Making fun of girls: how to know when you're going too far?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
So I've discovered that playfully making fun of girls (neg/****y funny) works really really well for me. But I'm too socially inept to discern the difference between playfully making fun of a girl and saying something so mean it makes the girl cry and run off to another guy. So how do I know when I'm going too far with the neg?


Senior Don Juan
May 30, 2005
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Demystify said:
So I've discovered
Since sooo much of C&F depends on delivery not what you actually say, you can't say x amount will make her cry. You've discovered that it works, now why don't you discover how far you can push it? Always more targets if you scare a couple away, then you know your own limit. See what works.

In my experience though, C&F is not offensive at all and its not meant to be, as long as you keep it witty not insulting, remember the F stands for FUNNY, I have pretty much laid on the C&F non-stop on girls and they keep coming back for more. Its just playful teasing, you shouldn't be insulting at all. As long as shes still laughing don't stop. Just remember it is not your only tool, it works really well with kino and mix it up a bit.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
the whole purpose of making fun of a girl is to do it to girls who need to be taken down a notch cuz they think they're hot sh!t cuz guys always go AFC for them....if you say that stuff to a girl who could have lower self esteem then you could really upset the poor girl and make her self conscious and she wasnt even in need of the 'neg' to begin with lol

the other day i was on a double date, and on the drive to the place, me and the other guy were up front and my female friend and my hb8 date she hooked me up with were in the back. i was looking back cuz i was merging and i said "hey move ur big ass head outta the way i gotta see if theres any cars"(said it in a cute way) she laughed and said something to my female friend like "oh my god is he always such a jerk"......she was mine the rest of the night. hasn't returned my text from yesterday yet though lol but oh well.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
you want to know the biggest wisdom in using and how to sue CF? Not giving a fvck about it. That's it. So she gets offended, who gives a sh!t? Plus if you do CF with that kind of attitude, she can read it. But if you use CF worried to death if you're overdoing it or if she will get offended, trust me, you are doing it all wrong and she will use that.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
moneyisking said:
you want to know the biggest wisdom in using and how to sue CF? Not giving a fvck about it. That's it. So she gets offended, who gives a sh!t? Plus if you do CF with that kind of attitude, she can read it. But if you use CF worried to death if you're overdoing it or if she will get offended, trust me, you are doing it all wrong and she will use that.
I know what you mean. Usually when I do well with CF I don't even check to see if she approved of the comment or not. I say it like I mean it and I'm not going back on it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
As long as you have confidence and social proof, you could call her a fat ugly *** dumpster and she wouldn't get mad at you.

It's not what you say that matters, but how you say it and who the person saying it is.

Ambition Now

Don Juan
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
The Knew Guy said:
A general rule is do NOT crack jokes about a REAL physical flaw. If she has f*cked up teeth, do NOT make fun of her teeth, if she has tiny tits, do NOT make fun of that. No jokes about any factual physical flaws.
Depends on the girl, some women I treat with more respect them others...

Once a girl asked me to to make a photo of her look better using photoshop, I pasted a picture of megan fox face on her face and sent to her: "Thats the only way this photo can look better."

Amazingly she laughed as f*ck. lol

Ambition Now

Don Juan
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
The Knew Guy said:
Once a girl sent me her picture and asked how it was. I told her no offense but it kind of looks like you have down syndrome. She laughed so hard, just at the fact that I had the balls to say that to her.

Its really weird the things I've gotten away with saying.

Right now I wish I had pasted the picture of Susan Boyle on her face...