Losing Virginity


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2010
Reaction score
Forgive me if this has been asked before, but searched and couldn't find anything similar.

Ok, so I'm 18 about to go to college and I'm a virgin. Obviously since I'm on this site, I'm not planning on sticking with and ****ing just one girl, but I'm a little confused as to how I should go about losing my virginity (let's just assume that I'm in total control of how it all plays out). I've heard from several friends that the first time really isn't great, and its actually quite awkward, especially if you're both virgins, and that it takes quite a few times to really get the hang of it (which is obvious, I mean, I'm not expecting to suddenly be a god after the first time). So my question is: should I just stick with / go out with one chick that I know that I can **** so I can get the hang of it? I want to stay single in college, but, considering I'm a virgin, I'm obviously not confident in my DJ skills to assume that I'll be able to **** several girls at once, so the idea of going out with one chick so that I can have some reliable ***** for a while sounds like a good plan.

Am I just overanalyzing my situation and allowing my sexual insecurities to get the best of me, or is this a good idea? How did you guys lose your virginities and how long did it take for you to learn the ropes, so to speak?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
i lost mine when i was 18...

it was to my gf at the time of several months...maybe 3. she didnt know i was a virgin...i told her id had sex with 2 girls because she had ****ed like 6 dudes and i didnt want to seem like a virgin loser i guess...idk?

anyway we were at my friends lake cabin with a few friends...we were very into each other at the time so i do not regret losing it to her although i think she's a slut now lol. we were in a bedroom by ourselves and it was about 6 am. it was very hot and muggy in this room. typical missouri summer weather. i had always just known somehow that i was going to be good at sex...i remember always thinking that when i was young.
i dont remember why we were up that late...just hadnt gone to bed i guess. anyway, we just suddenly decided we wanted to have sex for the first time then and there. i took her pants off, stuck it in and...ahhhhh it was amazing. everything i had expected. sure enough i went at it like a pro. natalie told me it was the best sex she had ever had. we ****ed for probably an hour as the sun was coming up.
we left the cabin and ****ed in various places that whole day long. at her house, at my friends dads house, at my friends moms house.. we must have ****ed 8 or 9 times. my d!ck was so sore, but i loved having a sore ****!
it was a great time in my life...this was the summer that kid rock "all summer long" song came out. gay as it sounds that song brings me back to that place everytime i hear it. its like it was written about us...she was 17, we were all doing crazy things and experimenting with pot and getting drunk ..just being kids. spending the summer on the water. just replace northern michigan with southern missouri...good times :)

sorry this may have not answered any of your questions, but i just started writing and ended up reminiscing about my first time. personally i wouldnt **** one girl just to **** her unless you actually like her...just do whatever you want man...hope your first time is as memorable as mine. good luck man!


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
find a drunk girl at a party... and bang her... get it out your system... fisrt imes are way overrated (social conditioning has hyped it up in movies and all that crap)

why can't you date this girl non exsclusivley for a while till you bang her (you could have a FB after you get there), whist (attempting) to meet other chicks too

dude read up all about sex, and good techniques so you have the theory to know what to do when its time, you WILL be fine


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
Hey there man, I'm just turning 20 and just finished a 2 year community college here in Florida. Hoping to start my next 2 years at a university this spring!*Excited about the girls I'll meet there!*.

I lost my virginity soft more year in high school to one of my ex gf's. The way i saw it high school was a very easy place to kiss your virginity goodbye, if anything I regret the wasted months/years I spent on gf's and not banging every girl I could left and right.
I had some friends with benefits and those helped me greatly in improving my confidence in bed.
To be honest though more then Half of the time I still don't know what I'm really doing. In the sense that I really don't think you can really "master" or be fully comfortable having sex till your much more older.

No matter how many girls I bang every new one is a new challenge and I still feel nervous at the beginning of every intercourse. I still enjoy it and apparently so do my partners but what I'm trying to say is I don't think you can really feel fully comfortable at this age.

My first semester in college I had the luck of hooking up with a girl 2 years older then me, a solid 9 that all my friend envied. We never made it official *I thought she was too blonde for a serious relationship* but oh boy did she ride me to stars. Then I made the mistake of indulging in a 2 year relationship that ended up with us just being friends. What did I get out of it? Sex with the same girl every week, arguments, headaches, empty wallet as if it wasn't empty enough already due to classes/books and another ex gf to add to the list. Meanwhile I could have been banging different girls every month, I kept rejecting invitations to clubs and didn't advance on any girl in the spirit of being faithful.
What I'm trying to say here is, ENJOY COLLEGE AND FORGET RELATIONSHIPS. You will see how easy it is to find **** buddies and girls art parties that want sex but not something to distract them from there "studies."

My advice is to relax, let the girls come to you *they will* and stay cool. My first never knew she was my first and the other girls I had sex with after that never knew they were my second or third. Unless you want to give girls that "aww im going to corrupt this lil boy" feeling or "aww im not having sex with him, he should wait for the right girl" keep it to yourself that your a virgin. Lie if you have to, girls don't want a lil boy in the end.
Don't worry the first time is crappy for everyone don't feel bad if it wasn't what you hoped it will be.
Pop a boner stick in the hole and do your thing with the first girl that throws herself at you.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
Drones200 said:
Hey there man, I'm just turning 20 and just finished a 2 year community college here in Florida. Hoping to start my next 2 years at a university this spring!*Excited about the girls I'll meet there!*.

I lost my virginity soft more year in high school to one of my ex gf's. The way i saw it high school was a very easy place to kiss your virginity goodbye, if anything I regret the wasted months/years I spent on gf's and not banging every girl I could left and right.
I had some friends with benefits and those helped me greatly in improving my confidence in bed.
To be honest though more then Half of the time I still don't know what I'm really doing. In the sense that I really don't think you can really "master" or be fully comfortable having sex till your much more older.

No matter how many girls I bang every new one is a new challenge and I still feel nervous at the beginning of every intercourse. I still enjoy it and apparently so do my partners but what I'm trying to say is I don't think you can really feel fully comfortable at this age.

My first semester in college I had the luck of hooking up with a girl 2 years older then me, a solid 9 that all my friend envied. We never made it official *I thought she was too blonde for a serious relationship* but oh boy did she ride me to stars. Then I made the mistake of indulging in a 2 year relationship that ended up with us just being friends. What did I get out of it? Sex with the same girl every week, arguments, headaches, empty wallet as if it wasn't empty enough already due to classes/books and another ex gf to add to the list. Meanwhile I could have been banging different girls every month, I kept rejecting invitations to clubs and didn't advance on any girl in the spirit of being faithful.
What I'm trying to say here is, ENJOY COLLEGE AND FORGET RELATIONSHIPS. You will see how easy it is to find **** buddies and girls art parties that want sex but not something to distract them from there "studies."

My advice is to relax, let the girls come to you *they will* and stay cool. My first never knew she was my first and the other girls I had sex with after that never knew they were my second or third. Unless you want to give girls that "aww im going to corrupt this lil boy" feeling or "aww im not having sex with him, he should wait for the right girl" keep it to yourself that your a virgin. Lie if you have to, girls don't want a lil boy in the end.
Don't worry the first time is crappy for everyone don't feel bad if it wasn't what you hoped it will be.
Pop a boner stick in the hole and do your thing with the first girl that throws herself at you.
You said let the girls come to him, are you out of your mind? girls do not chase or pursue guys, girls do not approach guys or initiate


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2010
Reaction score
Nygard said:
Is that the end of the world for you?

Thanks for the rest of the answers though.

why can't you date this girl non exsclusivley for a while till you bang her (you could have a FB after you get there), whist (attempting) to meet other chicks too
This would probably be my ideal plan. I think I just figured that if I went out with her, loyalty would make for a reliable pvssy for a little while, although I will admit I don't really like the idea of having a relationship just for sex.

My first never knew she was my first and the other girls I had sex with after that never knew they were my second or third. Unless you want to give girls that "aww im going to corrupt this lil boy" feeling or "aww im not having sex with him, he should wait for the right girl" keep it to yourself that your a virgin. Lie if you have to, girls don't want a lil boy in the end.
I guess this situation is what I fear, and pretty much the source of my insecurity on the issue. I could lie, but actions speak louder than words (and i just don't like lying no matter the situation), and I just fear that if I do end up losing my virginity to some random chick with more sexual experience than I, she would know because maybe she wouldn't orgasm, or it would be too quick, or some **** like that. I suppose this is just one of those things where confidence is everything? Is it all in my head? Like, if I go in timid and afraid, then I'll do poorly, but if I go in like I'm gonna fvck this girls brains out, i may perform well?

Thanks for your answers again, very very helpful. And I did enjoy your story, falcon. haha :p


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2009
Reaction score
getting a girlfriend is not a bad idea

gotta walk before you run you know?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
Sturmblitz said:
Forgive me if this has been asked before, but searched and couldn't find anything similar.

Ok, so I'm 18 about to go to college and I'm a virgin. Obviously since I'm on this site, I'm not planning on sticking with and ****ing just one girl, but I'm a little confused as to how I should go about losing my virginity (let's just assume that I'm in total control of how it all plays out). I've heard from several friends that the first time really isn't great, and its actually quite awkward, especially if you're both virgins, and that it takes quite a few times to really get the hang of it (which is obvious, I mean, I'm not expecting to suddenly be a god after the first time). So my question is: should I just stick with / go out with one chick that I know that I can **** so I can get the hang of it? I want to stay single in college, but, considering I'm a virgin, I'm obviously not confident in my DJ skills to assume that I'll be able to **** several girls at once, so the idea of going out with one chick so that I can have some reliable ***** for a while sounds like a good plan.

Am I just overanalyzing my situation and allowing my sexual insecurities to get the best of me, or is this a good idea? How did you guys lose your virginities and how long did it take for you to learn the ropes, so to speak?
If you know a girl that wants to bone, and you find her attractive, I say go for it. Its not gonna be great, but its a learning experience. One thing to watch out for though is to NOT GET ATTACHED. You will develop feelings for this chick after boning her and sh1t will go downhill. It is your DUTY to avoid this at all costs unless you wanna be hung up on this chick.

So, as difficult or vague as that may sound, bone her, but don't fall in love.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
2crudedudes said:
If you know a girl that wants to bone, and you find her attractive, I say go for it. Its not gonna be great, but its a learning experience. One thing to watch out for though is to NOT GET ATTACHED. You will develop feelings for this chick after boning her and sh1t will go downhill. It is your DUTY to avoid this at all costs unless you wanna be hung up on this chick.

So, as difficult or vague as that may sound, bone her, but don't fall in love.
How do you know it won't be great when you've only had a meer 2 women in you're lifetime. Not only that, it's a learning experience when you achieve multiple women to have sex with, not 2.

The 2 girls whom you have had sex with you had gotten into long-term relationships with, who are you to tell anyone not to get attached? :crackup:

It is you're DUTY to stop trying to give advice when you have only slept with 2 girls who were both you're girlfriends and both utterly low-value.


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2010
Reaction score
HeyPachuco! said:
How do you know it won't be great when you've only had a meer 2 women in you're lifetime. Not only that, it's a learning experience when you achieve multiple women to have sex with, not 2.

The 2 girls whom you have had sex with you had gotten into long-term relationships with, who are you to tell anyone not to get attached? :crackup:

It is you're DUTY to stop trying to give advice when you have only slept with 2 girls who were both you're girlfriends and both utterly low-value.

I'd say his advice seems pretty sound. While his lack of experience may not add to his credibility, it doesn't detract from the logic of his argument; ie just because he's only fvcked two women doesn't mean he's automatically wrong. Although, in this case, his experience obviously does add to his argument, because if he's had two long term relationships he's definitely speaking from experience when saying DON"T GET ATTACHED.

I guess what I'm saying is chill out bro, because I don't think his advice is bad. And even if it is and I'm completely ignorant and can't tell what is good advice and what is bad advice, don't be so damn condescending about it, he's just trying to help.

That being said, let's not go off topic.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Heres my advice. Im gonna be straight and to the point.


Stop coming up with stupid plans or scenarios, and stop getting stupid notions in your head that you: 1. need to lose your virginity before college 2. are gonna be bad at sex cuz its your first time 3. are a step down from other DJ's just cuz your a virgin
"Am I just overanalyzing my situation and allowing my sexual insecurities to get the best of me, or is this a good idea?"

^To answer this question, YES, you are over analyzing, and you are allowing sexual insecurities to get to you
People need to stop thinking so much and just go out and DO things. Talk to as many girls as you can, set up dates, and try to bang every last one of them. Simple as that.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
initiatorhater06 said:
You said let the girls come to him, are you out of your mind? girls do not chase or pursue guys, girls do not approach guys or initiate
I have had girls that do..or at least show obvious signs of interest that leave very little doubt that you can easily get it made. Sometimes is better just to relax and let a girl come to you, theirs times Ive gotten **** buddies/girls without even trying, they have just made it easy for me.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
Reaction score
HeyPachuco! said:
How do you know it won't be great when you've only had a meer 2 women in you're lifetime. Not only that, it's a learning experience when you achieve multiple women to have sex with, not 2.

The 2 girls whom you have had sex with you had gotten into long-term relationships with, who are you to tell anyone not to get attached? :crackup:

It is you're DUTY to stop trying to give advice when you have only slept with 2 girls who were both you're girlfriends and both utterly low-value.
Yeah, you're right. Here you are fawning over some b1tch that lives almost 200 miles away from you, who looks like a 'keeper' although you've only been going out for a month. She's the hottest b1tch you've bagged, and you're falling in love. Makes me wonder what sort of beasts you've been fvcking.

Your experience obviously allows you to make the best choices ever, and by extension, give the best advice ever and judge people whom you know nothing about except what you read on the internet.

I'm not sure what size stick is up your ass, but you seriously need to tone your sh1t down.

I'm not ashamed of having only boned 2 chicks in my lifetime. I'm not proud, that's for fvcking sure, but some ****head little prick who has to ask about every step they take isn't gonna tell me when I can or can't give advice.

Get over yourself. You're fvcking ugly b1tches. I can rack up a body count just as easily, but that sh1t is no challenge. I'm not here to learn how to bag ugly b1tches, and if I do fvck them, I'm not gonna brag about it or be a condescending prick to others over it.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
Drones200 said:
I have had girls that do..or at least show obvious signs of interest that leave very little doubt that you can easily get it made. Sometimes is better just to relax and let a girl come to you, theirs times Ive gotten **** buddies/girls without even trying, they have just made it easy for me.
really? girls do initiate and make the first move?


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah if the girl has high interest in you she would make it blatantly obvious to you she likes you and leave openings for you to ask her out. If you still don't initiate depending on how high her interest level is she will eventually break and ask you out, but thats if another guy doesn't come and bag her.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
1337 said:
Yeah if the girl has high interest in you she would make it blatantly obvious to you she likes you and leave openings for you to ask her out. If you still don't initiate depending on how high her interest level is she will eventually break and ask you out, but thats if another guy doesn't come and bag her.
There really are girls who do ask guys out?


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2007
Reaction score
I've never really had a girl "ask me out" but they have admitted there attraction straight out. Which pretty much leaves it open for you to make them yours. Though girls like this I find to be a turn off, there is no chase no thrill.

However my ex gf of 2 years pretty much made the first move, this was in college. We began to talk in a boat party our club was having and she wanted to make a bet in who would take the Tennessee caucus, Hillary or Obama. She said whoever won*me or her* had to take the other person out on a date. I chose Obama, she chose Hillary, it was pretty clear after that remark that I was in. This was only after a 10 minute conversation.

Btw if anyone remembers, Hillary won that caucus.

So yes sometimes is better just to relax and let the girls come to you.
But not all girls are the same and if you don't show initiative in approaching her and initiating a conversation then you will never get anywhere. I approached her and engaged in conversation, if I wouldn't then that would have never happened.


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2010
Reaction score
Drones200 said:
So yes sometimes is better just to relax and let the girls come to you.
Letting the girls come to you is great when it works, but you often have to already be a quality guy with a good (note: not nice, but good) reputation in order for that to happen. Girls did not start approaching me until after I got in ridiculous shape from MMA and marathon training (it took me 2 years to get to that point). I know some guys prefer the chase, but I prefer the looks. It's much better to have the 9.5 model ask you out than to have to work hard to win over the 7.5 girl next door. But that means you have to make yourself a 9.5+ in her eyes first.

If you're 18 and inexperienced, that's probably not going to happen (don't worry; it just takes time and effort). Whoever your first is, make sure it's with someone you're really attracted to. You don't want your first time to be with someone you don't think is hot; that would just make you associate the act with settling for whatever is available. And Don Juans do not settle.

Instead, find a girl that's worth your attention and effort. Use the techniques outlined here. When the time is right, you'll know. Trust me, it's better to wait for quality than rush for sh*t. My friend's first time was with a 4. My first time wasn't until three years after him, but it was with a 9. Although he beat me to the punch, he's routinely been with 4s, 5s, and 6s, because that's what he's use to settling for. I've never dipped below a 7, meanwhile, and am typically with 8s, 9s and the rare 10.

What you strive for is what you'll get.