Managing Power (LTR)


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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There is a post by Poon of something I'm gonna explain below. I do believe, those things are connected. (

But, could we go to a deeper level? Theory is about PNP, developed by Franco

Keeping of Frame and Power in LTR

To keep a man tied to her long enough for procreation and for their children to achieve independence, a woman unconsciously uses the PNP mechanism, putting the man in a mental state called "submissive frame."

Nature has predisposed men to fall into the female PNP mechanism. This mental state is one of the main reasons for failure in attempts to seduce a woman and serves as the basis for a severe loss of sexual interest from the woman in a marriage or LTR.

When a woman successfully puts a man in this state, two things happen:
- The woman slowly loses her sexual interest in the man.
- The woman begins to despise him and lose respect for him.

However, it should be noted that PNP is not the sole cause of failure in male-female relationships, as there are other factors such as physical attraction and SMV, which change over time. Thus, while PNP is not the only reason, this process is the cause of many divorces and infidelities. It can occur quickly, within hours or days, or more slowly over the duration of a marriage, but it happens with mathematical precision.

We define the submissive mental state as: WOMAN PNP > MAN PNP.
The submissive frame includes any action or omission where the man places himself in a humiliating position, showing the woman that he cannot live without her, remaining submissive to gain her attention and sex. It is any behavior that allows the woman to psychologically break him down or when she constantly asks for favors.

Ironically, the same mechanism that makes a woman feel secure in possessing a man with the best genes simultaneously causes her to lose sexual interest in him. It's akin to buying a new phone because you're excited, but once you have it with you, the excitement quickly fades.
In response to PNP, many men feel "something strange" and start behaving destructively, such as drinking or gambling, in an attempt to return to an Alpha state; but often it is already too late.

The PNP mechanism can be described with the following drug metaphor:
- P: We feel pleasant sensations (pleasure stimulus).
- N: We feel a deep need for more (absence of pleasure stimulus).
- P: We take more when it becomes available again (new pleasure stimulus).

The repetition of the PNP cycle leads to an addiction similar to that of alcohol or drugs.

In relationships, a woman's primal instinct is to bind a man to her, especially if he has the best genes, desiring that he impregnates her and protects her while she cares for their children.

Example of the PNP cycle:

1. P: She shows us her legs and makes us excited.
2. N: We try to touch her and she withdraws (denies).
3. P: She shows us her legs again and makes us excited.


1. P: She agrees to have sex with us.
2. N: She refuses and we are left alone with our desire.
3. P: She agrees again to have sex.

A man's submissive behavior generally begins in a marriage or LTR and almost always leads to difficult relationships. When a woman realizes she has bound the man using the PNP mechanism, she begins to prolong the negative stimulus. A woman has many options today; she can end a relationship with a man who plays the role of father and husband to find someone else willing to do so.

Example of Proper Frame: Consider two sentences:

1. "Hi Maria, how are you? I would like us to go to the movies together."
2. "Hi Maria, how are you? I have a meeting tonight and then I'm going to the gym. If you want to join me for coffee between five and six, I would love to hear about your vacation!"

The first sentence is servile; it conveys weakness. The second sentence communicates success and confidence, inviting the woman to qualify herself for spending time with him.

Using PNP in Our Favor

Now, to reverse the PNP mechanism in favor of men, it is necessary to put the woman in a mental state where she must continuously earn your exclusivity without ever fully achieving it. It is essential to be a continuous challenge for her and never give certainty of being her exclusive man. Practically speaking, this means not giving the woman certainty of possessing your genes. This approach is opposite to spending money on flowers or favors.

For example, what changed my perspective on male-female relationships was my friend's 15-year LTR.
I couldn't understand why he treated his woman that way; however, I thought if they had been together for 15 years, beyond factors like SMV and attractiveness, there must be something else.
Found: He managed power.

Let me give you a small example for clarity; my friend is so good at recognizing and responding to his woman's PNP actions. In fact, when his woman presents him with a PNP action, He knows if that is a P (Positive) or N (Negative.
In case of a N, he doesn't take it seriously; he knows what she is really asking for and becomes playful and humorous. Through this approach, he passes her **** test and then takes back control of the interaction. Another practical example is sex. They both have high libidos, and he has learned how to manage his desire by masking it for her—making her beg for sex instead of vice versa. He controls sex; he grants it to her. Additionally, she is very loving towards him and supports him greatly. A very good LTR, based on Men Power.
This woman is really satisfied!

So, the challenge is getting good, at recognizing the pattern of positives and negatives.*
This is not our "primary" job, since that should be living a good life, but once you understand and apply those pattern, not only you can improve your relationship with women, but with men too, and it also be more "natural" to use those concepts.

That said, use this technique calibrated according to your life goals:
- Do you want an LTR and children? Use PNP gradually and appropriately just like my friend does.
- Do you want fun? Use PNP solely for your purposes.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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*Now, regarding this topic, how can you become proficient at recognizing P and N? It should be easy for someone who has mastered the art of "PNP." How do you actually do it? What are the best activities or strategies you can employ? Perhaps you could start by writing down common P and N behaviors you observe in others and then practice crafting appropriate responses to them.

This situation often resembles when women present you with a "**** test" (which corresponds to the N in the theory), so it's essential to know how to respond to these tests. We already understand how to do this.

However, **** tests can be seen as MICRO elements of something larger: the PNP Pattern. Therefore, we might want to refer to PNP as a MACRO concept.

In your LTR, the PNP and **** tests are interconnected. LTR -> Power -> Games.

Those who effectively respond to these daily little games gain power within the relationship. As I've mentioned, we should not treat this as a job but rather enjoy the two outcomes: first, having fun with it, and second, gaining power in our relationships.