Well it's right as you say.
But I can understand the first part where you do it to gain social value, your job position, etc, but, when you are alone, talking with your wife, or alone talking with your friends, that mask goes off. I am more interested in the swap, in this change, and when it occurs, how do you manage, etc.
And after someone, like your wife knows who you are without that mask, she also know when you put that back.
If you wear the mask in your face forever, this mean you're informal when you have deep convestation or you do sex with your wife?
A man acting with a mask, will lose it's identiy, because He will be in mask mode, and so habit become routine.
My grandfather didn't had a mask.
My uncle does but it's just for the superficial level, then He gradually lose it.
My brother in law, doesn't have a mask.
Someone I know, have a mask, good manipulator, and I don't know about if He removes it in intimacy.
Please let us understand.
It will be good if you have sources or real life examples