Looks v Game


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
sorry to start another looks v personality debate, but it is a subject that interests me. Lots of studies show people who are around equal in looks tend to pair off. and there is no denying that if you are a hot guy it makes it a helluva lot easier to get women. people like doc love talk of a physical attraction test that you have to pass for a woman to be interested in you from which it is up to you to increase her interest level via game. does everyone believe this? mebbe it is like you don't have to be a model but she has to find summat about you cute? I dunno-just guessing

As an example:
Take a guy who is reasonably tall (say 5 foot 10), in good shape, cute but never going to be mistaken for a model or turn any heads. Call him a 6 or possibly a 7. I would reckon a lot of the guys in this site fall into that category. Assuming he has grasped the concepts on this site, has confidence and is reasonable at conversing with women and able to kino, use ****y and funny etc. What is the sort of range of women he can get? I would guess a good number of 6s and 7s and the occassional 8 so sort of 2 points above himself in the scale. What does everyone reckon?

Take the same guy and make very confident, good at conversing with women, charming and with his life completely together. So a sort of master DJ. What sort of range of women could he get? I would guess most 6s and 7s and a fair number of 8s and the occassional 9 or 10. What does everyone else reckon?

Also, take a good looking guy an 8 or 9. Not model good looking, but definitely turns heads and gets checked out a lot. Say he is a complete AFC: worships girls, is a pushover, and is shy around women. What sort of range of women would he get?

Just curious what everyone reckons as to the relative merits of game and looks?

My personal opinion is that looks matter and the girl has to find you at least pleasant looking, but after that if your game is strong enough than you can move a good few notches up the scale by showing confidence and a good personality. I also believe that girls vary in what they find attractive, so if you are not the best looking guy while you will be able to get less hotties, the occassional hottie will like the look of you and that is when you can work your game and pull her.

What does everyone else think?


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
i find myself above average maybe a 7.5 or an 8

i have no problems pulling HB8's or 9's it just takes a lot of time for me to get them because i'm such a picky person.. mostly in personality.

I won't F-close just any girl, and if the HB is a bytch then i'll NEXT her right then and there. So that's why it takes me forever and a half to get a good girl..

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
There's a differnece betwwen attitude,personality and GAME.

Game is fake..you can be a boring a$$ motherfvcker but if you make a girl laugh,feel attractive and intersting with just your words then you've got her.

Game is what you give her..personality is you.We all know pussies,bullies and wife-beaters who have hot-women.

Why do you think that is?He's obviously a dYck so why is she with him?Cuz he gamed her.He played her.She might snap out of it,she might not who knows..

Now,here's my point you can be good-looking with a boring personality..but have game.

That's why so many players' elevate their game into money-making schemces cuz it's about selling yourself.Getting someone to do something just for the idea of pleasing you.You're basically conning them.

So game over anything really.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I'd say both are important, but looks moreso, even if you're going after 7s. Girls are just as superficial as we are, and if she is attracted to you 100% physically, you can get away with little to no game. On the other hand, if you are bad looking, no amount of game will help you, since her door will be shut on you as soon as you meet her.

I've had pretty much the same level of game for the last few years, but my looks have changed a lot. Before when game was my main asset, I had to do everything the hard way, and had to deal with a lot of flaky girls. Nowdays, girls approach me, or try to get their friends to hook me up with them, etc. I really don't have to put in much work, and their interest level is very high off the bat, so I don't have to waste time trying to bring it up. And they never flake.

I'd say, if you have an average looking face, you are pretty much set bro. Get a gym membership and start developing a body that will make any girls dreams come true. You'll be surprised how little game you need then.

edit - but, balls are more important then all. If you don't have balls, you will never get anywhere.


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Tha, sounds really good. So as long as she finds you pleasant to look at, and you are able to make her laugh, make her feel good and charm her, you are in with a good chance.

going a bit offtrack here-but had a question.

I gamed a really hot girl pretty well: was charming, made her laugh a lot, and she seemed to be really enjoying herself and into me. This girl was an easy 9 while I am around a 6. All was going well-we had two dates and she seemed into me.

Then she flaked one day saying she had too much work and couldn't make our date. I thought she was playing games and wasn't interested, so i got pissed off and sent a message saying basically i wasn't impressed and surely she could spare half an hour (we were only meeting up for coffee). She got pissed off and said i was being too pushy. I sent a message back saying i was enjoying our first argument, hope she wouldn't stay mad for long and i would see her next week. She didn't reply. I left a message apologising for being rude and saying we could start over and take things slow. She didn't reply. We are both on holidays now for a few weeks.

I have been working on my game and learnt my lessons. If I bump into her again next term, and work my game, what are the chances she will let my wussiness slide and give me another chance? Or once they have seen your true colours do they never forgive you?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Your game won't matter if she doesn't find you somewhat attractive.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Fatality
Your game won't matter if she doesn't find you somewhat attractive.
no doubt about that


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2004
Reaction score
Id say im about a 5... if your this low on the scale like me you can still get a 9 or 10 but it requires a ton more work than some super-model guy.

I can admit it, if me and some Brad Pitt went up to a girl... right there on the spot she'd pick him.
You need to work very hard to stand out so the initial attraction thing is no longer even an issue.

Money, fame, attitude all work.
Wasn't Howard Stern dating some model? He's very famous, rich and the guy had an in your face I don't give a sh*t attitude. A hot guy wouldn't need all that, but it works wonders to cancel out the ugliness.

What im trying to do right now is get as big and buff as possible. I often see ugly guys trying to get a Justin Timberlake body... it won't do jack if you don't have a face like his. I'm a rather rough looking guy, I want to get as big and powerful looking as possible... it will fit my looks much better and the power & intimidation factor (against other guys) is always a plus in my book.

I think it just takes a different approach. For a long time I tried to go for the typical Abercrombie look... it just doesn't work, I look like ive been in so many brawls & fights.
Ive realized that a model
an ugly rapper with lots of cash (jay-z got beyonce...)
or an average/ugly but really powerful looking guy
... all with the right moves, can each get some very hot women, they've all got something. So game over looks


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by KillingTime
Id say im about a 5... if your this low on the scale like me you can still get a 9 or 10 but it requires a ton more work than some super-model guy.

I can admit it, if me and some Brad Pitt went up to a girl... right there on the spot she'd pick him.
You need to work very hard to stand out so the initial attraction thing is no longer even an issue.

Money, fame, attitude all work.
Wasn't Howard Stern dating some model? He's very famous, rich and the guy had an in your face I don't give a sh*t attitude. A hot guy wouldn't need all that, but it works wonders to cancel out the ugliness.

What im trying to do right now is get as big and buff as possible. I often see ugly guys trying to get a Justin Timberlake body... it won't do jack if you don't have a face like his. I'm a rather rough looking guy, I want to get as big and powerful looking as possible... it will fit my looks much better and the power & intimidation factor (against other guys) is always a plus in my book.

I think it just takes a different approach. For a long time I tried to go for the typical Abercrombie look... it just doesn't work, I look like ive been in so many brawls & fights.
Ive realized that a model
an ugly rapper with lots of cash (jay-z got beyonce...)
or an average/ugly but really powerful looking guy
... all with the right moves, can each get some very hot women, they've all got something. So game over looks
In their case it's not game over looks, it is money over everything.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Looks looks looks looks looks.

End of thread.

I have seen this thread come up numerous times and it never changes.

Trust me, I was once the ugly duckling, but as I developed and really worked on myself, I became the "swan". I am now approached by beautiful girls pretty much every single night I go out. And you dont need game to keep them either, if you are very good looking, they just automatically assign alpha male status and game to you. As most people will respect you, simply because you are good looking.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
Reaction score
CLOONEY is right. Sad but true. But it doesn't apply to ALL girls. I know HB's that would go out with average or below average looking guys if they were considered "Cool". But 90% of HB's are stupid and go for guys based on looks, status etc. It also works this way with the ugos. I know girls that aren't that good looking to begin with and chase after the "popular hot guys". It's ridiculous. They act like the world owes it to them. :rolleyes:. For the most part though the average or below average looking women know that they have to lower their standards. I say just try looking like a decent human being and not give a fvck about what society thinks of you. Fvck those HB8's 9's and 10's too if they're those types to go for those high status guys. And fvck that Alpha Male sh!t too. Those guys aren't "Alpha".


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2004
Reaction score
i think that in high school everything is about how u bring urself... i mean, if u are always surrounded by girls or u have a hot girlfriend... even if ur ugly, everything is much simpler... ive seen lots of ugly guys who were popular with girls... and they also have hideous bodies... and they were stupid as hell... anyway, having a gorgeous body helps a lot, i'm sure!


Don Juan
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
hi clooney. how did you bloom into a swan?

What is interesting about these threads is that good looking guys say it is all looks, and guys who aren't model good looking say it is about game.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2004
Reaction score
Game helps a lot. I have a model's looks. And before I got game, it didn't do **** for me. Because I was a serious ****ing AFC. The first girl I dated a year ago dumped me after a week, and she was a 5. I'm a 9.

BUT, I will say someone with great looks and average game will do a ton better than someone with average looks and great game. Sorry. :(


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah most of the time looks over rules game. But that's partly cos society has told us to worship beauty. Just look at the TV, most shows all contain beuatiful people, who wants to see the average shmo?

But game should never be neglected.
If your a 10 and no game, sure you get the girls but having game brings more fun to the picture i recon. But that's me.

I'm say about a 7.5 but I'm 5'7 so that probably puts me down a bit lol.
Anyways it also depends where you pick up. At clubs it seems to me first impressions do count more so. But in more public places i get alot more success simply because standards are generally higher in the clubs.

That's my two cents.

Peace out



Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jay-X
i think that in high school everything is about how u bring urself... i mean, if u are always surrounded by girls or u have a hot girlfriend... even if ur ugly, everything is much simpler... ive seen lots of ugly guys who were popular with girls... and they also have hideous bodies... and they were stupid as hell... anyway, having a gorgeous body helps a lot, i'm sure!
For guys in high school it's all about sports. If you're good at sports or even participate in them that will bring you girls. If you don't play sports you have to hang out with the jocks. Atleast that is how it was at my high school.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by CLOONEY
Looks looks looks looks looks.

End of thread.

I have seen this thread come up numerous times and it never changes.

Trust me, I was once the ugly duckling, but as I developed and really worked on myself, I became the "swan". I am now approached by beautiful girls pretty much every single night I go out. And you dont need game to keep them either, if you are very good looking, they just automatically assign alpha male status and game to you. As most people will respect you, simply because you are good looking.

^^This is somewhat true too.But your probably not a dork either though?From the post that I've read you don't sound like an AFC.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by CLOONEY
Looks looks looks looks looks.
Trust me, I was once the ugly duckling, but as I developed and really worked on myself, I became the "swan". I am now approached by beautiful girls pretty much every single night I go out. And you dont need game to keep them either, if you are very good looking, they just automatically assign alpha male status and game to you. As most people will respect you, simply because you are good looking.
Having had somewhat the same transformation I can attest that looks make a world of difference.

funnily enough I found that girls approach me even less now, but see the "too good looking" thread in the archives for that.

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
You don't need game OR looks, you just need to be able to make a woman feel attraction. Game is words, and looks are looks. I know a guy who is extremely good looking but can't get a girlfriend to save his life. I know another guy who is an extremely smooth talker but he can't get a girl to save his life, either.

The only way that looks are going to help you without knowing how to ACT around women is if you are EXTREMELY good looking -I'm talking about MODEL handsome.