Made a AFC mistake, remembered the Don Juan. All is better.


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2012
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Some background:

I'm 17 and a junior. I've known this girl for a few years. We talked a lot and became pretty good friends. Just damn good conversations. Never hung out though. It just never worked. Anyways, this was about middle school/freshman year.

We drifted apart as it happens. Then I took an interest in PUA and how the human interactions can be simplified into a formula. That intrigued my mind of course, but that's not what I wanted. I wanted integration with my being. So then I found SoSuave and devoured the philosophy. Let me tell you, this **** changed my life. My life is amazing now. Doing all my hobbies. Everyone knows me as Ryan Hunter, preceded by mother****in, or "the one and only". I go out into the woods to a wilderness survival camp every summer and people know this. So they also call me mountain man and the like. Cause if a ***** is lost in the woods, she better ****ing hope she got me. I'll hunt, make a shelter, make some fire and she will have to repay me in sex.

Basically, I got mad respect all over my school. I can't walk down a hallway peacefully cause people I don't even know the name of will come up and shake my hand or high five me or say what's up. I'll write a post on achieving that some other time.

Now for the story. I started talking to that girl and she wanted to hang out with me. ( She has always dug me.) So I told her next friday, we're going to the city (San Francisco). So we went out, had a great date. Went ice skating. Adventure in the city, nothin like it.

Hung out another time, got to just chill out at my house. It was cold, so I built a fire and made it from rubbing two sticks together. (an easy, very impressive and required survival tactic in the woods.) ***** was impressed. Was good, walked her home that night.

Now if you notice, I made a big mistake both times. I didn't kiss her. We held hands and cuddled but I never kissed her. And I slap myself for it now. I forgot my DJ training when I started dating this girl, because I began to like her so much. I really wanted a LTR with her. WHOOPS.

Then I made a huge AFC mistake. I was drunk and depressed over life one night( very rarely happens, but there is some tough **** in my life like a family member going through cancer, so randomly my emotions will hit the fan) and I was also scared because for the first time, I really felt like it would hurt if I didn't get this girl. Talk about a bad case of one-itis.

So I told her my feelings and that it would make me sad if we didn't get together. God if I could go back and slap myself so hard right now I would. Anyways, her reaction wasn't enthusiastic and was rather apathetic.

Then I remembered. It was like ****ing yoda talking to luke sky walker. "REMEMBER YOUR TRAINING!" And I knew how to salvage this.

I just stopped talking to her for quite a few days, and sure enough she kept tryin to get ahold of me. So I knew there was still a good chance.

During our period of non-communication. I realized two things. First, it doesn't ****ing matter if I get a LTR out of this. She's just one girl. My oneitis disappeared. Secondly, I realized this girl is just that, a girl. Nothing special.

Now, I no longer want a deep meaningful relationship. Girls have to prove themselves worthy of me to get that. Now I just want to **** her brains out. And I know she is a freak. And that's what girls want. A good solid, hard pounding.

Since her and I started talking, I would mess with her and tell her I was going to handcuff her, and her imagination filled in the rest. She's a freak remember?

So today, we talked again:

Ryan: Next friday, handcuffs.
Jullia: Will you have time enough to chill? (She knows I'm busy and she isn't my priority.)
Ryan: I might get called into work, but other than that I have no plans but to handcuff you. Good night.
Jullia: Oh, wonderful. Keep me updated. :) Good night. (She likes handcuffs. and I'm a mystery to her as to whether we will actually get together.)
So there we go. Back in business, after a minor **** up. She wants it.

And I'm going to give it to her hard.


1.Don't be afraid of your sexuality or your masculinity! I was raised to be a nice guy and a gentlemen. I am currently getting out of that, so I won't ever be someones *****. Girls want sex. They want a man. Kiss her, escalate and make that ***** moan.

2. Don't drink and talk to girls when you have a bad case of oneitis.

3. You may have made a mistake, but you can fix it. Stop being the AFC and do what the Don Juan would have done. Or move on.

4. Have a life. Be busy for real. Have hobbies, be different and people will love it. I Dj, I am a nature man, a intellectual, a computer geek, a fun guy. I'm a unique dude, confident and people sense it. They like my presence.

5. Don't be too availible. This goes along with #4. I began to ignore her cause I realized I went to fast. Too fast in a bad way. We hung out too often. Never have a girl take you for granted. You should be a mystery, a chase. ( I won't be speaking with her till this time next week or so, cause I'm going into the mountains for the weekend.)

So, basically thanks guys. That could have gone down a bad road. Thankfully, Don Yoda saved me and I came back to the good side. I realized my AFC-like mindframe and stopped it.

And before you all say, find other girls, move on. I know. :p I have plenty of other girls I'm talking to. Only reason I'm putting such effort and mental thought into this is because she's a straight 10. All around, looks, mind, etc. Going to be a model. And she's a freak and I know we can have dirty sex all day long.

Goals right now: Dj boot camp. Get over my AA, get good at great conversation, the basics. I know the philosophy, now I have to live the code.

Soon enough, me and the Don shall be one and the same.

So that's the story so far. I'll update you guys next week on how this friday goes.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Sounds cool. If your whole life goes like that, I definitely can't compete.

Will be learning the lesson of "Don't be too available."
I have hobbies, but I often prioritize girls over them, which can screw me up. (I dropped off describing Megan in my journal, but I went NC because of that. I was asking her out too much and she was busy.)


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
I'm really interested in what made you the alpha male, getting "mad respect from your school". I think girls come as a progression to that pretty easily.


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
ryanjevo said:
Some background:

2. Don't drink and talk to girls when you have a bad case of oneitis.
Amen to that buddy. Had a girl at a party (we had met like four times and I had been in the zone every time I had talked to her) and I wasn't that drunk but I thought it would be a great time to regal her with 'How I got completely stuck on one girl and got hurt badly'. Next time I see her at another party, she wants to have a deep and meaningful conversation about this (red flags were going off in my head screaming 'FRIEND ZONE') and I was sober so I was just like 'yeah I'm over that, no point in talking about it' and went onto the dancefloor.

I was so annoyed that I'd shot myself in the foot when drunk.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
ryanjevo said:
Cause if a ***** is lost in the woods, she better ****ing hope she got me. I'll hunt, make a shelter, make some fire and she will have to repay me in sex.
hahah Not only is this dude funny, he's brilliant. Way to go man, mad props :rockon:


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2012
Reaction score
mr_guido said:
hahah Not only is this dude funny, he's brilliant. Way to go man, mad props :rockon:
Thanks man! I'm about to start my journal, so be sure to check that out! I'll try to make sure you laugh!