let me tell you, it's not easy to become good friends with a guy.
he may only want you as an acquaintance or a hi bye relationship.
my whole life i never had a true friend, the ones i had were just to pass the time with. and i was probably the same for them.
the ones from H.S. i still hang with htem occasionally, but will they call me if they do something or will they call me if they want to do something?? NO, they used to, but rarely now.
this semester @ work i was able to make a good friend with a co-worker. talked about lots of stuff, childhood stuff, we had lots of similarities too. @ school, this dude i met this semester, we're in the same major, me and him have similar views on women, and other stuff, he tells me his probs i tell him mine. for once in my life i actually feel comfortable with these ppl i can confide in.
the H.S. guys i know are still immature fools, and they wouldnt talk to me about anything nor would i. truth is, whenever i hang out with them, i really dont have anything to talk to them about, cause we dont really have that much in common. we're very closed off to each other.
I think the key to making a good friend is both open up to each other. if either one of u is closed off, u can only be acquaintences.
but yea this semester has taught me quite a lot about ppl.
for the record im heterosexual
Okra -
[Human beings are very social. If a guy is bored, there is nothing fag-like about calling up another human with a **** to go waste time with.]
the reason my H.S. buddy i hang out with doesnt call is usually cause he doesnt wanna seem like a wuss in having to ask.
Even if he's having the most boring time ever at home, he'll NEVER call anyone up to hang out. I think he takes his pride too seriously. there's nothing to be ashamed of, if u wanna hang out right?
last fri, i went up to his place to watch cable channels for 3 hrs, then i left. i said "laters" he didnt say a word. probably pissed cause i didnt ask him to shoot pool and call up the guys. cuz normally we shoot pool every friday. and normally his place is the meeting grounds for when we go chill. He wants to chill about every week, but he puts us on the spot and expects us to ask. even when he may not feel like shooting pool or hanging out, he will still never say "no" to us, he'll usually say whatevers..trying to act all cool n ****. cause he's afraid that if he does, we wont bother asking him again in the future.
Man he pisses me off sometimes, he acts like a girl, he loses his temper so easily. anyway im done talking