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Losing a fight in front of girl


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2021
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Im with @stringpuller on this. She will leave him.
Ya know he might have been better off grabbing a weapon and wooping his azz. Not kill him but rough em up. Take the self defense route. Much better look to her
Yeah, guy must feel a bit of shame about it. not only getting beaten, but running away. Could be one of those incidious things that builds and builds, probably manifesting in different ways. Her starting to disrespect, nag perhaps.

Very difficult one to recover from depending on their background, what else he offers her.
My guess it was probably her ex boyfriend or a dude he has had issues with for a long time
yeah I can’t see her staying with him. Like others have said he ran away and the guy didn’t even bother chasing him but he kept running. I don’t know who it was never seen them before.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 31, 2021
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there is always gonna be those cats who instigate fights when you're with a woman , knowing how to fight is non-negotiable if you wanna date and even more important if a you want to raise a family .
i tried having gf's without knowing how to fight , it wont last long


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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A women will probably lose respect if you lose a fight yeah, but I think there is even more respect to be gained if you have the ability to disengage a hostile situation with only your words. Most women don't actually want to see their men get in a physical confrontation because it's often times embarrassing for them, even if you win. Also, if men are constantly trying you, then that might say something about your character or how you appear to other men.. which is probably weak. If men are constantly looking at you thinking they can disrespect you without any consequences then most likely women are thinking the same thing.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
One good thing about being 64 (though I appear to be in my early 40s) is that I can more easily justify letting my “force multiplier” that I always carry take care of my self-defense needs.
There’s obviously more to this particular story than meets the eye, but in case of a random attack, first it’s a liberal dousing of hot sauce in the face. If this blessing of the deserving doesn’t work, then I go to work with lethal.
I can’t fight anymore with my bad back, so I really do need that means of protection. My wife loves the fact that I carry. A lot of women don’t.
I sometimes look back with fondness at my fights in younger years. Back then, most fights were fair with only fists flying and they often yielded respect. Nowadays you never know what the other guy has on him.
Carrying a legal weapon as a trained, moral and clear-thinking man can be a huge turn-on for women especially as a man gets older. It brings her sense of security to a whole new level. In reality, though, it only gives you a fighting chance in some situations, but not all.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
Well.... a man letting a situation to escalate to the point where this sort of thing happens will scare off a chick whether the BF wins or loses. A chick is not going to feel safe with a dude that gets into fights.

Not enough information in this story to figure out what was happening. Clearly something was going on before the fight actually happened. Likely could have been diffused before this happened. Probably some stupid @ss insults back and forth and no emotional self control.

But seriously, if you are going to get into a fight then you better stand your ground until you are knocked unconscious. You can lose a fight, but don't run away.... leaving your woman to deal with the winner.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2021
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do women lose respect for their boyfriends if they lose a fight and chicken out(run away)?
Yes they do. It's something that happens organically, instinctively and totally out of their control & consciousness.

The lesson should be drawn here is don't start a fight with an opponent you can't win agaisnt.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2019
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Bizarre one, obviously more to it. Luckily if you live in a half decent area and once get into 30's plus and conduct yourself in a reasonable manner, tge odds of something like this happening are almost non existent.

All this macho stuff about guns and being some kind of warrior/combat ready to protect loved ones from an attack are amusing, but not surprising.
Agreed. I'm 34 and have never been in a fight in my life.
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Sep 10, 2014
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Agreed. I'm 34 and have never been in a fight in my life.
Same. These days even getting in a relatively tame altercation with someone or asking someone to do something simple like move out of the way in a store or turning their music down could lead you to getting killed...people are crazy these days and will end your life for little or no reason without any second thought. I don't know if it's the stress from COVID, the way the world has been trending, etc but it's getting progressively worse and it was bad to begin with.

People looking for fights these days or getting into heated altercations with other people are playing Russian Roulette with their lives.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2020
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Most women in these situations just shriek hysterically, doing what you descibed is really the best solution.

I'd rather lose a girl for good than willingly get involved in a fight to "Defend her honor", what a bunch of nonsense. You never know where that is going to go. You could get jumped by his friends like you described, or shot/stabbed. I would opt to just grab her and walk away. Men are so unbelievably dumb about confrontations because their ego gets too involved.

The only situation where you should fight another man is if you have no other choice and your life is genuinely in danger, or if someone close to you is also in danger. **** the whole "protect her honor" nonsense. Why should anyone care what some random moron says?
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Don Juan
Feb 14, 2022
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Tampa, FL, USA
I talked about this before I changed my user name

Smart words: if you wanna be a man, a man is a warrior and you have to be ready to defend your ego, your girlfriend, your friends, yourself, and specially your principles. A man is a not chode who can be bulled. Go to the gym and learn self defense. Make it a hobby. It rises your self seems and self confidence more than any "PUA knowledge". It make you a calm and collected man
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Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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I was walking through the street the other day when a couple were walking down the street they both must be around 20 and then some guy runs up to the guy and starts punching him in the head the guy tries to fight back but it’s clear that the guy who ran up to them is beating the crap out of the other guy( who’s girlfriend is standing right there watching her boyfriend get beat up). It ended because the guy with a girlfriend ends up running away and leaving his girlfriend there on her own on the street.

I’m just want some opinions because I would absolutely hate what I saw happen to me. I mean the guy tried fighting back but then the other guy was too strong and just kept punching him in the head till eventually the guy with the girl sprints away to get away leaving his girl there on her own.

My question because is do women lose respect for their boyfriends if they lose a fight and chicken out(run away)?
At this stage of my life, I avoid it to the best of my ability BUT there's 0 hesitation should the circumstances arise.

This is not a prize fight. If Jon Jones attacks you its Game over. That's why strapping u0 (legally) is ideal. At this stage of my life I'm too old for street fights. Should it occur I won't hesitate. A barstool or wwf chair shot is a great equalizer.

Daz mate, this is not a movie nor wwf. It could be life and death. In all my years of pickup, I had close calls but no fights. I fought in high school and college but never over a girl. Should a situation occur, I will immobilize a threat by any means necessary. Preferably avoid a all costs. Life's too short.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Most women in these situations just shriek hysterically, doing what you descibed is really the best solution.

I'd rather lose a girl for good than willingly get involved in a fight to "Defend her honor", what a bunch of nonsense. You never know where that is going to go. You could get jumped by his friends like you described, or shot/stabbed. I would opt to just grab her and walk away. Men are so unbelievably dumb about confrontations because their ego gets too involved.

The only situation where you should fight another man is if you have no other choice and your life is genuinely in danger, or if someone close to you is also in danger. **** the whole "protect her honor" nonsense. Why should anyone care what some random moron says?
Defend her "honor" to get jumped by HER friends.... That's how they are doing men these days.


Don Juan
Feb 14, 2022
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Tampa, FL, USA
The advice is AVOID every fight as much as possible. Say to the agressor "Hey man I don't wanna fight with you, we can solve this like civilized people" (in normal tone of voice). If that doesn't work (and I can guarantee you for a fact that sometimes nothing work (trust me, the person who says here that you can avoid every difficult situation is lying to you and doesn't know nothing about life). Just see the case of Ukraine, it is human being, human beings are territorial and agressive. We are in the 21st century, very civilized and we are still in war. We are animal. And Here is the good part: Girls CAN sense and smell when you can fight and defend her. She knows when you feel grounded and self confident. What your self confidence will be if you find yourself almost in a fight with a stronger man? What self confidence you will display? You will feel weak, submissive, beta and a shame of man.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2021
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Woman chiming in, ^^ yes! Absolute deal breaker leaving me there, I'm actually appalled he did that.

That said, what about her? What was SHE doing all this time, watching her boyfriend get the crap beat out of him?

Stand there and watch?

This did actually happen to me several years ago with an ex outside a club.

Random guy made extremely crude sexual comment to me/about me and my ex angrily confronted him and proceeded to get the shyt beat out of him by guy and his friends.

My ex is 6'2", big guy, strong and has defended himself in a few bar brawls, but here it was like 4 against 1.

So I immediately called 911 and also went inside bar to get help..

IF my ex had run away leaving me there, that would have been it, done, finished.

Nothing could ever be the same after that, my perception of him forever destroyed, ruined.

I would see him as a coward who also didn't give a crap about me, hell the guy might have turned on me and I could have been hurt/sexually assaulted.

I cannot believe her boyfriend did that, is this a true story?

This is a true story, I was walking through the street. I don’t know anyone involved either.
At this stage of my life, I avoid it to the best of my ability BUT there's 0 hesitation should the circumstances arise.

This is not a prize fight. If Jon Jones attacks you its Game over. That's why strapping u0 (legally) is ideal. At this stage of my life I'm too old for street fights. Should it occur I won't hesitate. A barstool or wwf chair shot is a great equalizer.

Daz mate, this is not a movie nor wwf. It could be life and death. In all my years of pickup, I had close calls but no fights. I fought in high school and college but never over a girl. Should a situation occur, I will immobilize a threat by any means necessary. Preferably avoid a all costs. Life's too short.
I 100% agree with you. I don’t go looking for fights and I’ll do my best to avoid one. What I’m saying is there was this guy and he ran away mid fight because he was getting beating so bad. I felt for the guy getting beat up. When he ran away and left his girl there I felt really bad for him.