a good way.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
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The land of improvement
Go read some of the dj bible.
Your only focus is to have fun yourself and not how to manipulate the chick. If you have fun then you will have a positive aura around you and that makes people come closer to you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
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Of course being a fun guy is great but make sure you're not being one dimensional. Back in my player days I had a string of Greek and Serbian girls heheh in fact at one stage a Plague of Helens. They mostly broke up with me because I wasn't dark and brooding enough. Certainly no great loss and I'm not saying you have to act a role but if you had a bad day and are pissed off tell her that and don't feel you have to wear the mask. If it's going to have legs they should wrapping around your reality
On the other hand if you let things get to you or even worse whinge that's horribly beta.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
@macallik I think your understanding of manipulation is different to the its simplest form, manipulation is any social interaction that you commit for your own benefit. Taking her on a good date so you'll get laid is a form of manipulation. I think you assume the OP means negative manipulation as this is the most commonly spoken about form. A recent example of myself. My ex told me she doesn't see me as a natural leader so when I interact with her now I bare in mind that my frame must represent that of a leader and she's responded by being much more endearing day to day. That's manipulation but we both benefit from it.
Manipulation is often associated negatively, but it's very neutral by definition. It's to influence someone else to do something, but that's not nescessarily bad and not nescessarily for selfish benefit. Like I manipulate my girlfriend, but she's aware of it and allows it. She's manipulating me as well, but I'm also aware of it and allow it. It's practically impossible to interact with someone without influencing and being influenced, but I do my best to make it mutually beneficial. My relationship is pretty simple in that my girlfriend doesn't want to be a leader, but someone has to lead and so I'm doing it. I could seriously take advantage of my position, but I know it's bad so I keep things fair.

If I manipulate I will do it in a positive way or I won't do it at all. Another thing to note is that going on a date to get laid isn't bad just by itself, the problem occurs when having sex is more important than both having a good time. If you go on a date and expect sex you're in trouble, the error is being an a$$hole if you don't get it. That only happens if you can't accept not getting it, so it would be best to not actually expect anything in return. This has the opposite emotional effect, instead of feeling negative for not getting it and indifferent for getting it, you'll feel positive for getting it and indifferent for not getting it.

The way I neg for example is to say something bad to her, but I do it in a way she knows I'm joking and that I really do like her. She'll imagine how it would be if I meant it and be grateful that I didn't, positive effect. In the end I truly do want her to feel good about me, just as good as I feel about her.

The techniques for manipulating stays the same, but it's a powerful tool that can be both very positive or very destructive. The only thing I fear about it is the temptation to use it destructively, because I'm really fvcking good at it and I know I would regret it afterwards.

As for how to manipulate it's really hard to do to people you just met unless they're vulnerable or emotionally weak. As you get to know a girl they open up and tell you what matters to them, what's in their heart. When you know you then have the potential to attack it and break their hearts, their trust in you and their trust in men in general. You could blackmail them on things they've told you that nobody else knows (usually something shameful), that's a particularly cruel manipulation tactic. The positive you can do when they reveal things to you is to give them what they care about but doesn't have. That's where the nice guys get it wrong, many women don't give a flying fvck about flowers and chocolate, but the nice guy believes they have given something they appreciate. Giving does work, but you should get to know her and figure out what she actually loves. Manipulation changes how a person feels, the negative manipulation makes her feel guilt, shame and fear. Positive manipulation makes her feel appreciation, affection and love.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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As a man you can manipulate a woman into sleeping with you. But that's about it.

Since the committed monogamous relationship is the domain of the beta.. the woman will always have the upper hand once a man swears off f*cking other women. There is no getting around this. Which is why a man must spin plates if he wants to have sex AND be the one calling the shots.

Once you commit and place ONE woman on a pedestal.. no manipulation will help you.

You will never win the game through manipulation. You will only win the game through abundance and TRUE indifference to the outcome with any particular woman.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
As a man you can manipulate a woman into sleeping with you. But that's about it.

Since the committed monogamous relationship is the domain of the beta.. the woman will always have the upper hand once a man swears off f*cking other women. There is no getting around this. Which is why a man must spin plates if he wants to have sex AND be the one calling the shots.

Once you commit and place ONE woman on a pedestal.. no manipulation will help you.

You will never win the game through manipulation. You will only win the game through abundance and TRUE indifference to the outcome with any particular woman.
I'm just hoping most guys reading your post doesn't uncritically buy into your bullsh!t.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
Says the person with no counter argument.

If what I say is bullsh!t then explain how. Tell me what is inaccurate. Provide some education. Otherwise shut the f*ck up.
I have explained and provided education in the past to you, I have had more reasonable conversations with a wall. You can tell me to shut the fvck up, but I won't ever respect it, would you if you were told the same?

I don't have to provide a counter argument, but here goes what I see as inaccurate from my point of view.

Being in a committed monogamous relationship does not make one a beta, loser or otherwise a weak man. Women have no upper hand in such a relationship, a man can just as well withdraw the goods he provides her as she can withdraw hers. Spinning plates and using women as a cvm dumpster is not the only way to have sex and calling shots, I have a girlfriend who likes to fvck me and prefers me calling the shots. Committing to a particular women does not mean uncritically worship her, of course she's on a pedestal being the woman above other women for a man. She should understand how dumb it is of her to ruin that, don't have her on a pedestal if she steps out of line. If she keeps her committment there would be no need for manipulation and if she doesn't it's wiser to dump the b!tch than to make it worse by controlling her.

What game are you referring to? The one where you win, they lose and you handle everything by not giving a sh!t?

I really want to know why you have such a huge problem with liking women and pvssy, I think you're taking the pedestal analogy too far as well. What is wrong about fvcking a pvssy and liking it? Do you feel weak if you like a woman? Is it because you fear she will hurt your feelings if you open up?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
Says the person with no counter argument.

If what I say is bullsh!t then explain how. Tell me what is inaccurate. Provide some education. Otherwise shut the f*ck up.
Bro. Chill. You don't need to respond to ALL of their posts addressing you like you have something to prove, the same way how you don't have to prove to any woman anything.

Psycho and sociopaths are characterised by adeptness in manipulation.
That depends on what level we're talking about here. Low functioning sociopaths are better one on one as they have mastered manipulation. However, they can't keep up the facade forever if a third party DOES get involved. High functioning sociopaths on the other hand are charismatic and can control the masses because they more or less are true leaders (aka a MAN or a Don Juan). There's a negative connotation to it because of who we associate sociopaths with or as, but if they do make it in society, they tend to make it big.

One thing worth noting is that (due to the respective male and fenale pathology,) men are/become sociopaths and women are/become BPDs. A crossover is rare as the way male and female brains work are different.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
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Manipulation is a 'nice guy' tactic.

And I don't mean nice guy in a good way.
'nice guys' are the most manipulative people out there. They are 'nice' for the sole purpose of manipulating women into liking them. They are not true to themselves, they are not themselves while being nice. They will let women walk all over them and will be their punching bags because they think, by doing so, that they will eventually be rewarded with female attention. It is these same nice guys that will eventually show their true colors. Their persona and act does have an expiration date. They will act out, and, depending on who they are and what they've been through, will eventually become the bad guy when-if their nice guy tactics are not rewarded.