Made out with chick at party, I am pro when I am DRUNK


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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Well, I am not bragging. It's actually a problem, b/c I am close to not getting any when I am sober, but when I am drunk or lightly drunk, I am on a fvcking rampage and do all the right things. Before drinking, I go up to everyone and introduce myself and chat for a bit, so I am kind of light of the party, and once I hit that alcohol, I have no fear, all the confidence I need, and basically go up to a girl and have fun; CF, flirting, deep convo, be sexual, whatever I do is flawless and natural. Plus I get "don't really care if I don't hook up with you" mentality (when I am drunk). Every night, all the men call me "this is my man", and all the girls hug me around and tell me they love me. I know, I am really really fun and happy and crazy in every positive ways when I am drunk.

Of course, this time, I played around with this chick and ended making out, but I am more troubled than happy about this. I wish I was like this when I am sober. Sober me is not very successful. I get lightly nervous, little worrisome, I don't have much of the balls and confidence, sexuality, and fun mentality to carry out all the crazy **** and comments that I do when I am drunk. I need some advice to bring a good sober game. Thank you.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2009
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16 year old girls trick themselves into believing they're drunk and fearless after two beers every day. Maybe try that out and reaping the benefits without the sloppy side effects?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2002
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You and both brother. You and me both.
I've found that getting myself in a "mental high" before I do anything can work wonders. I actually tell myself that I'm gonna have a good time, or a good day, whatev I think I need. Its worked well at times. Loud music helps. You have to think about something to say before conversation flows naturally.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
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I think everyone's that way. I think it's usually because when I'm drinking I'm in the mood that I should be in when I'm sober. Basically, when I'm drinking, I'm just out to have fun and let whatever happens happen. Also, I don't really give a **** what happens or the implications of my actions because I'm not thinking about the future or the past but living in the present, so I can easily go up to women and start talking and hitting on them because I don't care what the outcome is.

So I don't think it has to do with being drunk so much as it has to do with your mindset when you're drinking. Although booze certainly does help.:)


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
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"I get lightly nervous, little worrisome, I don't have much of the balls and confidence, sexuality, and fun mentality to carry out all the crazy **** and comments that I do when I am drunk. I need some advice to bring a good sober game."

hahahaha.Dude its your ego, the part of your brain and mind for reasoning that holds you back when your sober. When your drunk its temporarily disable, and when your sober it holds you back out out fear, protection,rejection, feelings being hurt and other reasons. Kinda like a defense mechanism but its really not needed when your trying to game. Ego is also developed through social conditioning.


Aug 31, 2009
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Yep I am almost completely hopeless when trying to game girls sober but when I get drunk (read: completely smashed) around women I am a BEAST lol. It's like everything that I've learnt from this site just flows naturally when drunk and I have the mindset of not giving a fvck about anything with my natural ****iness. Unfortunately these situations don't happen too often.


Sep 22, 2009
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I used to be like this but now when I drink I can't think of anything to say because I'm paranoid of looking drunk so I just clam up.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
It's the squirrles effect:

It can be an achillies heels to your progress, I've seen some great guys on the field but all of them had that same weakness. Hell I myself had it, then I went out 40 days and 40 nights DRY. I was that committed. It was hard, all of a sudden, people were offering to buy me drinks and shiit. My state was wack, I rarely had fun. But I was sharper then the sharpest sharpy mentally. No shiit test I couldn't pass, plus I was still fearless

Wanna get in state without booze?

Do some crazy shiit u never done before....


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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Solomon said:
It's the squirrles effect:

It can be an achillies heels to your progress, I've seen some great guys on the field but all of them had that same weakness. Hell I myself had it, then I went out 40 days and 40 nights DRY. I was that committed. It was hard, all of a sudden, people were offering to buy me drinks and shiit. My state was wack, I rarely had fun. But I was sharper then the sharpest sharpy mentally. No shiit test I couldn't pass, plus I was still fearless

Wanna get in state without booze?

Do some crazy shiit u never done before....
It is a bit hard to grasp this whole women thing, not b/c women are complicated or stuck up or hard, it's my fault for not embracing sexuality and having balls. God, I wish I could just become DJ all of sudden, but that's impossible. I, however, will certainly become one though. It's the inner battle, and I will win. Thanks for the advice


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind

moneyisking said:
It is a bit hard to grasp this whole women thing, not b/c women are complicated or stuck up or hard, it's my fault for not embracing sexuality and having balls. God, I wish I could just become DJ all of sudden, but that's impossible. I, however, will certainly become one though. It's the inner battle, and I will win. Thanks for the advice

Being a DJ takes time

Remember being a DJ isn't only being good with women, but having a balance in your life. By balance I mean, making sure you doing things that make you happy so that you can live a life of adundance. Being in a place mentally/psyhically/spirtually/fincaically were your life is sound. That was what being DJ to me is about. Women is a small part of it, although we are lead to belive there are major part. When you focus your energy to becoming your best self, women will notice, they might not now but they will when you keep going to the gym, keep going to class, keep striving to be on top.

You gotta be resilient in the game, you gonna get knocked down, but you gonna stay down or get back up?

Sometimes I myself fall back into Afcness, but I remember to keep, keep on



Don Juan
Oct 5, 2009
Reaction score
If you know there's a night where you have the ability to run game... why not try hitting the gym before hand? The endorphins should help put you in a better state of mind. More happy, less nervous. Maybe not as fearless and blissful as being completely inebriated... but it couldn't hurt either. As for he rest you will just have to condition yourself.