

Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2002
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A few years ago I was watching TV and I saw David Copperfield out in the audience, doing some silly little trick. He was making some origami swan float in midair between his fingers, or something like that. The trick didn't really impress me much, but the thing that stood out in my mind was the reaction of the chick he was doing it for. She was practically wetting her pants in amazement. I thought, "Damn, Copperfield must get more pu$$y than he knows what to do with."

Not long after that I saw David Blaine on TV doing his street act. His act is different than Copperfield's, but the effect is the same: people are blown away. And I thought, "Damn, Blaine must get more pu$$y than he knows what to do with."

This guy came into a place I used to work and did a goofy little coin trick. He's a dork, and probably doesn't get much pu$$y, but I watched the reactions of the girls. For a minute, this chump was more interesting than any other guy in the place.

I went and got a couple books from the library, and learned a few card tricks. My problem was that I didn't invest enough time in learning the stuff, and perfecting it. Your basic tricks have limited appeal. And I was attempting this with an AFC frame of mind.

To really be amazing, you have to spend some time getting the movements down smoothly, and doing something more advanced than "Pick a card, any card." Still, I did notice that I became slightly more interesting for about thirty-eight seconds. Everybody likes to think they can figure out a trick, and when they can't, they gotta give you your props.

I'm not really trying to say everyone should go out and become a magician, what I'm saying is that with women, it really helps to be impressive. It's not rocket science. Do you want to hang out with someone who just acts like evryone else? Someone who practically blends in with the wallpaper? No, you like people who have something unique to offer, someone who surprises you every once in a while.

Women crave excitement. The real magic is in the effect you produce just by doing something out of the ordinary. It usually doesn't have to be much. Do you know any little tricks? Can you juggle? Wiggle your ears? Tie a cherry stem into a knot using your tongue? David Blaine does this thing where he puts his hand on the ground and slowly twists it more than 360 degrees. It looks impressive, but right after I saw him do it, I did it myself.

I'm not saying anything new here. We all know we have to stand out in the crowd if we want the babes drooling over us. Just take some time to think about what you can already do, and then think about what you can easily learn that would be impressive.

And never tell your secrets! I knew this chick who honestly believed Copperfield was a warlock. No, he's just a guy who knows how to manipulate people so they see what he wants them to see. But once you know how he does it, he's not so impressive.

So don't ever give anything away, and never let them know about all the practice you put into it. Let them think you're frickin' Merlin.

"When people go to the circus, they don't want to see clowns. They want to see fvcking lions and tigers, and that's what we are."
-John Gotti


Don Juan
Feb 28, 2002
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chesapeake va
It is cool to know a little magic. Myself I've been doing magic since I was six and now I work as a clown-magician. I also work a regular job. At work a nice looking coworker found out I was a clown and wanted to see a trick. I just happened to have one on me (stuffed a silk scarf in my fist, disappears, comes back). She was amazed and now won't leave me alone unless I tell her the secret. It's great it drives her nuts that she cannot figure it out and I won't tell her.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
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Between the Goalposts
Originally posted by Clownboy:
und out I was a clown and wanted to see a trick. I just happened to have one on me (stuffed a silk scarf in my fist, disappears, comes back). B]

i'm not supposed to say this but did you use a t**** *** to make the scarf vanish? check the spelling
Sep 28, 2001
Reaction score
Learning magic is alwas fun, but it doesn't gaurantee you any women.

At my college, no matter what I do, everyone is "too cool" to be interested in "dorky stuff" like magic.

Oh, but I am kinda cool because I do the arm twisting illsuion, but, they just think I'm a double jointed freak of nature, something like at the circus.

No women care. But, it's always fun to learn. I've been doing magic since I was 3 years old, and I do it for myself. Not many people see it, since they could care less when I do it. But I know a bunch of stuff, and it's all worthless to everyone but me and other magicians.

For yourself, iit's always good to leanr, as long as you promise to get good at it.

I think it's becauase

1) It's mysterious
2) It's romantic (some kinds anyway, like changing a match into a rose.

3) It helps, if only a little bit, get familiar with people, and teaches you how to speak and act

4) It taches you dexterity, as well as focus.

But, I do it for myself, I've bee hired, but I'm dying where I live. No one seems to care about magic anymore.

Oh well, forget them. It got me an article in the high school yearbook, having a unique talent.

Forget those people, right? Ha ha...great post, great suggestion..



Don Juan
Feb 28, 2002
Reaction score
chesapeake va
Originally posted by jtws:
i'm not supposed to say this but did you use a t**** *** to make the scarf vanish? check the spelling
Yes I did. It's a nice little trick that I can keep in my pocket and get rid of very easily. It's also very inexpensive (about three bucks). I used to have another one called Dee-Lite which would make it seem like I would pluck light out of the air. I would just do this "absentmindedly" like it was an everyday thing, never call attentinon to it, and make them think "WTF just happened?"