Are you kidding me?
I don't want to be harsh but you've been here for so long and you honestly been in a relationship for 1 month and still haven't had sex. It amazes me how guys go into a relationship and haven't even fuked the chick yet...now he is stuck waiting for sex.
The reason I'm saying this is because seriously look at what your learning. I realize a lot of guys don't realize this but sex should be happening within hours. It shouldn't take more than day3 to lay a chick. (meaning you meet 1 day, go on a day2 BUT you have to work so you decide not to have sex, go on day3)
The reason I'm saying this is because if you want an actual GOOD relationship or BETTER Relationship, you'd have to have sex with the girl as soon as possible so you can get the whole sex thing out of the way.
What your in right now is a dating frame of bf/gf. This is where the chick is screening you logically and so she is going to hold out on sex. It doesn't matter if you are dealing with a virgin or a porn star you have to lead the interaction to sex and you can't be going into relationships when you haven't even had sex with her.
When was the first time you kissed her? Because 1 month and you're now touching her boobs. Man the fuk up and lead the interaction. Escalate it. You wanna know how to escalate...
Isolate her or be in a discreet area, make out, stop, make out, stop, take her hand and put it on your dik, make out, start taking off cloth...
I won't say anything about what to do before isolating because if I do it will cause you to be even more analytical so I'll just leave you with escalating.
For future reference you never want to be the guy who is waiting months and months for sex, because he is in the bf/gf frame and she's holding out on sex. It should be her waiting your validation so much that she wants to have sex in order to be validated by you and gain your acceptance. In the situation your in its as if YOU want sex more than her.
Man up...first time you ever meet a new chick you should be leading and escalating FROM the START, none of that AFC traditional BS. These chicks should be fiending to have sex with you because you make them feel so good and give them good emotions, so they want to have sex with you. If a guy was to approach your girl and pump her emotions up and do everything I just stated, he'd be able to fuk her. Why? Because she isn't logically screening him, her buying temperature is going up and so her logic is going down, as a result she wants to have sex. She is going to want the guy in that particular moment and assuming he could work out all the little logistics problems he could fuk her, meanwhile your still waiting.
I'm only giving that example to get you to wake up, your still in AFC land as far as I'm concerned. Now I'm not saying having her as a gf or you only having one girl is the problem, the problem is rushing in a relationship and you haven't even had sex with her. A guy who women are naturally attracted too, doesn't need to rush into a relationship because he has options or knows he can get other options.
This is what separates AFCs from attractive men. AFCs have no game and don't know how to convey there personality properly as a result looks and money becomes the biggest factor because they have no game and end up waiting for sex. Meanwhile the attractive men that women are highly attracted too have girls always interested and always reacting to the guy, everything he does is more funnier and more of an emotional boost, if she wasn't going to be judged by the AFCs around her should fuk this man right then and there.
After that first sexual encounter with that girl...sex is fully out of the way and NOW you could be thinking about whether or not you want a relationship. Sex is now just something you do, not some grand plaza, feature fight, billions of subscribers anticipating and waiting for it to go down. So the relationship is better and more comfortable because you've already had sex there are no hangups or any uptight behaviors and from there it gets better and better as the relationship grows.