Loose vs tight fitting clothing which one suits me better?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Sup......sup.......hey wassup lol

You're slim enough to pull off fitted clothing. I'd go with that. Also it doesn't hurt to get your weight up at the gym. Id recommend it for someone as slim as you. I used to be your size and trust me when I say that filling out your frame will get more ladies.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
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I am guessing i am in the neighborhood of 13-15 percent bodyfat.

Which muscle groups can use improvement if my case?


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
Skin tight is a turn off, fitted while in shape is a good look.

Always air on the side of slightly looser than too tight.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
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Lozboss said:
Skin tight is a turn off, fitted while in shape is a good look.

Always air on the side of slightly looser than too tight.
So that black underarmour shirt in the second video looks too tight?


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
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Ruler said:
Do biceps, quads, triceps, lats, pecs, calves, abs, and deltoids.

Those are the main ones that women like. Oh and shoulders, get the broad with a V taper.

Tight-ish fitting clothing, as long as you're somewhat in shape, is always the way to go.
I don't think i have the body type to get big with this ectomorph bodytype

I have been lifting for a year and can finally bench 200,Dumbell fly with 40-45 on each side and curl about 40-45 lb dumbbells on each arm.Lateral and front raises with 20 lb dumbbells on each side and im still lean.Seated shoulder press with 55 pound dumbell on each side.I drink 2-3 protein shakes a day and been lifitng for a year


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Ruler said:
Do biceps, quads, triceps, lats, pecs, calves, abs, and deltoids.

Those are the main ones that women like.
But of course no one lifts for women, they do it for themselves :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
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they are both sports / training tops they are specifically designed to fit differently than normal clothes

both look wrong to me anyway , the loose makes you look like a sack of spuds and the tight makes you look like you are strugglin to breath

i would recommed researching some premium brands and how they fit .....find something that makes you look good it should be somewhere in the middle off loose and tight

people always bang on "if your in shape find the tighest top you can"

this is B.S a tight top will taper you into much and can end up making you look ridiculous like the rock does in the fast & furious movies

your clothing says a lot about you and overly tight clothing screams you are either extremely vain or extremely concerned about showing off :nono:


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
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I am tired of dressing like a metrosexual and feel more like a man wearing looser clothing.This society is designed to feminize us turn us into girly guys.

I went out to the bar last night wear the same exact clothes loose fitting addidas shirt with military colored swim shorts and got some smiles.


When i was in high school i wore a lot of hip hop baggy clothes although i don't want to go to that extreme i think there is something to be said about not dressing like a fag in this day and age.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Lostsoul85 said:
I am guessing i am in the neighborhood of 13-15 percent bodyfat.

Which muscle groups can use improvement if my case?
You have a decent physique already. You seem slim and toned with decent musculature already when compared to many Americans. Dont hide it with big clothing. But dont wear super tight stuff like that under armor shirt. Where something fitted but not tight.

Workout every body part always. ESPECIALLY LEGS.

Dont walk around with an unbalanced Johnny Bravo body. Girls love a guy with fit soccer legs btw. I play soccer and go heavy leg days. Trust me, girls love nice quads on a guy...and I show those off at the beach in the summer.

No board shorts for me. Mid thigh trunks all the way lol.
Lostsoul85 said:
I am tired of dressing like a metrosexual and feel more like a man wearing looser clothing.This society is designed to feminize us turn us into girly guys.

I went out to the bar last night wear the same exact clothes loose fitting addidas shirt with military colored swim shorts and got some smiles.


When i was in high school i wore a lot of hip hop baggy clothes although i don't want to go to that extreme i think there is something to be said about not dressing like a fag in this day and age.
You really need to open your mind a little regarding how clothing fits. Masculine men have been wearing varying fits of clothing for generations. From tight to lose to fitted to relaxed.

You dont need to dress metro, but you shouldnt dress sloppy or super loose. Whats faggy or gay about a nice fitted outfit? Check this pic out...


Fit is everything. The pic on the left is way too lose. The pic on the right is slim fitted without being tight. And that kid is Taylor Lautner. Hes known for being in good shape.


Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
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I'm 6'1 and worked out in the gym from September 2014 and I'm still working out.

I weighted 190 In September and I now weigh 215 and the difference in attention I get from females is astronomical.
I make sure I'm wearing clothes that aren't tight but def show some muscle definition.

Hitting the gym and the results ive seen has given me confidence to say bold **** and pull many girls I couldn't have. I need to work on my legs but that's what pants are for. Then I'll move my game to the beach lol


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
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Ruler said:
@LostSoul - I have the same body type. Currently 6'0" 135lbs. Considered a "hard gainer" but in one month I have gained 5 pounds of muscle.
I think most doctors who study this subject would argue that is physically impossible. You're probably under estimating how much fat you've gained. Also keep in mind comparing your weight on the scale isn't necessarily accurate. Differences in water weight from hydrating throughout the day can account for large errors. I have lost 10 pounds in an hour from riding the bike hard... and 97% of that was just water weight.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2012
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Here is me in a V-neck shirt..Does this help with the tapering of my upperbody?


Here is a video of me flexing...If i really push it i go for a a Fight Club physique and cut even more..

I try not to eat more calories than maintance because i don't want to put on more fat so i only lift heavy and eat at a calorie maintenance or calorie deficit

Goodlooking loser says if you are bald you need to compensate for it by being huge

It seems like the ideal is some kind of Vin diesel or the rock huge

I don't think i could live up to that

I mean at 5 8 162 isn't that enough weight ?

old married dude

Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2009
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St. Louis, MO
Lostsoul85 said:
Here is me in a V-neck shirt..Does this help with the tapering of my upperbody?


Here is a video of me flexing...If i really push it i go for a a Fight Club physique and cut even more..

I try not to eat more calories than maintance because i don't want to put on more fat so i only lift heavy and eat at a calorie maintenance or calorie deficit

Goodlooking loser says if you are bald you need to compensate for it by being huge

It seems like the ideal is some kind of Vin diesel or the rock huge

I don't think i could live up to that

I mean at 5 8 162 isn't that enough weight ?
Hey man, I'm like exactly the same height & weight as you are. I think I do fine with my physique & get plenty of compliments, especially because most men in America who are around 40 are fat. Just stay fit & shoot for whatever physique you feel most comfortable with, I'm comfortable with my build which is similar to a swimmer or MLB player. Years ago I used to weigh 180-185 and looked somewhat like an NFL running back, but this more slender build looks better on me & I felt a bit too bulky really.