Originally posted by wise_mage
1. your totally right, only u possess the absolute truth what works and what doesnt. any other way is either idiotic, stupid or dumb because only you know what we need to make our bodies what we want them to be (or is it what you want them to be?).
Actually, yeah, on this one I am right. Your routine is fundamentally flawed, and very badly thought out b/c it reflects on your lack of knowledge of how the body actually works. Hell you thought the scapulae were muscles!!! I think that's enough to expose how little you know.
Also, if you're going to get so touchy about criticism, then why the hell did you even post your routine, if you're not even willing to take it, or much less defend your routine?
2. yes u can. an it works too. even better than doing HIIT alone. more calorie deficit, more condition, more breathing capacity.
you are so wrong on this one, it's not even funny. In short if you are doing HIIT and slow/steady cardio in the same workout... then IT IS NOT HIIT, genius.
3. maybe you dont know how to read because if you did, you`d know I have been getting great results so far. my abs show, I have a small body fat %, I have a great condition and am in great physical shape, I look good without my shirt on and my speed and stamina have gone up. I just want to perfect my look, and that is why I posted here.
if YOU knew how to read, you'd know that there are literally a million ways to lose weight. However your way has cost you a shytload of musclemass - and guess what you're still fat! Hell, you still have love handles don't ya? It is after all the title of this post, isn't it? Precisely. To all the other readers reading this, yet another reason to know what you're doing before you start cutting... you end up skinny (i.e. no mass at 135lbs. ) but still "fat" (with love handles) - brilliant plan, really.
4. boy, u truly dont know sh!t. most girls who are my height or smaller and have an athletic build or are plain thin are within the 50kg range. I dont know if the girls from your country are taller than 5`7 or fatter than they are supposed to but here down south most arent. if a girl who is my height or smaller weights more than I do its because she is slightly chubby. I weight a bit more than most girls, a few kgms within my height range and I have less fat than they do, meaning I have more muscle.
The fact that you are trying to defend that you are even near what most girls weigh should disturb you. Even 20 lbs. is way too close. Either you are extremely short (which at 5'7 you are not), or you are extremely scrawny (bingo!) ... which is it? Either way it sounds like you have very little muscle.
I dont want big chest, nor a big back. slgihtly bigger pec muscles is very different from big chest. I know you are all about being musclebound but dont go trashing my routine when you dont even know if it works.
I don't have to try your routine to know it won't work. Anyone with a reasonable knowledge of training and how the body responds to training will tell you it has huge holes in it.
thing is uoy havent even tried it, since you are too busy gloryfying yours-
I don't glorify my routines, it's what I personally do, so I vouch for them, because they work, big time. Also, I didn't ask for the GUIDES to be stickied. The people coming on the board did. And for that, I'm flattered. Like I said, I don't really need to try your routine to know it won't work for more than a couple of weeks once the novelty of the routine wears off.
also mine goes completly against being musclebound. but since you havent tried it you dont know if it works or not. I on the other hand have experimented with it and it has worked for me.
as much as youd like to think so diesel, yours is not the only routine that works, and not eveyone wants to be musclebound and packing 35 or more extra pounds of muscle-
Yes, yours goes completely against being musclebound into promoting straight catabolism. Even for what you are preaching your workouts should look more similar to mine, not yours.
I know you like how a lot of the bulking up fanatics worship you and your routines here and Im sure they work just fine if you want to look just like you do, but the thing is I dont want to look like you do. but i guess thats to complicated for you to understand.
I don't really care if you want to look like me or not. Chances are YOU NEVER WILL. Why, because I weight approximately DOUBLE what you do and I am nine inches taller than you. I also don't care if people here follow my routines or not. I don't put a gun to anybody's head. I will say this tho, they work for most people who try it. However, when you post some ill-planned garbage here, it will get critiqued, either by myself or any of other rather knowledgeable posters on this forum. Why? b/c if it isn't then some clueless newbie will get all confused and waste his time on something that will simply be just that: a waste of his time.