wayword said:
All you did was divide 1-10 in quarters.
Anyhow, we all know looks DO matter.
BUT, the real question now is HOW MUCH?
Like, what % of appearance is comprised of physical looks...as opposed to style? 60%? 50%?
Then, what % of attractiveness is comprised of appearance...vs personality, power, etc? 50%?
Let's assume 50% each as an example. That would mean that physical looks comprise 25% of your overall attractiveness.
I'm not sure what the exact breakdown and numbers are, but I think this is a more useful question than "do looks matter?"
And if looks are only around 25%...that means 75% of your attractiveness is basically improvable. Which explains how an ugly guy like Jordan Bratman can still bag a hottie like Xtina. Obviously, he's compensating for his lack of looks in the other 75% of departments.
I say you cant ask such a question about looks VS personality.
They both matter, you need both to be successful with hot women.
Thats like asking "what matters more for an organism's survival? food or water?". and then trying to put them into percentages.
An organism will survive only if it gets both, end of story. You cant try to say water is 75% of its survival, as if it can compensate for lack of food if it gets a good enough water. it doesnt work like that. If it doesnt get both, it eventually dies.
Same with getting hot women, you only succeed if you have both looks and personality, end of story. No need to try to make percentages out of them. They both matter, and neither are negligable with hot women (statistically speaking).
You cant really put them into percentages, and make the percentage predictions work.