I don't know how much entertaining you are planning to do but I would suggest putting the majority of your efforts into the living area, kitchen and bathroom first. Here's why, curb appeal.
Bringing a HB over what is the first thing she is going to see? Unless you have completely primed her on the way over, what are the chances of you and her starting off in the bedroom? Having an inviting living area will draw her into your domain and she will be more receptive to your advances rather than being on guard while sitting on your bed.
Don't forget to have some type of entertainment center with the basics of stereo, CD and video (VHS or DVD). Add a futon a coffee table and a plant or two plus some decorative pillows made of nuseudue. One other thing, get one of those decorative chenille throws. Women are always cold for some reason. Who would have known that taking off her Victoria Secrets would give her the chills.
The kitchen is the other area to consider putting an effort into. Girls are always thirsty (or so it seems). Are you going to offer her some snacks or impress her with a little home cooking or just wine coolers and microwave popcorn for a movie?
Get basic dishes and flatware from Target will do. And stock your cupboards with box dinners that have all/most ingredients included that can be prepared in a half an hour or less. Oh, and don't forget a a set of pots/pans and bake-ware. Many of the quickie dinners need to be baked in the oven. Oh, and keep the kitchen clean. A dirty kitchen will cause nasty crawlers to come and we know what women think about critters that aren't felines.
Speaking of keeping things clean, do not forget about the bathroom. First and foremost, make sure it smells good. Get one of those plug in air fresheners. Also don't buy cheap bathroom tissue. It may be a bargain to get 24 rolls for $4.99 but would you wipe your ass with 80 grit sandpaper? I suggest Charmain Plus with Aloe, Trust me, women love it and will use it as an excuse to visit. Don't ask me why, I just live here
Finally, make sure there is no mold or mildew in the shower and clean the ring from the toilet bowl
before it makes a stain.
You may be wondering about the bedroom, well if you decorate correctly, that futon you bought for the living area should be able to open to a nice size bed!!! Overall keep things minimal and focus on your individual style. Oh, I'm with iqqi about the black light. I still hear stories from women that start off with
"And do you believe that I last guy I went out with had one of those funky black lights in his bedroom?!!! It really clashed with his Scooby Doo bedspread!"