I have a girlfriend and, when we first started dating, she warned me her best female friend is a lesbian who’s unrequitedly in love with her. (Interestingly enough, the dynamic doesn’t happen the other way around: we guys don’t experience gay men developing feelings for us.)
I’ve been dating my girlfriend for about two months and, well, I guess the inevitable happened. I was hanging out yesterday when my girl received a phone call from her lesbian friend, who then came over and we all hung out. I strongly suspect she forced her way over. Before she arrived, I was told to lie, lie, lie, because the lesbian doesn’t accept my girl is straight. After a good amount of friendly conversation, the lesbian grilled me with interrogation questions, like “So what’s with you? Are you dating? Why are you hanging out with her? How often, how long, have you been hanging out? I know what happens when people ‘hang out.’” I have no doubt she knows I was totally lying. Afterwards, she was like “I love her”, then later “I want to marry her.”
I never expected I’d find myself in a love triangle with a lesbian opponent. It’s weird.
The funny thing is, I’m kinda skeptical the lesbian is a true lesbian. She’s in her 40’s, she looks like she’s always been ugly, and she ‘discovered’ her sexuality in her mid-twenties (which is kinda late). In other words, I suspect she was an abysmal failure with men and consequently she convinced herself she’s a lesbian. As how Rollo Tomassi once said,
So, guys, ever have this lesbian love triangle shït happen to you?
I’ve been dating my girlfriend for about two months and, well, I guess the inevitable happened. I was hanging out yesterday when my girl received a phone call from her lesbian friend, who then came over and we all hung out. I strongly suspect she forced her way over. Before she arrived, I was told to lie, lie, lie, because the lesbian doesn’t accept my girl is straight. After a good amount of friendly conversation, the lesbian grilled me with interrogation questions, like “So what’s with you? Are you dating? Why are you hanging out with her? How often, how long, have you been hanging out? I know what happens when people ‘hang out.’” I have no doubt she knows I was totally lying. Afterwards, she was like “I love her”, then later “I want to marry her.”
I never expected I’d find myself in a love triangle with a lesbian opponent. It’s weird.
The funny thing is, I’m kinda skeptical the lesbian is a true lesbian. She’s in her 40’s, she looks like she’s always been ugly, and she ‘discovered’ her sexuality in her mid-twenties (which is kinda late). In other words, I suspect she was an abysmal failure with men and consequently she convinced herself she’s a lesbian. As how Rollo Tomassi once said,
Right now, it seems like there’s really nothing further I need to do. Their friendship will be lost. But I am somewhat concerned about the possibility of more drama because “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”Feminized culture has embraced sexual fluidity, but has rejected the underlying reasons for it. As a new social convention, sexual fluidity becomes less about conditions and more about the individual for women. For the post-wall, aging spinster, the concept of sexual fluidity is a godsend. As a rationale for her lackluster personal life it becomes a salve for her ego – homosexuality becomes a realizable, socially acceptable option. The true reason for her long term unhappiness is that she was, in actuality, an unacknowledged lesbian for all these years. And naturally, for all women, there is a wide base of emotional support from the sisterhood ready to embrace and accept the ‘real’ her. The necessity of accepting homosexuality as her only, conditional, sexual option becomes a new virtue to be proud of in Oprah-world. Never is there a mention that the choices she’s made in life had any bearing on her present condition, nor is there any doubt that the measures she’s now forced to resort to were dictated by those choices.
So, guys, ever have this lesbian love triangle shït happen to you?