Interesting take you have, and I see your point. If they do market it as you anticipate it's almost guaranteed to fail. However, if they launch the right type of advertising campaign---one that DOESN'T call it "male birth control", then I bet they could do it quite effectively.
For instance, if they market it as a pro-men, super macho, self-defense prescription to aide in the "prevention of unwanted, deceptive, and/or malicious impregnation of the WRONG women"---then I bet it could be a HUGE seller. After all, we all know that there are a helluva lot of men on the Internet these days who damn near bust a nut just "saying" the word "Alpha" these days---right?
So all the drug manufacturers really have to do is play up the angle of "save money from having to hire lawyers and from having to pay decades of child support due to unwanted pregnancy entrapment"---and they'll easily get the backing of a significant number of rich, famous, and powerful men who are smart enough to know that they have A LOT to lose.
Just think: No more would there be such an easy payday for predator-type women who target athletes, actors, musicians, rich guys, or even good looking guys (some women just LOVE the idea of having "cute babies" you know).
A male contraceptive, properly named and effectively marketed to BOOST the male ego may be years away---but I think it's an idea whose time has "come" to speak.