Mall is not a place to pick up women


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
Today I went to the mall AGAIN (very big, it has 2 parts and about more than 1000 people every hour)

at first I walked around with a big smile on my face, I looked at any girl range from 7 ~ 10. They all turned away quickly :(

when I wasn't smiling, some girl looked at me, does it have to do with my height? I am 6'2, I am taller than most people there, except some of the guys. Are they looking at my height or me?

I am guessing they could be looking at my body, I am 6'2 and I weight about 145lbs. I know skinny, but I work out so not bone skinned.

I don't think they would be checking me out, they could be looking at the acne on my face or anything else.

today I wasted about 2 hours looking at women without any approach, I had about 5 chances to at least say HI to them, but they weren't facing me so I don't want to be weird out

All the hot babes are always walking with friends so it's hard to say HI and I have to give them equal ammount of attention :(

where would be the best place to pick up single chicks? I can't go to bar till I am 19 (which is in January 21st) :(
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Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2004
Reaction score
Chico, CA during school, and Irivine off-school
Someone FINALLY gets it!

You dont pick up serious girls at the mall. You dont pick up girls you will date in the near future at the mall. You get snobby bored high school/middle school mallrats with nothing better to do that shop, spend daddy's money and waste away at the mall doing nothing, kind of girls .


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
yeah I noticed a lot of teenage girls but some hot babes

plus I see this asian chick (about 19~21 years old) wearing this super short skirt (I was walking behind her) I should've said something funny to get her attention. I noticed this 2 other guy were pointing at her short skirt... :D

where would be the best place to pick up single chicks? I can't go to bar till I am 19 (which is in January 21st)


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe if you actually talked to some of these girls you could consider the mall a place to pick up chicks.
Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by LuvMyArmyMan
Someone FINALLY gets it!

You dont pick up serious girls at the mall. You dont pick up girls you will date in the near future at the mall. You get snobby bored high school/middle school mallrats with nothing better to do that shop, spend daddy's money and waste away at the mall doing nothing, kind of girls .
i can pretty surely bet u that there is many women at the mall who are not shopaholics.


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by LuvMyArmyMan
Someone FINALLY gets it!

You dont pick up serious girls at the mall. You dont pick up girls you will date in the near future at the mall. You get snobby bored high school/middle school mallrats with nothing better to do that shop, spend daddy's money and waste away at the mall doing nothing, kind of girls .
yeah that's gonna be a big NEGATIVE there.. there are HB's that just oh i dunno SHOP at malls..

and like somebody else says its pretty easy to tell the snobby rich teen HB's from the mature 20+ yrs old HB's


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
If you have enough of a magnetic presence, women will hit on you or at least make themselves approachable - whehter you are in a mall, a toilet, or a dark alley.

You're no Nicholas Tse or Won Bin or Rick Yune, but you're still decent looking. Time will make that acne go away, so don't worry about that, and just watch your diet and clean clean clean your face with Clearasil 3 times a day!

But that's all extraneous info. You wanna know what you REALLY need? Some meat on those bones.

I'm serious - you are just too skinny. A masculine presence has a LOT to do with your physicality. You can make up for it with alternative methods like charm or awesome fashion, but the most direct and effort/cost-effective way is with a banging body. You know how you can't help but stare at chicks with a tiny waist, nice, azz and big tits? Same for the chicks with our chests, arms, back, butt, etc. You need to get on a fvcking program, instead of whining like a little Chinese bytch, dawg. No offense, but you are quite annoying and make us Asian bros look like whiners. This is a *****-slap to wake you up, so don't get so angry when I say this to you.

Go to BUY IT. Follow it to the letter. You should set intermediate goals - first aim for 160 pounds. Then 175 pounds. Then 185. Then 195. Finally, at 6'2" 195 you should look like some fvckin Calvin Klein underwear model - and then I GUARANTEE YOU that women will turn their heads at you. Even if you have zero game.

You are just making it that much harder for you by not working on your basics before trying to build up your game. By building up your basics, it makes it many times easier to attract and close women, even if you aren't exactly a mack.

The basics are:

- Wardrobe
- Nice body
- Good hygeine/hair/skin

... that's it. There is no fvcking point in going to a mall looking like a cardboard cut-out and coming back to us whining about girls treating you like you're invisible. Well guess what?? You ARE INVISIBLE. In fact, you are 2-Dimensional. You are a skinny-ass mofo. You need to make yourself 3-dimensional, and then go back to the mall. Use this winter holiday wisely - go work out and EAT WELL - to BULK UP.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Again, to each and every one of you - if you aren't looking the best that you can possibly look - there is no fvcking point in going to malls (or anywhere) with a gut, dirty shoes, fvcked up hair, a 5-o clock shadow - then getting rejected. Think about it when you look at a chick: would you date a fat, dumpy chick with bad teeth and awful fashion sense who walked up to you and spat game at you? No. You'd probably blush, politely brush her off, and then get the fvck out of there as quickly as possible.

tom121 and the rest are not demonstrating value. You can demonstrate value thru personality and 'game' and such, but that works in two stages. You need to give a woman a REASON to initiate (be receptive). You need to look your best, and pass her physical attractiveness scale. Once you pass and she makes EC/flirts, then it's time to use your personality.

IT'S ALL ABOUT PRESENTATION. Don't you numbskulls forget that. :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
getting bulked up takes years, plus everyone is different. genetics are one reason for me, my dad was skinny back then but he was in the army, he's got the perfect abs, chest and arm. Right now I am just eating a lot, working out, wash my face twice a day, I am just doing what I can. It will take YEARS for it to be that super model look, and it might not happen


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2004
Reaction score
god damn it mall game is tuff but I still wanna play though cuz that is where most of the HBs are. Of course u can go to bookstore too but there aren't that many HBs. If there are, u could only do one approach at that store. IMO doing multiple approach at the same store make u look desperate and like a player.

IMO, if ur gonna look at HBs at the mall, u better have a smile ready when their eyes meet yours. I dressed up really nice one time (nice bottom,shirt,shoe,hair plus extra 7 lbs of muscle) and got a lot of attention. I caught girls looking at me a lot. Girls were looking at me and I got really uncomforable because they would just look away when I look at them. The ones that smiled at me made me feel good though so the lesson is to smile.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by tom121
getting bulked up takes years, plus everyone is different. genetics are one reason for me, my dad was skinny back then but he was in the army, he's got the perfect abs, chest and arm. Right now I am just eating a lot, working out, wash my face twice a day, I am just doing what I can. It will take YEARS for it to be that super model look, and it might not happen

Listen to yourself. You're just making excuses. I have no pity or empathy for you dude. :rolleyes:

You're an 18 year old. You are greener than the snot out of my nose, you foolio. You say that building a body will take years. WELL YEARS, YOU HAVE. What, are you on some kind of schedule to die by the time you're 20? Then I guess buildng a body that will take years can't be a priority. But we both know that that's not the case. So don't be a bullshyt excuse-havin' moron and start working on your body. And it doesn't always take years - sometimes months will do.

All you amount to right now is a really impatient, short attention span-havin' kid who likes to whine a lot. It's embarrassing to watch you mope around this forum. You can change.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by tom121
getting bulked up takes years, plus everyone is different. genetics are one reason for me, my dad was skinny back then but he was in the army, he's got the perfect abs, chest and arm. Right now I am just eating a lot, working out, wash my face twice a day, I am just doing what I can. It will take YEARS for it to be that super model look, and it might not happen
Sounds like this is the excuse you make for not getting results quickly. Whenever someone trains half assed at anything and gets nothing, he'll do one of 2 things:

1. Give up
2. Continue making a half assed or misinformed attempt at training the wrong way, and make the mental excuse that 'this shyt takes years, I can't expect any changes in the short term'. 2 years later they are in exactly the same place they were to begin with.

Goto and check out anthony ellis' results, tell me it takes years to gain muscle.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Once again, in the mall, in the middle of the Christmas Shopping Ruckus, is not the place to be attempting "cold approaches". This time of year, people want to get INTO the mall, get their sh!t, and get OUT as quickly as possible. Your best bet would be to check out the Food Court or a nearby coffee shop and look for chicks who are trying to unload and take a breather. If you're badgering women in the stores and the hallways, you're asking to be shunned.

Show that you have at least SOME understanding of how she thinks and aren't just prowling for meat. :p


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
Last time I did a cold approach was at the mall and I got the immediate ***** shields. I know atleast one girl (of 2) was giving me EC but its just like you guys said, not really a place where women want to meet people.
Oct 15, 2004
Reaction score
they are probably looking at your height and you cause it's not everyday that you see a 6'2 asian running around. Your a anomoloy.

I realize that kids raised over here "are growing taller and taller" as my one asian friend said. "Must be the food"


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by jakethasnake

I'm serious - you are just too skinny. A masculine presence has a LOT to do with your physicality. You can make up for it with alternative methods like charm or awesome fashion, but the most direct and effort/cost-effective way is with a banging body. You know how you can't help but stare at chicks with a tiny waist, nice, azz and big tits? Same for the chicks with our chests, arms, back, butt, etc. You need to get on a fvcking program, instead of whining like a little Chinese bytch, dawg. No offense, but you are quite annoying and make us Asian bros look like whiners. This is a *****-slap to wake you up, so don't get so angry when I say this to you.


Im with your advise Jake, man totally all the way. This kid is just a whiny brat. However, he doesn't have to be a 225 pound solid muscle head. Sh it, if he gained 25 lbs to 170 at 6"2 he would probably look a world better. Clear up that face a bit and he is good to go. Most chiks like that trim lean look without alot of muscle, just a little bit.

Dude, its not gonna take you years to gain 25 lbs. In fact, you could do it EASILY by this summer. get off your azz and go for it. Check out


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm surprised nobody touched on what he almost learned

at first I walked around with a big smile on my face, I looked at any girl range from 7 ~ 10. They all turned away quickly

when I wasn't smiling, some girl looked at me,
Nobody's gonna look at you if you walk around with a grin on your face. People will be scared to know what you're thinking.

When a woman looks at you, that's when you smile. Then make an approach.

Squirrels also has a good point. It's busy as hell in the stores this time of year and if people are anything like me, they'll get pissed off and fed up with the a55holes running around getting their shopping done, all the screaming kids crying cause all santa gave them was a 5hitty candy cane. It can be stressful.

Also, right now is probably one of the worst times to pick up a woman. You're going to feel inclined to buy something for someone you barely know, lots of people are planning to go away for the holidays, etc.

I've found that November is one of the best times to get women. It's a month away from Christmas, and women don't want to be stuck last minute shopping for a man. November is when they're out finding one for the holidays.

Men are the ones who do last minute shopping for a woman.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
darn jake the snake is correct i think bulking up will help you game alot(and when i say bulking up i dont mean looking stupid like hulk hogan or vandame) just have a nice trimmed body, im6'2 slim not skinny and i still get attenshion from females becuase i follow a good hygene and all that take care of my self wash my face keep a good posture and all that. just think of it when i bulk up, think of the attenshion ill be getting ill be unstopable . and guys tend to give you your space and repect if you bulk up too. but still i still know alotta slim pretty boy who get all the females(but guys tend to think they are lazy and gay lol) so i guess it depends. this new year ill be aiming to bulk up for real.

but that being said i dont think bulking up will get girls throwing thier self at you except your denzel or james dean reincarnated lol. especially in the mall. i never pick up at malls except they show interest. iv pickup 1nce in the mall though during summertime. still bulking up doesnt mean females will fall at your feet but it can give you a huge level of confidence, ill be bulking up becuase i want to not because of some mall rats.
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Jake nailed it right on! I've been on the program now for 6 weeks and I've gained 7 lbs of muscle. I can really see an improvement! Buy the program and get started ASAP. The program is directed towards skinny hardgainers that can't gain weight. I worked out 4 months prior and didn't gain a pound. Now that's a waste of time! If you're going to get into weight lifting, do it right and don't make the same mistake that I did.

Also, I don't see the problem of doing approaches at the mall at this time. You guys are focusing too much on the outcome. What he needs is EXPERIENCE, not results. Do you think it'll make a signficant difference if it was November and he tried to do approaches? No. It should not and will not matter.

Also, the only place I've actually done approaches is the mall, so I can't relate it to being any difficult than anywhere else. But I HAVE been successful with it, and I'm no pro or guru. I'm new and just do it for experience. I've gotten e-mails there, and phone numbers (some possibly fake, havn't bothered to call), but the e-mails are real! Almost all approaches you'll do at the mall the girl will be with a friend. When I go up to approach them I hardly even notice her friend there. Anyways, good luck!


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Metaphysikal_Lover
they are probably looking at your height and you cause it's not everyday that you see a 6'2 asian running around. Your a anomoloy.

I realize that kids raised over here "are growing taller and taller" as my one asian friend said. "Must be the food"
Funny thing that over here it is the opposite. Kids here are getting shorter and shorter every generation. Looking back on my high school days, the grades ahead of me were generally taller and the younger grades were WAY shorter than we were at their age. We say, "it must be something in the water."