Lying - Body Language and Eyes


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2006
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I'm gonna make a long story short and tell you's that I got in some **** at work...Boss found a pot smoking 'device' I chucked behind the warehouse at work. H'es had it for a few days but hasn't said anything to me yet. I really,really,really can not afford to lose job and I believe he's gonna talk to me bout it tommorow. Now my plan is to just tell him that I couldn't keep it at home and I didn't want to put it in the garbage can at work so I tossed it back, behind there. However, I know that when poeple are lying their eyes look to certain spots and people can read that...same with BL. Anybody know about this?..or can link me to a site dealing with this stuff?


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2006
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The first part is not to worry about it.

I highly doubt your boss is scrutinizing your every movement in case of hints or clues.

What I can say though, is that you should try to be calm when you enter, if possible.

maintain eye contact, and keep your eyes STEADY (no random twitching or glancing away), your speech clear, and have good posture!.

That should do the trick


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2006
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I have some good advice.
Don't smoke weed.
"Drugs are bad. Mmkay?"


Jul 30, 2003
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Agreed. I am not very good at lying but i can do it well if the situation arises.

If he asks you about it, be very offended, jaw drop eyes wide shocked look on ur face and say "ARE YOU ASKING ME IF I WAS SMOKING ILLEGAL DRUGS?!"

Then change the look to disgust, and give the boss a chance to speak...whatever he says just counter it with even more disgust and shocked body language/facial expressions.

"I cant believe you could accuse me of that! Never in MY LIFE would i touch stuff like that!".

He will believe you.

This works in any occasion actually if someone accuses you of something just make the lie even bigger and crazier and act even more bold.

Acting sheepish like "yeah uhh,. nah thats not mine...must be someone elses" *shifty eyes* is how most people get caught.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2006
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Well see, they know that I toke... so I cant just deny it full out. It's weird though cuz he woulda had to search for that while standing on a skinny retianing wall, over a 5 foot drop. So something fishy is going on and its kidna weird. Also, he's apparently had it since last week sometime and still hasn't said anything to me. I saw 'it' in his office today so im thinknig he's probably gonna talk to me tommo. I'm thinking he can't be too pissed or else I would probably be out of a job already, unless he decides wha tto do after we talk...which is why I wanna nail it.

Anyways, my plan is to tell him that I couldnt hide it at home and that I didnt wanna throw it in the garbage can at work [as not to be in the situation i'm in now], so I just pitched it behind the warehouse where nobody would find it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Whatever you do, don't take Julian's advice... blowing things out of proportion is exactly what a good manager/boss looks for. If I was the owner of the company, and you blew up like that, I'd fire you on the spot because you are dangerous. I've worked at places where the boss DIDN'T fire people like that, a week later they flipped and started throwing stuff around... MAN DO I MISS THAT JOB!

For you, AFTER you commit the crime, and you ARE busted, than you DON'T go looking for a way to LIE about the fact if your boss KNOWS the truth. Pay attention to the CAPS friend, they are what matter... THEY are also something YOU cannot control when your boss finally does confront you.

There are HUNDREDS of ways to weed out criminals, the good criminals destroy evidence... they plan ahead, they get lawyers to lie for them... Don't believe everything you see in the movies;)

Your boss found your smoking "device"

Care to say what bulk, value, and method of use your smoking 'device' has?

I'm assuming you just threw a pipe in the back... Don't know why, seems like your rubbing it in his face that you can get away with it on the job...

What it comes down to in the end though, is how trustworthy you are... your boss heard YOUR cough out back one day. Yeah, he's heard your cough when you cleared your throat last week, he KNOWS what it sounds like. He saw your eyes, and the way you shifted your gaze, to hide your glazed globes.

It's been an ENTIRE damned week, think your boss hasn't come up with a few NLP techniques to throw at you in the middle of your sappy (lie) routine? He wants to hear your voice crack... he'll listen to your story alright. Yeah, he'll listen so close, and he'll make sure you repeat it with a passion... that he'll hear that w e a k part of your lie, the part that'll fall apart if he accusees you...

than what?

Your fired.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2006
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New Yooorrrk
Yoo got to come up with an alibi that its impossible for you to smoke pot

Got to tell him something like your on long term medication and you can't smoke pot, smoke cigs, drink, or other stuff, you got to BS this big time

some ideas

-long term meds
-chronic sickness


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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If you're going to smoke weed why not get a good stealth pipe. Especially if you're worried about getting caught. They have ones that look like markers, flashlights, ballpoint pens, anything but a standard piece.

Although I must say I'm in agreement with alot of the other posters, smoking weed will get you no where. It makes you lazy and gives you stupid ideas, but seeing as I was a former pot smoker myself, I know you're not going to quit until you realize that yourself.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
man.. u guys are crazy... both good and bad

the 'device' was a 'chute' and he found it lying way in the back behind the warehouse down a 5 foot drop that is impossible to get to.. thats y i chucked it there. I only get baked when everybody is gone for the day.. its a propane shop and im the nite manager for 2 hours at nite when everyone is gone. I dont do it alot either.. maybe once a week if that.. mostly saturdays when im getting ready to party after work. He has never caught me smoking it or anything like that or seen me high, so he really has no proof whatsoever if it is mine or not and if i smoked it at work. I think my story bout having to get rid of it but not wanting to put it in ur home or the work garbage cans beacuse u didnt wanna get in ****... will be the best idea


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
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Prestige said:
man.. u guys are crazy... both good and bad

the 'device' was a 'chute' and he found it lying way in the back behind the warehouse down a 5 foot drop that is impossible to get to.. thats y i chucked it there. I only get baked when everybody is gone for the day.. its a propane shop and im the nite manager for 2 hours at nite when everyone is gone. I dont do it alot either.. maybe once a week if that.. mostly saturdays when im getting ready to party after work. He has never caught me smoking it or anything like that or seen me high, so he really has no proof whatsoever if it is mine or not and if i smoked it at work. I think my story bout having to get rid of it but not wanting to put it in ur home or the work garbage cans beacuse u didnt wanna get in ****... will be the best idea
Is it illegal to smoke pot where you live? If it is, I strongly believe that flippinfreak is right on this one. Your boss doesn't sound like an idiot because he hasn't jumped the gun on you yet. He's probably evaluating his options on dealing with you. Just so that you won't be able to go around and bite him in the arse.

If smoking pot is illegal, I believe an employee engaging in any illegal activity or behaviour can be fired. Of course proof of this illegal activity is required, and your boss has it in the form of your pipe. You could try and get that pipe back, but that would require another illegal activity, which if you're caught will probably get you fired.

So it's all about the risks you're willing to take now. Lying is low risk, but it sure as hell has an extremely low probability of succeeding with the pipe in your boss's possession. Getting rid of the evidence is a high risk move but would most probably cover your arse in the end. However it would probably mean that you'll get shyt from your boss and he'll make your life miserable while you're working for him anyway.

I strongly suggest you think about losing this job and considering your options elsewhere. Focusing all your attention on this one job and trying to salvage this is not gonna help you if you end up getting fired. Think about it both ways, as in trying to save your arse this time and also trying to get another job elsewhere.

And if you really want to keep a job for good, then don't go do something that'll get you fired. Simple as that. Why make your life any more difficult?
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
look dude. My advice is that unless f*cking, your boss, hasn't caught you with his own two eyes blazing away on that chillum, don't worry about it.

If he questions you just say you don't know **** and get on with your work day and stop smokin at work and keep it for after..

Like I'm going through some gay **** right now because up my work this one h*ebag from the country who thinks she's miss big b*tch thinks that I make more money selling drugs at work then they make as a business...well before this little incident that probably was the case BUT..on one day last week a buddy of mines came into work and wanted to know if I was down for drinking and so I had nothing to do at the time and I stepped out of the kitchen and we started talking. About a few seconds later I turn around and see that this b*tch is sort trying to keep tabs on my conversation and so I go out side and then she gives us this f*cked up look and so I go back inside and as i'm getting more annoyed of this eavesdropping, she's right behind us and starts accusing us of selling drugs and that she is gonna call the cops. that sh*t really freaked me out because I work in a town adjacent my town and in this small town, cops are big bullies and I dont want a part of I'm thinking about pulling a harassment card....anyways, my point is, keep the drugs away from the workplace unless you aren't gonna get caught for sure or your managers and execs are down with hitting the bong...


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
if i were the boss in the situation i would not ask you if it was yours.

if i really thought it was yours and you were getting high on the job , i would send you for one of those random drug tests. usually a boss will call you in the office, tell you that you were chosen to have a random drug test and drive you to the lab so you can pee in the cup and be tested on the spot.

you need to clean up for a while because this is a very big possiblity and a horrible way to get fired.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Here is what I do if I was the boss. I do the random drug test. Anyone that fails FIRE.

You put yourself in this situation. Knowing well that you need the job. I hope you learned the lesson.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Dante3214 said:
The first part is not to worry about it.

I highly doubt your boss is scrutinizing your every movement in case of hints or clues.
People can subconsciously read these clues very often. Don't you ever just have a feeling someone is lying to you or vice versa? You picked up on the hints you didn't even know you knew about.

You can learn to control the major ones somewhat to stop people's lie detectors from going off.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Prestige said:
He has never caught me smoking it or anything like that or seen me high, so he really has no proof whatsoever if it is mine or not and if i smoked it at work. I think my story bout having to get rid of it but not wanting to put it in ur home or the work garbage cans beacuse u didnt wanna get in ****... will be the best idea

If he has absolutely no reason to believe it is yours why not just be like "i have no idea what you're talking about?!"

El' Waynos

Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score

Just tell him your mom is a drug fiend and you took it upon yourself to hide it from her for the good of the family.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2006
Reaction score
El' Waynos said:

Just tell him your mom is a drug fiend and you took it upon yourself to hide it from her for the good of the family.