Interesting thread here guys......well since I oppose abortion in every case (except when a woman gets forcefully raped), here is what I would do, and remember thats me not necesasrily you:
1) tell her to have the baby. I don't believe in abortion as I said.
2) Get a very, very good lawyer. This will do two things. First, he will let you know if you can or cannot do anything in this situation. Second, a good lawyer will know the judges in your area. Ideally in this situation, you would want an older, conservative judge because these judges tend to follow the law as the law was intended to be followed. A good lawyer can get you a change of venue if he feels you are up against a judge who will not intrepret the situation fairly.
3) Have her take two tests. First, a test to determine the baby is yours. Second, a test to determine if she was on the pill or not.
4) if she gives you a hard time with either one of these, tell your lawyer. He WILL BE ABLE to help you, and can get this to court if you so wish.
5) If she DID lie about the pill, you may have a case on your hands. You may be able to collect from her in a court. If she was on it and the baby is yours, man up and remember this is part of the game sometimes. Also remember, NO ONE made the decision to have sex without a condom but you, and, Xanax DOES IMPAIR your judgement slightly. Kinda gives you that "don't give a dam" feeling. Bad idea when youre around a girl.
Whatever you do, protect yourself. In the USA, the courts tend to favor the female and tend to assume the male to be the bad guy in these kinds of situations.
The truth is, you both are EQUALLY responsible for this matter. Thats why, if she lied to you about the pill, you may be entitled to restitution of some amount.
Take care of yourself, and remeber, the worst thing that can happen is you'll have to pay money till the child is 18. Although it sounds like alot, it could be alot worse.
But remember, don't fall vicitim to the system. Most men aren't aware of their rights in this kind of situation. Get a good lawyer to get the best out of this situation if things go awry.
If you get the abortion...thats up to you to handle it.
peace out