Man the stupid dreamer


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
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This topic makes a lot of sense for me!

Before I became a christian, I used to have a girlfriend that would do all kinds of things with me etc.. turned out she was cheating on me.

Then I met a christian girl. I thought it would be much better and, in some matters it was, she didn't cheat, she was more centered, had values, etc. But she also turned out to be demanding, full of pride, same thing with her last boyfriends, and I'm here thinking.. what the heck I thought it would be much better... I ended up being "tamed". We're not dating anymore, but I learned a lot of things and damn I feel like i've been cheated by showing her my true feelings and trying to be my best of her.

I got a lot better after her though, learned some stuff because of some books and this site, i'm now focused on myself, got a way better job, I'm working out.. anyways.. what the topic says I've been realizing for some time.

It seems as if men are supposed to become the best they can be and then settle down with a woman.
If you tell people that you don't really care about that, they look you with different eyes and some women think you're crazy.

I'm a christian, I go to church every weekend and even in church I see women going after only the best, most successful. Many girls sat beside and started talking to me and I didn't even go after them. It seems that they are looking for someone that has a lot already and trying to get you to settle with them.

The way I see it now: I studied a lot, got a really good job, I live alone, have a nice car, money in the bank and still trying to get better. Why would I want to settle with someone that didn't do anything to help me ? What is in it for me ? Being in a relationship ? Most people sell that as a glorious thing, but, from what I've seen reality is a different place.

The Bible has really good values (as already quoted) that a woman must have. One of them is obeying her husband and being grateful for his efforts. Easier said nowadays than found, even in church. Women are much more demanding and only think of themselves.. and they complain why they are still alone.

A few days ago I was discussing this with some friends in church and a girl. The girl said if I got married I would have a meal when I came home, that she would keep everything in place, make me company and that, in return, I would have to earn a lot of money to tend her every need. I ended up saying that I didn't see any benefit (except s*x) .. If I want a meal I can go to any restaurant I want.. I have the means to do that. I take care of my own place, and if it was for the fun.. I think a dog would make me laugh more (this last part I left out lol). If you say that somehow they don't have anything to throw at you .. that's their weapon: you should do everything for them just because they are beside you... I find that hard to buy.

One thing I notice: my friends that are successful don't want a girlfriend to settle down. The ones that are in marriage always complain how they have difficulties pursuing their career. The ones that don't really have a lot going on try to find a girlfriend (and fail..). The ones that have a girlfriend and finally get a good job are pushed by her and her family to get married as soon as possible (and most of them are not even christian!).

And guess what: all the women are trying to find a boyfriend !

And I'm here questioning myself: Am I one of the only ones that are getting this plot ?

Guess what happens if they have kids ? That's right.. all the attention goes to the kids.

I would like to make a comparison: what I usually feel is that these women are somehow draining our energy, our efforts.. when you get pissed off you get that surge of energy and you begin to realize "where was my energy going ? I can put this to better use!".

I think there are a few good women .. but man that's hard to find. I think the energy you have to put into that can be better used in other activities.