Interesting fact: in 1770 England a law was passed that declared any marriage than had come to pass through the woman deceiving the man through use of perfume, make-up, other cosmetics, fake teeth (yes, fake teeth), fake hair, corsets, high-heels, padded hips to be nil. Oh, and the woman was to be tried according to the law on witchcraft.
I believe make-up fools more than just a few men. I have quite a lot of friends who drool after poster women and hot girls in clubs/bars when they are evidently made-up as much as can be.
Personally, make-up and such is a turn-off to me. It shows the girl has little self-esteem and is willing to spend lots of money and time to do nothing but improve her perceived beauty a bit. It's completely pointless, it might be ever so slightly more pleasing to the eye but once the girl opens her mouth the illusion will dissolve anyway. I find a girl who has interesting things to say much more interesting and I purposefully seek out those girls who are not wearing makeup.
I'd advise everyone to do the same. I guarantee you that in 99.9% of cases, there's no real quality to be found in a girl who uses makeup/dyes her hair/etc.