Lowering my standards and approaching ug5-6.5's


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2010
Reaction score
i learned the hard way today while out sarging, i lowered my standards to see how well i would do with ug5-6.5's

alright so i am at a library and i see a chubby girl with big tits ug5.5, she is reading her book at a shelf and then i position myself to the side of her reading a book, i glance over to her and look at her boobs nonchalantly

dj:hey hows it going
ug: (silence)
dj: whats your name?
ug: are you serious?
dj: yeah
ug: im reading a book right now (in a rude tone)
dj: thats fine, i was playing with you anyway
ug: okay yeah
dj: i laugh and walk away

i see an older woman 40's nice ass ug5, she looked "b1tchy"

dj:hey, hows your book going
(right when i said that she responded like lightning and in an assertive-rude way)
ug:im good you?
dj: hows your book going?
dj:cool, whats your name?
ug:look, im busy (in a rude way)
dj:alright so be it

can someone tell me why ug's nowadays think their the sh1t


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
LOL! i could picture this. They dont know how to handle approaches because it rarely if ever happens to them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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djprophet, I like that you don't seem to be scared.

1. Stop asking for their damn name so early and instead focus on chatting them up rather than questioning them: What you are doing is basically opening them + questioning them. Instead try the opposite. Open them and immediately start throwing stories/random talk about whatever at her. This is more interesting than you throwing a bunch of questions at her. Pretend you are those guys you hear in the radio that can tell great stories without stopping. Find something random to talk about, give her an opinion or whatever.

Girls don't like random strangers coming up to them and throwing a bunch of boring questions at them. Instead start throwing talk at her. Not only will you look more interesting and less obviously hitting on them but you will improve as a talker.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
In2theGame said:
LOL! i could picture this. They dont know how to handle approaches because it rarely if ever happens to them.
I disagree. I say it's because of the overpopulation of desperate males. That makes pu$$y have the high market value that it does. Guys see they can't get a 9-10, so they lower their standards for 5-6. Some even go for 1-2-3's, and EVEN THEY act like pop divas!

Women can get a man or sex whenever, wherever, and however, and they know it. So the value on them gets rated really high, and the fact that PUA is mainstream is no help. Also, jealousy is strong, and guys know they'll have it easier as long as they have at least ONE woman who's showing interest.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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What can I say, if I was a girl I'd reject a guy coming on to me like that too. As long as he's not super hot.

By the way if you want to pick up below-average girls, you should try compliments. Because they never get any.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
What can I say, if I was a girl I'd reject a guy coming on to me like that too. As long as he's not super hot.
I meet a lot of people at work, and I've known a lot of young guys who cold approach and hit on pretty much anything that moves. I have to say that a lot of them are perceived as just being creepy. Because they aren't socially calibrated yet, they don't realize how they are coming across.

A lot of guys seem to take the attitude "I"m approaching, that's all that matters". And it's true that practicing is the only way to learn. And that even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then. But the idea is to become more smooth and natural.

Few women will find the fact that a guy is just out for sex attractive. Not if he's seen as clumsy and awkward. But if he's seen as smooth, masculine, experienced, and mysterious, that's when the player tag might work for him, and the girls will wonder about him.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
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nismo-4 said:
Also, jealousy is strong, and guys know they'll have it easier as long as they have at least ONE woman who's showing interest.
I've heard this so many times, but in my experience, this is just not true.

So, can you explain how this happens in more detail....I'm guessing it would only happen if the guy is dating a girl who is a 7+.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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zekko said:
I meet a lot of people at work, and I've known a lot of young guys who cold approach and hit on pretty much anything that moves. I have to say that a lot of them are perceived as just being creepy. Because they aren't socially calibrated yet, they don't realize how they are coming across.

A lot of guys seem to take the attitude "I"m approaching, that's all that matters". And it's true that practicing is the only way to learn. And that even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then. But the idea is to become more smooth and natural.

Few women will find the fact that a guy is just out for sex attractive. Not if he's seen as clumsy and awkward. But if he's seen as smooth, masculine, experienced, and mysterious, that's when the player tag might work for him, and the girls will wonder about him.
That's why you hunt outside your normal territory. That way you can make your mistakes with out them coming back to haunt your normal social circles.

As for approaching ugs. Let me tell you, if you are a two or three points above them, they usually know the score unlesss they are dumb as well as ugly. Physically you should be able to get better, so the question becomes, what is wrong with you? The ones with some sense know guys will slum just to hit some ass. So yah they get an ugly ***** shield going up. The way to get around that is to be a little bit more AFCish, or open..dont game them as hard, it lowers their defense from a player.

As for your approach, you are forcing the interaction and conversation, its not flowing naturally. You have to approach, but you have to give them space to assess you, decide they want to buy and then close the sale. You are straight up interrupting. I'd be annoyed with you too.

alright so i am at a library and i see a chubby girl with big tits ug5.5, she is reading her book at a shelf and then i position myself to the side of her reading a book, i glance over to her and look at her boobs nonchalantly
dj:hey hows it going
ug: (silence)
dj: whats your name?
ug: are you serious?
dj: yeah
ug: im reading a book right now (in a rude tone)
dj: thats fine, i was playing with you anyway
ug: okay yeah
dj: i laugh and walk away
You stare at her tits nonchalonatly? Really? What the hell is that?

A better approach would be

Dj: What are you reading?
Her: blah blah blah book
DJ: yah? I heard about that (or wanted to read that) Or never head of it, how did you get into that?
Her: blah blah blah
DJ: Cool. My name is DJ
Her: I'm Blah Blah.
DJ: Nice to meet you, I'm going to let you get back to your book. Give me a shout when your done, we can talk some more, I'll be over here.

Go sit somewhere in plain sight. You made and approach, you weren't rude, you give her a chance to choose you back. You weren't all up in her face doing a hard pickup. It's worked for me in the past in a book store, its also blew up in my face when two girls showed up at my table at the same time, so use with caution.

I'm sure some other guys can jump in with some tips on bookstore/library game and gaming ugs.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
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mistake by the lake
djprophet said:
i learned the hard way today while out sarging, i lowered my standards to see how well i would do with ug5-6.5's

alright so i am at a library and i see a chubby girl with big tits ug5.5, she is reading her book at a shelf and then i position myself to the side of her reading a book, i glance over to her and look at her boobs nonchalantly

dj:hey hows it going
ug: (silence)
dj: whats your name?
ug: are you serious?
dj: yeah
ug: im reading a book right now (in a rude tone)
dj: thats fine, i was playing with you anyway
ug: okay yeah
dj: i laugh and walk away

i see an older woman 40's nice ass ug5, she looked "b1tchy"

dj:hey, hows your book going
(right when i said that she responded like lightning and in an assertive-rude way)
ug:im good you?
dj: hows your book going?
dj:cool, whats your name?
ug:look, im busy (in a rude way)
dj:alright so be it

can someone tell me why ug's nowadays think their the sh1t
I dont think that has anything to do with it.

you gave very mundane questions and you got mundane responses.

Ask yourself, did you approach just to approach? Did you ask the questions you asked simply just to.."ask"? There was no sincerity in your questions, and even if they were, its so typical that i would even respond the way they did if a women approached me in that way


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
Below average girls get off by shooting down guys that are above them. They are sick and tired of getting facialed then seeing the guy walk off laughing. You can imagine the scene, shes on the couch still covered in *** and hes outside in his convertible, honks the horn then yells "biiiiiiiiitttttttchhhhhhhhhh" as he drives off. So now she is going to take revenge on him by blowing you out of the water. Go for the girls that your game attracts. If you arent attracting any, spend a couple days on this site researching.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
3countriesPlan said:
Below average girls get off by shooting down guys that are above them. They are sick and tired of getting facialed then seeing the guy walk off laughing. You can imagine the scene, shes on the couch still covered in *** and hes outside in his convertible, honks the horn then yells "biiiiiiiiitttttttchhhhhhhhhh" as he drives off. So now she is going to take revenge on him by blowing you out of the water. Go for the girls that your game attracts. If you arent attracting any, spend a couple days on this site researching.
i dont know if you are joking or not, but still, pretty funny.

i disagree. dont "cage" your game on only the girls you ASSUME you can attract. go after WHOEVER you want.

the idea is that your game should become universal, and then at some point you arent running "game" at all, you are socializing as you would in any setting.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
DavenJuan said:
i dont know if you are joking or not, but still, pretty funny.

i disagree. dont "cage" your game on only the girls you ASSUME you can attract. go after WHOEVER you want.

the idea is that your game should become universal, and then at some point you arent running "game" at all, you are socializing as you would in any setting.

Followed a few of your posts. Everyone pay attention to this guy when he speaks.

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
I did this too and I came to the conclusion that it's an act of desperation to approach ranom girls in random places.

I guess you should talk to girls in places where they want to be approached, like at parties, and only when she invites you and only when you have something honest to say.

So practically that means you go through life running towards your goals and only talk to women you accidentally bump into.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
J. Darko said:
I did this too and I came to the conclusion that it's an act of desperation to approach ranom girls in random places.

I guess you should talk to girls in places where they want to be approached, like at parties, and only when she invites you and only when you have something honest to say.

So practically that means you go through life running towards your goals and only talk to women you accidentally bump into.
There are secrets where fairies don't live.

3countriesPlan has a point. Your game will be useful for women who are initially attracted to you and those who let you run game.

@ Huffman, too many comps can swell her head up.

@ Bishop, jealousy is strong, no matter how pretty the girl is.

@ zekko, I have to agree here! Social calibration is a help always. It arouses mystery, and once again, women have a high market value. So you need to be as well, or at least have something to offer.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2009
Reaction score
maybe it's the fact that they were reading that made them not want to talk to you


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
I agree with warrior, specially on introducing yourself before you ask their name. When you give your name out first, you are 50x more likely to get a good response.
Ugly girls (most of them anyways) know that they're not good looking. So they KNOW you cant possibly think they're attractive. Doing a direct approach like you're doing lets them know you're hitting on them right off the bat. And they will know that you're full of sh. Why? because how can you be attracted to their looks when they know for a fact that they're not good looking?
So they automatically assume you're some creepy horny guy looking for a quick fix. UGs know that nobody will hit on them for anything besides that one thing. So their bit*h shield will always raise when they get hit on, no matter if they think you're attractive or not. They will only open up to you when they feel a connection and that you like them for something else other than their pus5.
If you wanna game UGs you have to go indirect.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
r0cky said:
I agree with warrior, specially on introducing yourself before you ask their name. When you give your name out first, you are 50x more likely to get a good response.
Ugly girls (most of them anyways) know that they're not good looking. So they KNOW you cant possibly think they're attractive. Doing a direct approach like you're doing lets them know you're hitting on them right off the bat. And they will know that you're full of sh. Why? because how can you be attracted to their looks when they know for a fact that they're not good looking?
So they automatically assume you're some creepy horny guy looking for a quick fix. UGs know that nobody will hit on them for anything besides that one thing. So their bit*h shield will always raise when they get hit on, no matter if they think you're attractive or not. They will only open up to you when they feel a connection and that you like them for something else other than their pus5.
If you wanna game UGs you have to go indirect.
Totally agree here! Rep for you!


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2010
Reaction score
3countriesPlan said:
Below average girls get off by shooting down guys that are above them. They are sick and tired of getting facialed then seeing the guy walk off laughing. You can imagine the scene, shes on the couch still covered in *** and hes outside in his convertible, honks the horn then yells "biiiiiiiiitttttttchhhhhhhhhh" as he drives off. So now she is going to take revenge on him by blowing you out of the water. Go for the girls that your game attracts. If you arent attracting any, spend a couple days on this site researching.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
r0cky said:
I agree with warrior, specially on introducing yourself before you ask their name. When you give your name out first, you are 50x more likely to get a good response.
Ugly girls (most of them anyways) know that they're not good looking. So they KNOW you cant possibly think they're attractive. Doing a direct approach like you're doing lets them know you're hitting on them right off the bat. And they will know that you're full of sh. Why? because how can you be attracted to their looks when they know for a fact that they're not good looking?
So they automatically assume you're some creepy horny guy looking for a quick fix. UGs know that nobody will hit on them for anything besides that one thing. So their bit*h shield will always raise when they get hit on, no matter if they think you're attractive or not. They will only open up to you when they feel a connection and that you like them for something else other than their pus5.
If you wanna game UGs you have to go indirect.
Excellent post.