“Lighten up Francis” – The Movie Stripes
Feminism is the most destructive force to ever hit our society. It has damaged more lives is more ways than anything I can think of. 40 million babies have been aborted, i.e. murdered. We have a divorce rate of 50% and children are born to single mothers at a high rate. Many children grow up without a father in the home. Boys need fathers to teach them how men act and to treat women with respect and that respect doesn’t mean subservience. Girls need to know that they are worthy of the real love of a man. Children who grow up in the broken families that feminism validates have a great deal of scares. Many of the girls search for the love they didn’t get from their father by sleeping with many men. These men do not love them. They just use them for sex. The boys don’t learn the discipline they need from a father and fail to achieve and do not respect authority.
Feminist tell women that the can “have it all”, a career, money, children and they don’t need a man. Our pop culture has made the single mom a roll model and hero. The reality of it is kids that are raised by minimum wage day care workers or are home alone. They receive no love or mentoring.
Image the child of a divorced mom. Try to understand how he or she feels. His world is torn to pieces. HE feels like a piece of him is missing. The father that he loves is gone. The “family” resources have just become a lot less. If mom was staying at home before, she’s not now so he’s now lost all that time with her as well as the evenings and weekends with dad. After a few years, maybe mom remarries another man who can’t understand why junior didn’t yell “Daddy! You’re home!” the first time he walked in the door. Shouldn’t the kid appreciate him for tolerating him to be with his mom? Actually, junior is wondering how to get rid of him so dad can come back home and fill the emptiness he feels. Dad’s never coming back, but junior won’t accept this until he is in his teens. Maybe mom has a kid or 2 with the new husband. Oh, how she loves the new kids with the man she loves now! Meanwhile, junior reminds her more and more of the a$$hole she now hates. He looks like him, has his mannerisms and because of junior she still has to deal with him on a regular bases. Junior can tell that he is an unwelcome guest in the new family.
Our pop culture teaches us lies such as that junior will be just fine and happy in this situation. It also teaches the lie that if mom isn’t feeling infatuation for dad anymore, she needs to “discover herself”. It’s really his fault she’s not happy, and she should just move on to another man that makes her feel infatuation again.
Feminism is based on lies and flawed logic that biased academics that apparently have no ability to reason tell us is scientific fact. Feminist moms and wives have castrated their sons and husbands and now wonder why men don’t behave like men anymore. Why can’t these boys make them feel turned on?
The biggest problem is people don’t recognize the evil that it is because they think it is about noble things like equal pay and government assistance to help children. It is not. It is evil. Do not believe the lies.