LTR: Called her out on a flake and now NC


New Member
Dec 21, 2018
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Hi everyone,

Me (26) and my GF (27) have been dating for a little over 6 years now. She has terrible anxiety. Over the years this anxiety has often been at the cost of me and everyone around her. Some examples: she won't take any pictures with anyone, including me, unless she feels like she looks absolutely perfect. She bought me some kind of present for us to enjoy while having sex, but won't give it to me unless she can "properly prepare for me". She'll stress out about picking out clothes to go out to simple hang out at the mall to the point where she cries and just flakes on me and even her friends. I've been very understanding of her anxiety but made it clear in the past we can't keep going on like this without improvement.

She's been doing a lot better recently making time for me and overcoming her anxiety. Last weekend she asked if I wanted to spend some alone time with her at my apartment since we havent had a lot of alone time. I said sure. She then tells me she just learned that her family is traveling to a nearby town. No problem enjoy your trip, I tell her. Next day, she tells me she decided not to go with her family and we can hang out over the weekend if I want. I say "Sure come on over in the evening and we can have a relaxing weekend together". She then wakes up super late on Saturday tells me "I just woke up, i'll let you know if can still make it over".

Alright so the signs are already appearing that she will flake. I call her at around 5 pm to see if she's coming over, and she is clearly having anxiety over packing to come over and that it is "already getting dark outside". I telling her it's fine, just quickly pack her stuff and i'll see you in an hour or 2. She then texts me "I'm frustrated can I come over another time?". I let her know that I was looking forward to spending alone time with her but fine. She gives some excuses about working in the morning (from home mind you) I try to reason with her, but then quickly realize the futility and tell her "Alright good luck with your work then". She then texts me "I <3 you" the next morning.

After ignoring her all day I reply with this;

Me: "It was disrespectful of you to flake on me like that. I get it, you're busy, and you need to work, and it stresses you out. These are things we could worked around, but instead you put me on the bottom priority. We're going to have to deal wth work the rest of our relationship and I don't want it to be this way".

Her: "I understand, I didn't mean to flake on you. I know I made it sound like my main reason for not going over was because I had things to do in the morning, but it was also because of anxiety. I tried really to fight it, but it was too overwhelming. I'm still working on it but some days it get the best of me. I'm sorry if you canceled plans or cleaned up your place and then felt like you were an afterthought. I was so consumed with my problems that I didn't think of how my actions affected and how you spend your day. I'm sorry. I'm glad you let me know how you felt though because it didn't seem like you were upset about it".

It was a good apology but I was very frustrated since this has happened in the past. I then sent a 3 page text explaining how her inaction from anxiety causes more harm then if she ****ed up, how it has affected our relationship, and what I want out of the relationship going forward. That was Monday morning and she hasn't replied since then. My questions to you guys are these:

Did I handle the situation properly?
Should I have left it at her apology and not continued to beat in the point with my 3 page text?
And should I continue to wait for her to contact me, or should I eventually call her?

Best Regards,
A guy getting back into an alpha mindset

Focal core

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2017
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Yes u did well.. U didnt hesitate to let her know your feelings.. Whats love without being honest about your feelings towards her..

For her enxiety it's a psychological issue that needs attention from theraphist professionals.. You can't help her, leave it to the professionals. In that temporary minds state Her world are a lot different than yours, there's no logical mind being taken into her account when she's in that state.

It's up to you to reach out for her if u feel better the next day or two. But don't expect thing will changes afterwards..its YOU that need to change, not her {because of her illness} if u did reach out for her u need to bear with it or leave her alone.

I encourage you continue sharing about how u both feel, but don't push it... It only makes things worst for you both.

Either way it's Ur call mate.


New Member
Dec 21, 2018
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Yes u did well.. U didnt hesitate to let her know your feelings.. Whats love without being honest about your feelings towards her..

For her enxiety it's a psychological issue that needs attention from theraphist professionals.. You can't help her, leave it to the professionals. In that temporary minds state Her world are a lot different than yours, there's no logical mind being taken into her account when she's in that state.

It's up to you to reach out for her if u feel better the next day or two. But don't expect thing will changes afterwards..its YOU that need to change, not her {because of her illness} if u did reach out for her u need to bear with it or leave her alone.

I encourage you continue sharing about how u both feel, but don't push it... It only makes things worst for you both.

Either way it's Ur call mate.
Thanks, it helps to have reminder that the anxious state of mind is completely illogical. How is it that I need to change??


New Member
Dec 21, 2018
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They aren't huge fans of having consequences follow from their actions. They are also acutely aware of the permanence of their pathologies so when you call them out for something that will not change they will cut and run rather quickly. The sooner you confront this stuff the sooner thet will self-select out of your life, I recommend it.
By saying the sooner I confront it the sooner it will self select out of my life are you saying I should probably call and confront her about this even though she hasn't responded to my last 3 page text?


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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How does a LTR flake?

27 is not top form. Its a year or so away from the wall.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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By saying the sooner I confront it the sooner it will self select out of my life are you saying I should probably call and confront her about this even though she hasn't responded to my last 3 page text?
3pg text definitely is portraying frame control.

The only ideal action is and always will be n/c + go get more baeeees on top form SMV.

If you had options, if she didn't see you as a cuck, you wouldn't be writing a novel.

Monogamy is dead. Its a means to keeo society orderly with little beta cuck providers paying for some other mans baby when best years are over.

No woman worthy of your time commits treason.

A true mercenary never negotiates with terrorists.

Focal core

Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2017
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Thanks, it helps to have reminder that the anxious state of mind is completely illogical. How is it that I need to change??
You have to stop being annoyed by her aberrant behaviour ,have to go along with her temporary 'uncanny' mode lol..

You have to ask yourself if you're willing to do that, as well i strongly recommend her for treatment as things go along.. Get her to get treatment with her therapist.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
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3pg text definitely is portraying frame control

No woman worthy of your time commits treason.

A true mercenary never negotiates with terrorists.
Incase you miss this 3 page txt not the best move.
I would have show her with action
that her action where not acceptable

But you are dealing with someone with issues and it can be hard to find the best way to handle it.

That mercenery thing is pure gold and in a way very good analogy

Chi Town

Sep 12, 2018
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You did fine, you had 3 options
When she texted saying she wasn't coming

1.tell her, ok cool, then go NC and make her put effort in making it up to you(this would of been good)

2. Fvck all the passive aggressive sh!t and confront her about it, this is the one you decided to do(this is good also like number 1)

3. Or you could of said "ok babe, I understand" then continued to chase her for her time(this would of been the bad option)

Good job.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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How is this type of drama acceptable to you on a recurring basis? Are you that desperate you have no other options?

I dont get guys who choose to deal with massive amounts of drama and BS just to get some pvssy...

What is it about this that makes sense to you? What benefit are you getting from this?
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Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
Incase you miss this 3 page txt not the best move.
I would have show her with action
that her action where not acceptable

But you are dealing with someone with issues and it can be hard to find the best way to handle it.

That mercenery thing is pure gold and in a way very good analogy
Its lame cause DJ and pua is turning into srlf help, lifestyle coach. Married dating coaches lololol

Its wackkkk.

Guys need to be a mercenary. Its kill shot. Its all fire. Hank scprpio style. Flame thrower hoes.
