Make Your Move


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
Ah, man, it's been a long time since I've posted any tips here. I've been busy with my life. It's like you go through something bad, and you get on this site and search for answers. As soon as you feel better, you start to apply what you've learned and see great successes. So, here's the deal. I want to share with you something very important.

Make your move

Think about it. What do you have to lose? Really? The only thing you have to lose is that moment where you had a chance to make your move. You guys come here wanting tactics and strategies, but you've forgotten about the most important one of them all. Making your move.

How hard have you tried before you came complaining you can't get tail? Look at the guys getting some and look at yourself. What's the difference? I know one difference. They made a move.

If you can get yourself motivated to make your move on women or just even one woman in general, you'll start to notice things about yourself. You'll start to adjust, recalculate, coordinate, stylize, change, and grow.

Seriously, if you'll get off your ass and start to make some moves, your life will change. Too many men crawl up into the fetal position and quit. They cry they can't figure it out. What's to figure out besides getting out there and actually trying, adjusting, and calibrating into that guy who not only tries, but finds success?

The man that makes a move eventually gets some tail, believe it or not.


This post is purely motivational.
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Don Juan
Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Rings absolutely true for me.

Although this one should be a no-brainer, my guess is that it is true for most of the guys here.

There are so many famous quotes or threads on SS about this particular issue it seems that people often forget to apply the advice they get here ( like me ).

The fear of failure or rejection is often big, but regretting missed opportunities and wasted time hurts even more in the long run. I can tell.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
Fallen said:
The fear of failure or rejection is often big, but regretting missed opportunities and wasted time hurts even more in the long run. I can tell.
This is where you have to rethink the issue. You have to tell yourself that if you approach she may like you. You have to look at the bright side.

"If I go talk to this girl, she may like me"


"If I go talk to this girl, she may not like me"

Look at what you could have and not what you may not get. You never know. I've had girls really into me when I never thought they would be. Motivate yourself by thinking of how amazing things could be.

Don't attach negative consequences to approaching women in your mind.

Attach good thoughts like she might like your hair, your personality, or your style.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
here's my take on this boys...

personally i've come to the realization that far greater than any quick pain that might come from rejection, the slow and dull pain of regret is much more agonizing

i'd rather a woman spit in my face than defeat myself by not even trying and having to say to myself, "i could have, would have, should have"

approaching women and all other forms of stepping out of your comfort zone can be the best way in the whole wide world of completely avoiding the series of small regrets that make up most people's lives

Demon Wolf

Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
I should have done that last night. I was leaving class and a really cute classmate, she was walking next to me and I did not say anything and just walked away. Now I have to wait till next week to talk to her. I feel ****ty that I did not approach.