Making new friends


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2002
Reaction score
los angeles
whats up fellas, first post in a looong time. anyways il get to the point. Im interested in making new friends. I have a couple of friends who i regularly hang out with, and i appreciate their friendships but the friends that i have don't really have the same interests that i do. for example Im a college student, none of my friends are college students. We don't relate in alot of ways. When im at school i meet and interact with people, but its like we only get to the point of becoming aquiantances. we'll talk like when we are in class but after that its like "Have a good weekend bro" never get to the point of kickin it and spending time.

Another thing is that i like going to bars and clubs, but only one other friend that i have is into clubs and bars.
When i was younger i use to skateboard, and i had a lot of friends but once we grew up, we all went our separate ways. i also played baseball but the same thing happened with them. after baseball we basically grew apart.

Im not really interested in having a thousand friends, I just want to meet cool people that have the same interests as me and i could develop a friendship with. I still like my friends but i want to hang out with and meet other people instead. Thinking about the frat thing. not sure though. any suggestions. thanks


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Im not a DJ , but I mite be able to help.

Join clubs... Im sure your college has clubs as does mine... especially one's w/ similiar interests.

For example : You said you like baseball. Try joining intramural baseball.
Into politics? join a poltics club
Or even a club where you want to learn something new. Usually girls, and guys in general are passionate about the club they are in so they will be willing to teach you.

Also instead of being an aquaitance with a new guy friend do a # close on him as well. " Hey man... I might be goign to a few bars this weekend... you wanna come? " "ok lemme get your # and ill call you to see wuts going on"

Hope that helped.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
hey man,
it sounds weird but you just do what you do with girls, introduce yourself, get chatting make a few jokes about women in genral and then get the guys name and number!

the only way you make friends is by talking to people, making conversation!

walk over to a guy that looks pritty cool, start talking and get his name, do this to a few people, then when your walking around you will have a few people to say hi to. this will be the starting point to making your new friends! then bring it to the next level, ask your new friends to hit a few bars with you, go bowling or what ever, if you see a group of people and you recognise one of the guys, go say hi!! and then you can introduce yourself to the group, get in there and have a laugh!

just take the initiative to make a friend! trust me, no one will reject you for trying to make friends, its actualy pritty easy when you get going!