Major Red flags in women. Feel free to add or disagree



Yes and no. A dysfunctional woman in her personal life is a disaster for a relationship regardless of how ambitious she is.
All are “dysfunctional”
All will attack using her survival strategy. All will long for the original “alpha” she bonded with.
All will go hot and cold. All will do the silent treatment. All of them do all of the above if you set up an environment that prompts her to engage tactically. Lol
Damn this thread is some goofy a$$ed bull$hit for passive feminine men.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
@Ranger since you decided to take the low road fine let's get into it. it will be instructional for some of the younger guys who don't know how to deal with basic rhetorical attacks.

Firstly you said more accurately. Implying my statement was wrong and that you are correct. If you look at my post history you will see I have never corrected any of the senior guys. It's a matter of respect. true leaders build up and look for commonalities they don't tear down.

'More accurately..' also encapsulates a couple of basic rhetorical tricks. it's trying to impose a position of authority i.e. capture the frame. You are sitting in judgement therefore you must be the voice of authority.

it also implies that the discussion is a matter of fact and that you have the facts.

Since the topic of discussion was experiential and therefore subjective this is patently false

Then in your next reply you selectively respond to my comment. I didn't say alpha I said 'internet alpha'. Now I doubt many people here would infer that I thought that is a term of praise. Then you say Alpha is a ridiculous word. Implying I believe in ridiculous words. So you just used selective quoting Straw Man argument and value labelling. Which amounts to an ad hominem attack that is playing the man not the ball.

I won't debate anymore since you just leached 15 minutes of value out of my life. What I was trying to say is that you could be a really great contributor here if you dropped the Elder Statesman persona your attempting to cultivate.

I come here to help the younger guys as I was helped and to have open discussion in a safe environment which means being open to the possibility that my views are wrong or incomplete. But I don't respond well to cheap shots and intellectual laziness. What are your motivations?
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@Ranger since you decided to take the low road fine let's get into it. it will be instructional for some of the younger guys who don't know how to deal with basic rhetorical attacks.

Firstly you said more accurately. Implying my statement was wrong and that you are correct. If you look at my post history you will see I have never corrected any of the senior guys. It's a matter of respect. true leaders build up and look for commonalities they don't tear down.

'More accurately..' also encapsulates a couple of basic rhetorical tricks. it's trying to impose a position of authority i.e. capture the frame. You are sitting in judgement therefore you must be the voice of authority.

it also implies that the discussion as a matter of fact and that you have the facts.

Since the topic of discussion was experiential and therefore subjective this is patently false

Then in your next reply you selectively respond to my comment. I didn't say alpha I said 'internet alpha'. Now I doubt many people here would unfer that I thought that is a term of praise. Then you say Alpha is a ridiculous word. Implying I believe in ridiculous words. So you just used selective quoting Straw Man argument and value labelling. Which amounts to an ad hominem attack that is playing the man not the ball.

I won't debate anymore since you just leachedto 15 minutes of value out of my life. What I was trying to say is that you could be a really great contributor here if you dropped the Elder Statesman persona your attempting to cultivate.

I come here to help the younger guys as I was helped and to have open discussion in a safe environment which means being open to the possibility that my views are wrong or incomplete. But I don't respond well to cheap shots and intellectual laziness. What are your motivations?
I implied nothing. In no way was I attacking you or anything or anyone. I do not like how the word alpha is used in the community is all. I prefer masculine/feminine, dominant/passive.
The entire premise of this thread is about the “red flags” of women. It is based on the wrong model.

In a passive man’s model, he finds himself subject to the whims of women in some instances. Thus he feels compelled to warn “other men” of the dangers.
This is fundamentally flawed in that his passiveness in the face of a woman’s antics does him harm.

In the dominant man’s model, the man is already positioned, by default, in a more solid position in authority. He is less influenced by a woman’s antics. In most, if not all situations, he is relatively uneffected and none or very few of her antics have force.

The problem arises because a passive man has no real subjective understanding of the other side of men, dominance. As well, the dominant man has no real subjective understanding of how or why passive men get crushed so easily by 110 lb girls.

We all talk about investing and this and that but it does not change a man. None. Dominant men will eventually start yawning and eventually leave but the passive continually rehashes and rehashes but the change doesn’t happen inside of him. It’s a spinning wheel.

Passive men will never be “alpha”. But let me define that so we don’t get into trouble here. Criminals in prison aren’t alpha. They tried but failed. Alpha is a bad ass but not the way most think. Alpha is a self awareness. Validation mostly comes from winning and battling. Not some stupid debate. That couldn’t be more beta/passive.

A dominant would’nt give warnings and pitfalls in an effort to “help”. He would tell a man to stay his course no matter what. That all his success and failure is in his hands. Any blaming of others will not be tolerated or accepted as excuse.
Alpha is not the ability to have a high lay count. That’s really stupid. Dominants do not care about lay counts. In fact, I have no idea how many women I’ve slept with. I can make a good guess.

I have my own findings on a lot of this. Reading thousands of posts. Nothing changes. There is no such thing as “unplugging” until a man admits that his whole life has been a lie. Admit to himself that his choices burned up years of the life or wrecked part of it.
Let them that’s gonna make it, make it and let those that won’t make it, die out.
I will keep the really hard core truths to myself as it’s inappropriate to talk about.
You are not required to believe a damn thing I’ve said. In fact, don’t. I kinda like it that way. AND, it won’t change a thing.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Ok so it was just an effort to correct my muddy thinking. Such generosity of spirit being willing to engage with lesser beings..

Since you've blessed us by sharing your judgements. My judgement is delusions of grandeur and intellectual laziness or possibly ignorance of what constitutes a discussion. And you have my firm word that I will never respond to one of your posts again.

that isn't because I am angry generally I think you're a good poster just a little full of yourself or as we say in Oz tickets on yourself. It's because we have no Common Ground. I look for discussion I.e. shared learnings and you look for debate I.e. trying to impose your views. It's the old Occam's Razor test. it's likely that I could be smarter than one guy it's unlikely that I'm smarter than 10 guys. The more likely explanation is that I think I'm smarter in other words I have imposed my own filter on reality.

BTW for the younglings again. Denying the attack is the classic mark of the sniper personality type. And the best counter tactic is to flush them out as I have done here.
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Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
When a woman is more interested in WHAT you "bring to the table", as opposed to also being interested in WHO you are as an individual.

Believe it or not, there are many divorce courts filled with guys who are being discarded by wives who were more in love with their STUFF than they ever were with THEM.



Ok so it was just an effort to correct my muddy thinking. Such generosity of spirit being willing to engage with lesser beings..

Since you've blessed us by sharing your judgements. My judgement is delusions of grandeur and intellectual laziness or possibly ignorance of what constitutes a discussion. And you have my firm word that I will never respond to one of your posts again.
It is impossible for one man to bleed for another. If I had all the answers I would not have had the purpose of coming here.
But then I’ve read through the posts of Pook, Rollo’s and two others that validate everything Ive said. It’s not new. What’s just as interesting is that what you just said to me was said to them. In the same manner and in the same way. By passives.
The fragile world of reality that a passive lives in is rather interesting. I don’t truly understand it fully. But then I guess I’m not trying to understand it too deeply.

You have every right to cling your universe as it is right now. What I’ve been saying isn’t new or even original, but it’s the truth.
I didn’t even read Pook until a couple of weeks ago. Fascinating how I came to the same conclusions that he did. Identical yet I hadn’t read him. Theres another guy by the handle
“da dynamically” as well. Banned of course.

So take it for what it’s worth. Or don’t.


You're completely incoherent, you avoid defining terms like the plague because ultimately it's all about you and trying to feel Superior in every thread. Nothing you're saying is reminiscent of Pook or da Dynamically at all except for da Dynamically's bragging, which he did a 180 on by the way and became deeply critical of the market (like Pook). guys that have actual experience become very critical of the market of women because we know our own value and quality. guys who are dripping with low self-esteem in need to define their own self-worth based on the women they surround themselves with invent ideologies protecting their ego.
My ego got left in the Middle East.
I don’t argue with passives. You shouldn’t read things that your universe can’t comprehend.


There's nothing your ignorant uneducated as$ can say that I can't comprehend I assure you. please leave like your promised you would so that we can have our threads based on objective logic again, like this one before you hijacked it with self-important babble.
LMAO. I’m leaving. Just like the rest did.
Logic on a failed paradigm isn’t logic.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
The hilarious thing LA is first he denies his words and then tries to appeal to authority again. you would think such great arguments could stand on their own and wouldn't need so much propping up.

And you're spot on it's a very feminine style of argument. Which is why I deconstructed it here for the guys. Plenty of girlfriends will try the same tricks.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
# Multiple tattoos piercings- Projection over being attracted by guys with tattoos

#Hair dyed an unusual colour - look at me

# Self harm - She is mentally ****ed up, and this can be used against you

# No father or absent father in the picture - High probability she has some personality disorder and no boundaries. Might cheat at a drop of a hat

# Multiple guy friends from online networking - She's an AW, your attention isn't going to be enough long term

# Few or no girlfriends, women aren't blinded by the prospect of hooking up with her, they see her crazy

# Talking about other guy friends or meeting them one on one

# Look at her mother and her behaviour, that's her down the line

# Exes in the picture

# High n count, multiply by 3

# Feminist / Misandrist - If she ever mentions divorce and female empowerment too much, she'll won't let you be a man

# Tries to push for exclusivity early - she's into the idea of having a boyfriend whilst doing anything on the side

# Mentions revenge or sadism against ex - that's you down the line my friend

Sure it might seem great to 'help' a chick with so many problems and dramas, but no pvssy is worth the headache these kind of girls can cause

Every guy is gonna have a hill on which he can die on, you gotta choose yours carefully.

- Darktriadism
On the road to recovery from a BPD angel haha
It just accurately portrays 99% of women. If you spin plates, guess what you find?

Your alternative is pulling train wrecks or fapping to porn hub.

Control contraception. Strap up.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
When a woman is more interested in WHAT you "bring to the table", as opposed to also being interested in WHO you are as an individual.

Believe it or not, there are many divorce courts filled with guys who are being discarded by wives who were more in love with their STUFF than they ever were with THEM.

Agreed. This forum will portray the following.

You don't need to do yrs of pickup to see female nature as it is not how you want it to be.

If you read bachelor pad economics, Aaron emphasised on Being > accountant. Rather than having resources and using it to lock down cratered SMV, focus on self development, game, etc. Obv become someone of value but not use it to attract.

100% of my game is on Being > resources or being provider cuck.

More of her bad decision to beta male cuck.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
BTW guys you can shift the market. I got tired of Aussie girls because they are becoming even more self entitled can't cook and aren't even that great in bed anymore. Essentially useless.

So for the last twelve years I've been with immigrant women from my favourite the zones Eastern Europe Latin America and Asia. They all have residency to citizenship and a career


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
By reductio ad absurdum, this is obviously untrue, for example a paranoid schizophrenic wouldn't be taken on a case by case basis, correct?

That doesn't mean that you can't work around bsome red flags, but obviously there are some you need to take extremely seriously.
Is that a red flag or a mental illness? The exception is not the rule, unless your a Democrat...