1) see a psychologist - this forum isn't going to be able to spend the time you need to undo the crap going on in your head
2) i have one question for you, and its really the only question that matters. do you want to live? im not talking suicide here. im talking about your life. you do realize you have one right? you've been given a gift. you have a healthy body and an entire world of possibilities around you. fresh air, fresh water, food, - but you know something, if you can't see all the gifts in life and instead you focus on what you don't have, you're going to be miserable.
one of the issues i have with this forum at times is the whole gaming woman thing, with absolutely no context to life in the greater sense.
life is about sooooo much more than women. if you take a sample of people in life who are truly happy (and trust me, there arent a lot) the thing they all have in common is NOT that they have a significant other. its NOT that they have found the "one". its NOT that they are getting laid by 10 different women. its NOT that other people are jealous or envy of them.
the one thing they ALL share in common is that they are thankful for whatever they have - no matter how little it is. they are thankful that their family is healthy. they are thankful that they are healthy. they are thankful that they have a tomorrow coming.
the BIG difference between people who are unhappy and those who are happy is NOT anything material. its an attitude. one focuses on what they dont have and the other focuses on what they do have.
you're choice my man.
you can see yourself as a victim in life, deprived of all the things that are of any "value" OR you can start seeing that your life is FILLED with value. and perhaps in that process you will realize that one of the most valuable things that no one can take away - only you can give it away - is self respect.
but like i say, i don't expect my post here to get you to see that. you need to sit down with someone and work your problems out.
good luck dude. it will get better if you believe that its possible and take some action to make it get better.