Lunch time.


Aug 22, 2006
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Seeing as lunch seems to be the only time I can really approach girls, I'm interested in knowing ways I can approach girls at lunch. You see, at lunch, I basically just eat my food, and either just sit there, or go to the library to use the computer or something. But the thing is, is that I don't want to waste my time surfing the net, or something during lunch, when I could be talking to girls. So I basically want to know how I can approach girls during lunch, who are usually, either eating or socializing with their friends. Seeing as these are girls that I don't know, I also want to know what a good opener for the situation would be.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
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Sounds like you need confidence, and getting good at it first.

So, forget them for a bit.

Go out with your friends and pick up some women off the street, at the beach etc...

Also, it sounds like you aren't what typical guys would call "cool".

Me, and my mates, being the total loud pr!cks we are usually make fun of the people that go into the computer room and stuff during lunch. We are the guys that run around play rugby and talk to women. My advice? Befriend a few guys like us too.

The more you do, the more confidence you build inside, and the better you get at this.

Then, when you don't see the girls as that much meaning, you'll probably attract her without even trying anyway.

But, seriously, forget school. Go out and sarge!


Aug 22, 2006
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Lust said:
Sounds like you need confidence, and getting good at it first.

So, forget them for a bit.

Go out with your friends and pick up some women off the street, at the beach etc...

Also, it sounds like you aren't what typical guys would call "cool".

Me, and my mates, being the total loud pr!cks we are usually make fun of the people that go into the computer room and stuff during lunch. We are the guys that run around play rugby and talk to women. My advice? Befriend a few guys like us too.

The more you do, the more confidence you build inside, and the better you get at this.

Then, when you don't see the girls as that much meaning, you'll probably attract her without even trying anyway.

But, seriously, forget school. Go out and sarge!
Don't think of this as an excuse or anything, but school's pretty much the only place I can sarge since I have a busy schedule, and I don't really have any friends that I could get a ride with. As for the streets, well, there aren't a lot of girls my age in this neighborhood. I could always go to more populated streets, but I don't have anyone who could ride me.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
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Nah i know what you mean, but do your best anyway.

There are practically no one to sarge with here in my city, its a pretty small city for a capitol city. All my friends are complete AFCs, but thats why i want to get them into the community.

I've been talking and interacting with women while i've been out with them, then they would ask how i am so good and voila, they get introduced into the community.

They know enough now, to go sarging with.

By the way, how old are you?

Oh and don't forget, try and befriend some "cool" guys, or even better, some naturals.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Lust said:
Nah i know what you mean, but do your best anyway.

There are practically no one to sarge with here in my city, its a pretty small city for a capitol city. All my friends are complete AFCs, but thats why i want to get them into the community.

I've been talking and interacting with women while i've been out with them, then they would ask how i am so good and voila, they get introduced into the community.

They know enough now, to go sarging with.

By the way, how old are you?

Oh and don't forget, try and befriend some "cool" guys, or even better, some naturals.
I'm 16, 17 very soon.

As for naturals, I don't think we have any here. I'm not even sure if we have any real DJs here.
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art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Confidence you have the same problem on every thread you write. You say you want to learn how to approach, people tell you, and you make excuses not to. Just accept that if your going to go anywhere in life you're gona have to get out of your comfort zone. Next lunch just sit at a table with some people and join the conversation. You might get shut down by an AMOG but hey, I would rather try to be social and fail than simply fail by running off to the computer room and be labled as a loser by your peers.

It's hard to get popular, but it's not hard to be liked. Just get yourself known as the kid who made an effort. Just whatever you do, don't try to hard to be funny. Leave the stand up to the pros.

You're not going to get any confidence from not trying. Simply go out there, fail, shake it off, and try again. I suggest you don't ask another one of these questions until you've made some sort of effort.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
art of said:
Confidence you have the same problem on every thread you write. You say you want to learn how to approach, people tell you, and you make excuses not to. Just accept that if your going to go anywhere in life you're gona have to get out of your comfort zone. Next lunch just sit at a table with some people and join the conversation. You might get shut down by an AMOG but hey, I would rather try to be social and fail than simply fail by running off to the computer room and be labled as a loser by your peers.

It's hard to get popular, but it's not hard to be liked. Just get yourself known as the kid who made an effort. Just whatever you do, don't try to hard to be funny. Leave the stand up to the pros.

You're not going to get any confidence from not trying. Simply go out there, fail, shake it off, and try again. I suggest you don't ask another one of these questions until you've made some sort of effort.
I admit I do make excuses, but I didn't this time. I REALLY have no way to get a ride to the mall or somewhere I could approach chicks out of school. And yeah, I am busy, I have wrestling from 3:00-6:00 every weekday, and sometimes I have tournaments over the weekend that last literally ALL day, not to mention I have Jazz Band from 6:30-8:30 on Wednesday.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
So you're telling me you never leave your house?

You don't have to specifically go out to sarge. There are pretty girls everywhere.


Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
TheNewGuy said:
So you're telling me you never leave your house?

You don't have to specifically go out to sarge. There are pretty girls everywhere.

Kev07 said:
wrestling isn't a year long sport last time i checked
And I never said it was.

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
So do you're lunch thing. This question shouldn't be asked cause you already know the answer. If you want a bunch of pick up lines or something, I'll save you some time. Just go up and stand there creeping the girl out without saying anything, cause that's basically the same response you'll get with a short cheesy and certainly forced pick up line that you wont be able to follow up with any conversation.

The answer is simple. I'm trying to save you some time. The answer to every thread you've made and every thread you intend to make is the same... Find a girl, approach, learn from your mistakes, repeat


Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
You'r in a Jazz band right? Unless you suck badly, pass out a CD or two and ask people what they think. Lame but it can work and easy too.


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2006
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los angles, calli
I'm not answering this post to help you Viper, i'm answering this post for someone else who might need the help and USE it.

Basically at lunch, you see a kid your friends with, or at least talk to sitting at a table with some girls, u use the friend as a ticket to sit at that table..start talking to the friend, work your way to start talking to the girl.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
1) Walk over to someone
2) say something

WTF? Are you retarded?