The last several times I've been out, I'm seeing something interesting.
There are quite a few bro's I've met who've got their act together: good job, good health, standard or even well above average good looking guys. In theory, these guys should fit easily into the "lover" or "alpha" category.
What's odd is that they're getting a lukewarm reception from the ladies. They're certainly not getting rejected outright or treated like pariahs, but the women are showing at best moderate interest and it's clear that many of these guys are getting friendzoned.
Obviously, guys who are not fit and not good looking are still getting the cold shoulder, and the 'reception' borders on overt hostility.
Meanwhile, there are guys who are monopolizing all of the attention of the women and when these guys show up, the guys just a step below are being completely abandoned.
This signals to me that there is a 3 tier system now:
1. top dogs with monopoly access
2. run of the mill good looking guys good looking women will settle for, but not be thrilled to be with. In the past, women might be very happy to be with guys in this tier, but no longer.
3. guys who struggle because of their looks and have to spend significantly more time to find a girlfriend or settle for average/below average looking girls.
I won't say this is alarming but some predicted that after a year to year and a half of limited socializing and dating options, women in theory should be LESS selective and more eager to date in general, but I'm seeing women become even MORE selective.
I wrote about reverse hypergamy as well, and I think this happens when 'top dogs' aren't available in the local area so women are forced into relationships with providers.
There are quite a few bro's I've met who've got their act together: good job, good health, standard or even well above average good looking guys. In theory, these guys should fit easily into the "lover" or "alpha" category.
What's odd is that they're getting a lukewarm reception from the ladies. They're certainly not getting rejected outright or treated like pariahs, but the women are showing at best moderate interest and it's clear that many of these guys are getting friendzoned.
Obviously, guys who are not fit and not good looking are still getting the cold shoulder, and the 'reception' borders on overt hostility.
Meanwhile, there are guys who are monopolizing all of the attention of the women and when these guys show up, the guys just a step below are being completely abandoned.
This signals to me that there is a 3 tier system now:
1. top dogs with monopoly access
2. run of the mill good looking guys good looking women will settle for, but not be thrilled to be with. In the past, women might be very happy to be with guys in this tier, but no longer.
3. guys who struggle because of their looks and have to spend significantly more time to find a girlfriend or settle for average/below average looking girls.
I won't say this is alarming but some predicted that after a year to year and a half of limited socializing and dating options, women in theory should be LESS selective and more eager to date in general, but I'm seeing women become even MORE selective.
I wrote about reverse hypergamy as well, and I think this happens when 'top dogs' aren't available in the local area so women are forced into relationships with providers.