Male Bashing


Jan 19, 2005
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Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
Along with your comprehension ability, you level of elocution amuses me....
Elocution refers to public speaking style. I don't think posting on an internet forum quite fits that definition. And I quote "YOU level of elocution"??????? YOU LEVEL????

My comprehension is fine. Your grammar and inability to structure a basic sentence speaks volumes.


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
You also have a lot of trouble deciphering the main point of an article. That in itself shows your lack of reading comprehension. May I suggest getting your GED?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Julian
Who cares?

We run the world anyway.
Cant say I agree, SOME of us men run the world, maybe 1 tenth of a percent, the rest of us dont.....chicks with big tits run the world in reality lol......


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
“Lighten up Francis” – The Movie Stripes

Feminism is the most destructive force to ever hit our society. It has damaged more lives is more ways than anything I can think of. 40 million babies have been aborted, i.e. murdered. We have a divorce rate of 50% and children are born to single mothers at a high rate. Many children grow up without a father in the home. Boys need fathers to teach them how men act and to treat women with respect and that respect doesn’t mean subservience. Girls need to know that they are worthy of the real love of a man. Children who grow up in the broken families that feminism validates have a great deal of scares. Many of the girls search for the love they didn’t get from their father by sleeping with many men. These men do not love them. They just use them for sex. The boys don’t learn the discipline they need from a father and fail to achieve and do not respect authority.

Feminist tell women that the can “have it all”, a career, money, children and they don’t need a man. Our pop culture has made the single mom a roll model and hero. The reality of it is kids that are raised by minimum wage day care workers or are home alone. They receive no love or mentoring.

Image the child of a divorced mom. Try to understand how he or she feels. His world is torn to pieces. HE feels like a piece of him is missing. The father that he loves is gone. The “family” resources have just become a lot less. If mom was staying at home before, she’s not now so he’s now lost all that time with her as well as the evenings and weekends with dad. After a few years, maybe mom remarries another man who can’t understand why junior didn’t yell “Daddy! You’re home!” the first time he walked in the door. Shouldn’t the kid appreciate him for tolerating him to be with his mom? Actually, junior is wondering how to get rid of him so dad can come back home and fill the emptiness he feels. Dad’s never coming back, but junior won’t accept this until he is in his teens. Maybe mom has a kid or 2 with the new husband. Oh, how she loves the new kids with the man she loves now! Meanwhile, junior reminds her more and more of the a$$hole she now hates. He looks like him, has his mannerisms and because of junior she still has to deal with him on a regular bases. Junior can tell that he is an unwelcome guest in the new family.

Our pop culture teaches us lies such as that junior will be just fine and happy in this situation. It also teaches the lie that if mom isn’t feeling infatuation for dad anymore, she needs to “discover herself”. It’s really his fault she’s not happy, and she should just move on to another man that makes her feel infatuation again.

Feminism is based on lies and flawed logic that biased academics that apparently have no ability to reason tell us is scientific fact. Feminist moms and wives have castrated their sons and husbands and now wonder why men don’t behave like men anymore. Why can’t these boys make them feel turned on?

The biggest problem is people don’t recognize the evil that it is because they think it is about noble things like equal pay and government assistance to help children. It is not. It is evil. Do not believe the lies.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by jprjrjr
You also have a lot of trouble deciphering the main point of an article. That in itself shows your lack of reading comprehension. May I suggest getting your GED?
So who helped you figure out how to spell GED anyway?

I really enjoy sparring with mental midgets but come on, can't you say anything more challenging? Don't you have an older sister that can help you out?


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Sparring with mental midgets? You can't even structure a fvcking sentence, your grammar sucks, and you don't know the definition of the words you use.

Get your boyfriend to help you, and I'll ask my sister.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by jprjrjr
...your grammar sucks..
Get your boyfriend to help you, and I'll ask my sister.
And your vast vocabulary is astonishing. Tell you what, don't bother looking for your sister, she's under my desk right now and is a bit busy. ;)


Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
This would be a good thread if you two would stop your pointless pissing contest.
Oh I agree. The pvssy is now using "your sister" jokes. I've proven my point. They guy's an unintelligent flamer.

This is my last post on this thread. Apologies to the folks who had to watch that nonsense.

BTW my sister is 35, and prefers to date men over transvestites....



Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Image the child of a divorced mom. Try to understand how he or she feels. His world is torn to pieces. HE feels like a piece of him is missing. The father that he loves is gone. The “family” resources have just become a lot less. If mom was staying at home before, she’s not now so he’s now lost all that time with her as well as the evenings and weekends with dad. After a few years, maybe mom remarries another man who can’t understand why junior didn’t yell “Daddy! You’re home!” the first time he walked in the door. Shouldn’t the kid appreciate him for tolerating him to be with his mom? Actually, junior is wondering how to get rid of him so dad can come back home and fill the emptiness he feels. Dad’s never coming back, but junior won’t accept this until he is in his teens. Maybe mom has a kid or 2 with the new husband. Oh, how she loves the new kids with the man she loves now! Meanwhile, junior reminds her more and more of the a$$hole she now hates. He looks like him, has his mannerisms and because of junior she still has to deal with him on a regular bases. Junior can tell that he is an unwelcome guest in the new family.
This is quite a generalization. The reality is that this is only true IF the woman decided to go work and sleep around rather than do what's right and take care of the kids. Love is more important than money.

One thing I've always thought, seeing as how most men are spineless fools, is that women are in control, but men are in the position to be blamed for the problems.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
This would be a good thread if you two would stop your pointless pissing contest.
Nah, it's only good once a mod decides to close it. We haven't pissed off anyone really so it's not anything other than boring. At least I'm bored.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by jprjrjr
Oh I agree. The pvssy is now using "your sister" jokes. I've proven my point. They guy's an unintelligent flamer.

This is my last post on this thread. Apologies to the folks who had to watch that nonsense.

BTW my sister is 35, and prefers to date men over transvestites....

Alright, then I'll call in your mom, older women rock... "jp, I am your father..."

There, that should merit a closing of the thread. hehehehe...


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Luveno
This is quite a generalization. The reality is that this is only true IF the woman decided to go work and sleep around rather than do what's right and take care of the kids. Love is more important than money.

One thing I've always thought, seeing as how most men are spineless fools, is that women are in control, but men are in the position to be blamed for the problems.
Yes, it is a generalization. A very common scenario to try to explain the thought.

The second paragraph is where I was going. It is only because a lot of men have baught into the feminist lies that this is a problem. Men can solve this problem and must.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by coder
Yes, it is a generalization. A very common scenario to try to explain the thought.

The second paragraph is where I was going. It is only because a lot of men have baught into the feminist lies that this is a problem. Men can solve this problem and must.
Yeah but remember that the feminist movement started out as extension of female equality. Then though the work of a few bitter women it transformed into what we see today, just because they felt that they had to do anything to solve the problem.

I'm all for women being able to get what they want out of life but the stuff that's going on now can be compared to much of the 'US vs. THEM' mentality which plagues religion, politics and culture.


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
I completely agree that this US vs THEM mentality is ridiculous, and that men and women should be cooperating rather than berating each other. Of course, the media wouldn't get its ratings.

However, I was disagreeing with the generalization that all single mothers are bad ones. Coder already explained that that wasn't his intent anyway. Good times though!

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Oh yeah, being a single parent is hard in itself. Then you have to contend with what society instills into the kids. Top it off you take feminist who say that you are supposed to be able to do it all by yourself if you are a woman. That's fine, but why would you want to contend with all of that alone?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by coder
“Lighten up Francis??The Movie Stripes

Feminism is the most destructive force to ever hit our society. It has damaged more lives is more ways than anything I can think of. 40 million babies have been aborted, i.e. murdered. We have a divorce rate of 50% and children are born to single mothers at a high rate. Many children grow up without a father in the home. Boys need fathers to teach them how men act and to treat women with respect and that respect doesn’t mean subservience. Girls need to know that they are worthy of the real love of a man. Children who grow up in the broken families that feminism validates have a great deal of scares. Many of the girls search for the love they didn’t get from their father by sleeping with many men. These men do not love them. They just use them for sex. The boys don’t learn the discipline they need from a father and fail to achieve and do not respect authority.

Feminist tell women that the can “have it all? a career, money, children and they don’t need a man. Our pop culture has made the single mom a roll model and hero. The reality of it is kids that are raised by minimum wage day care workers or are home alone. They receive no love or mentoring.

Image the child of a divorced mom. Try to understand how he or she feels. His world is torn to pieces. HE feels like a piece of him is missing. The father that he loves is gone. The “family?resources have just become a lot less. If mom was staying at home before, she’s not now so he’s now lost all that time with her as well as the evenings and weekends with dad. After a few years, maybe mom remarries another man who can’t understand why junior didn’t yell “Daddy! You’re home!?the first time he walked in the door. Shouldn’t the kid appreciate him for tolerating him to be with his mom? Actually, junior is wondering how to get rid of him so dad can come back home and fill the emptiness he feels. Dad’s never coming back, but junior won’t accept this until he is in his teens. Maybe mom has a kid or 2 with the new husband. Oh, how she loves the new kids with the man she loves now! Meanwhile, junior reminds her more and more of the a$$hole she now hates. He looks like him, has his mannerisms and because of junior she still has to deal with him on a regular bases. Junior can tell that he is an unwelcome guest in the new family.

Our pop culture teaches us lies such as that junior will be just fine and happy in this situation. It also teaches the lie that if mom isn’t feeling infatuation for dad anymore, she needs to “discover herself? It’s really his fault she’s not happy, and she should just move on to another man that makes her feel infatuation again.

Feminism is based on lies and flawed logic that biased academics that apparently have no ability to reason tell us is scientific fact. Feminist moms and wives have castrated their sons and husbands and now wonder why men don’t behave like men anymore. Why can’t these boys make them feel turned on?

The biggest problem is people don’t recognize the evil that it is because they think it is about noble things like equal pay and government assistance to help children. It is not. It is evil. Do not believe the lies.

This post sounds like it was posted by John Boy Walton, life is way more complicated than that, unless your livin on an Amish farm or something........


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
Oh yeah, being a single parent is hard in itself. Then you have to contend with what society instills into the kids. Top it off you take feminist who say that you are supposed to be able to do it all by yourself if you are a woman. That's fine, but why would you want to contend with all of that alone?

Because sometimes that's the only choice you got.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Luveno
Because sometimes that's the only choice you got.
Yes, however feminism has instilled into some women that they shouldn't need any additional help, as if it would make them less than a woman.

That type of self imposed pressure (because one can choose not to succumb to social pressure) can be hard to shake, especially if it's linked to the slim bit of pride that she may have because she doesn't feel that she's living up to the standards dictated by some feminist.

So therein could be the cause of some women displacing their discontent and anger toward men as their oppressors. It's not a concept easily changed so for me the best way is to personally stand outside of the norm. Let the ones that want to be angry continue to stay that way and try not to let it effect ones overall perception of women in general.