I think this isnt a productive, nor a loving plan of action for a Man.
Number one, you cant MAKE anyone do anything, they have to do it on their own accord. You can coerce and blackmail them, but is that honorable, is that a true reflection of who you want to be? Is that really what you want to inflict on a woman you love?
I think those are desperate measures. And if they are, then that can only mean that the man who enacts those plans is a desperate one.
Arent we the men that try to "Kill that Desperation!"??
That is something that is not only preached here, but also a common sense goal for all of us.
We have a right to self respect , dignity, and self love. And acting out of desperation does not honor us in that manner.
And believing we HAVE to make someone angry to GET SOMETHING from them is trying to get a "REACTION" out of them.
And we often talk about how we should avoid operating on the needy/insecure ego attached way of trying to get a reaction out of them. We all know at the end, it reeks of insecurity.
And it means we desperately want their attention, badly...
You dont want that, man. I know you dont.
If we're talking about a current steady GF in an exclusive LTR, then planning on introducing MORE drama and conflict is possibly the WORST choice a man who wants peace and harmony in his relationships can do.
Sure, most women are very in touch with their emotions.( Most men arent really.Most men were raised without understanding how to feel their emotions and work through them. We just tend to avoid them or stuff them all the way down and pretend they're not there.
We often label having emotions as being "WEAK".
When in actuality, its not the feeling of the emotions that makes one weak, its actually the hiding/avoidance from them that we often advocate that is our weakness.
We often shame men who want to understand their emotions, and we often see even having emotions in the first place as weak.
But all that is false, and disempowering.
It takes us off course and doesnt provide us with answers on how to grow as a Man and as a human Being. We dont have a better life by living a life of avoidance. We have a better life with more options when we have the skills and understanding to navigate through life courageously.
One of the biggest challengeswe face is for the man to have an innate understanding of his partner's needs. And that can only come from the Man being in touch with his emotions and his NEEDS himself. If he's disconnected, then being compassionate and understanding of her and other people too , is severly compromised.)
They DO want strong emotional connections and bonds. Women are pretty much wired that way. They did evolve with close knit communities and much deeper bonds, and they expect that in their romantic relationship with a Man. It doesnt appear to be changing any time soon.
Sure,they respond strongly to things that really 'tug at their heartstrings'.
But as her Man, the only emotions you should be willingly trying to evoke are those out of love, compassion, tenderness, gentleness, kindness, tolerance, forgiveness, honesty, and so on.
Dont bring conflict into your relationships, brother.And think very very seriously about it if you want to give your love and all your resources to a drama queen.
Trust yourSELF. Truly. Listen to what YOU want to experience in a relationship. I KNOW you dont want more drama, angst, frustration, depression, tension, stress, worry etc....
You will have to be very aware and pay attention to yourself, your partner, AND the relationship and attend to them the best way you can.
Being in a relationship is about having your NEEDS MET.
And we DONT 'need' conflict in our relationships. ONLY when it comes up so that we can HEAL that and harmonize with our partners again.
Yes, it is tough to have to go through those things in your day to day relating with your partner. But truly, if you didnt actually face those things, you would either not try to fix them, or have a blind spot and not even know you have that conflict there.
So if it does come up, then we should have the mind/heart to honor our relationships and our partners, and ultimately ourselves.
Because we have the courage to FACE that, confront it and then take STEPS to heal it so that you dont have to live in a relationship that is full of stress, sadness, depression, anxiety , and tension.
Resistance comes up when we dont want to face ourselves. Its ALL about us FACING ourselves and our partners, and thus, our Lives.
Relationships are challenging enough by themselves, and to actually WANT to bring in more challenges is IMO masochistic and sadistic to want to impose this on your partner.
People are in romantic relationships because they want love and companionship, not drama, conflict, and fighting.
I sometimes feel that people that create drama in their relationships are people who are actually kind of empty inside, and lead empty lives. So because they often have adverse reactions to non exciting parts of their lives, they try to create problems and drama where there are none. Thus, distracting one in facing how we perceive our lives and healing our dysfunction.
They fear boredom and routine. And they almost are repulsed by predictability , routines, and things that actually are GOOD in LTRs when they give you the true feeling of SOLIDNESS in your relationship.
When you truly KNOW in your heart that you can trust your woman to BE THERE for you. And she feels the same about you.
And that can ONLY happen when you are predictable in the sense that you are a responsible Man with self accountability.
I advocate that whether in an LTR or not, and whether she is or isnt.
These things are higher qualities that are based on respect for other people AND Self Respect.And a genuine DESIRE to live up to a higher standard.
And that is an honorable quality to have. It's not about doing it to GET acknowledgement or accolades, or recognition. But for your own self, your own peace of mind.
Sure, there are plenty of times when we demonstrate respect, and we dont get it in return...but that is THEIR shortcoming and character fault, NOT YOURS.
Then you can actually RELAX. You can have Peace. Harmony.
Not cheap drama, conflict, arguments, ego driven attacks and so on....
Anyway, I think the idea of the 'emotional rollercoaster' does serve a purpose.
But we have to use very accurate thinking in how to implement this notion, and for what reasons.
When we are dealing with people's feelings, it does make sense to honor and respect them.